Profile For Doc Brady

Doc Brady's Info

  • Location:
    Fairfield, CA

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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  • Joined Us:
    7 years, 10 months ago

Doc Brady's Bio

Former Army Medic, ambulance jockey and car salesman. 26, father of 2 with a crazy little Viking lady for a wife, and a best friend whos life goals are to poke volcanos with a stick! Never driven a semi before, but got accepted into Prime's PSD leave date 0429/17. Dog lover(Not that dog!) and slayer of virtual dragons.

Life Goals: See a MACK Titan in person, pet dogs in all lower 48 states, more to come

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Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Prime Inc SLC Doc Brady

Update: kind of a short update because my hotel roomDoes not have internet so I'm having to do this on my phone. orientation went well however it seems like Prime is graduated a massive 93 person classs in sprimo about five of us are waiting on trainers right now in slc. Training's been going well still a little shaky on shifting but my backing is getting better can't wait to get out on the road. Im beginning to hate that damn simulator and its lac of depth perception. Pad truck is fun though! However...theres fe cones that wont be making it back to their little cone families :/

Ill post a day by day obe of these days as well.

Stay safe drin water, change ur socks And as always keep the shiny side up n the sticky side down. DOC

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Prime Inc SLC Doc Brady

Thanks all!!

So, day 0.5 short update. Took the dog across the sierras and high desert of Nevada. 17hrs. I will say, I learned how powerful being nice, but persuasive can be. My ticket grew legs between sacramento and reno. As some may know, this means you have to pay to have it re-printed. But lucky me, I must have some stat points in Charisma(For all my rpg nerds out there) because they re-printed for free! just let it be known, never take a "soft no" if you can avoid it. And to top it all off, from reno to SLC had the back row of the bus to myself! Three seats of cramped, sleepy bliss! Felt like I won the lottery =D

I don't start orientation until tomorrow so I think today will be sleep, perhaps a little running/gym, and a lot of wanting to just get going already!

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Prime Inc SLC Doc Brady

The time has finally come. Wife dropped me off and in 2 hrs my butt will be on the dog. Ill try to keep everyone in the loop as best I can. Its weird even after deployment and a couple other times ive had to spend months away...the goodbye still sucks.

But behind that heavy just said goodbye feeling, Im excited to start my new career and get some miles turned!

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Intervening on accident scenes

One thing you may not have considered is that certified/licensed medics are not necessarily protected by the Good Samaritan law. That law was intended to protect your average Joe/Jill who stopped to help. You may be sued even if you do everything correctly. Not trying to dampen your enthusiasm, I highly respect all first responders.

This is true, you still have protection but only up to your scope of practice iirc. It's been a while since I studied the legalities of it. Also, you technically are required to respond within your scope by law, though most states only interpret that to mean while on duty.

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Intervening on accident scenes

Thanks Errol! Yeah, I kinda figured they wouldn't get too bent about it, but then again, better to know than assume.

And I definitely agree with what you said for when FF/EMS show up. Most of the time they are happy that someone started doing something, but they have their own system and protocols. As far as extractions, the medical community is still sitting on the fence on that one. I just went through my second EMT refresher in DEC, and they changed the regs on spine-boarding....again. I will say that the only time someone without an ambu should move someone is if they have to decide life over limb(s) i.e car fire.

And as a former medical provider, we did prefer for people to intervene, so as not to discourage anyone on the forum from helping. I never did the 911 thing (Too many EMT's in CA.) but worked many a roadside wreck, and as long as you show you know what you're doing, the EMS peeps will be very happy to see you.

For drivers who want to stop and assist, the EMS will love you if you have good info, that way they can get right into the swing of treating without having to immediately get a history. some equipment I'd recommend to all drivers: A tourniquet kit, some bandages, a blanket and saran wrap.

All of that is really cheap, and will address the biggest issues that will kill people.

Lol, sorry for going off on a tangent, I love what I used to do, sadly, I cant support a family on an ambulance jock's salary otherwise I'd be on a bus. But on the bright side, trucking looks awesome, and pays!

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Intervening on accident scenes

Kind of a random question, and hopefully it doesn't go the way of that awful 2A topic but...How do truckers/companies feel about drivers acting as first responders to a witnessed(Read: you weren't involved) accident? I am a former medic, and still have the gear and EMT cert, so when I am driving my POV, I tend to stop for injury accidents if I'm the first person on scene(No Fire/EMS there yet). Is this something that is discouraged by major companies? Could I get in trouble if I were to stop for a bad wreck to help out if it didn't affect my delivery?

I think I read somewhere that a JPT driver got the goodyear award for pulling someone out of a creek, so it sounds like there are truckers who do this, but I could certainly understand a company with a big name like Swift or Werner being nervous about having their drivers, who are representing them, doing things outside of their lane in this lawsuit happy nation.


Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Flatbedding on hard mode(Oversize, special loads)


Since I haven't seen much info on it here, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Oversize/Wide Load, or any other special loads. I'm just curious as to how they work, and what companies tend to do them. Obviously not something I'm looking into for right now, since my primary focus is surviving the dog ride, but the idea of pulling these things around the country has always fascinated me. Was in Kansas for 4 years and on the I-70 stretch there would always be these trucks pulling massive turbine blades and other stuff that kinda makes you go....damn!

Do you need any special endorsements or credentials?

What is the typical experience needed for this type of haul?

What companies tend to offer these hauls?

Do you get paid differently for hauling oversized/wide?

Do these rigs still fit in a truck stop?

Anyone got any cool stories/pics pertaining to the topic?

Anyone else forget how long you've been driving in KS since after KC it all looks the same?

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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CA CLP Hazmat Question

Ok! Yeah, if Prime has a system set up for it, I'm perfectly fine with just going with the flow. Especially since during training, like you said, wont be putting any of the endorsements to use anyhow, cept maybe to study further. Still honestly trying to get used to how the process works with getting hired....It's definitely different from any other job I've ever gotten. Unfortunately the move is kinda what spurred the career change, but we've done big moves worse than this before. Lol my poor wife had to move while I was downrange, if she can handle that, she can handle anything!

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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CA CLP Hazmat Question

Ok! Thanks for the info. I thought the TWIC was mainly for intermodal carriers, but if I'm getting it at prime I wont complain! How would the HM work if I transferred CDL? My family is planning on moving to TX or KS in the time before I'm likely to take home time (CA too damn expensive.) Would I have to go back to CA to finalize or can I just do it when I transfer CDL to whichever state my family winds up moving?

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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CA CLP Hazmat Question

Hi all, getting ready to begin the great journey to Prime SLC, and just finished my CLP. As advised, I went for all endorsements, however I ws a bit concerned about Hazmat. I passed the test, but will not be able to do the HS background before shipping out due to finances being tight. Will I still be able to do the background after PSD and TNT, or will I have to re-test after I get my full CDL-A. Was hoping someone would have some idea. My CLP is from CA. Thanks!

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