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Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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If I would have read All the posts I wouldn't have replied at all.
It's make believe
He's trolling.
Everyone should stop entertaining him. I literally logged in the other day in haste to reply to someone I thought was truly in need of help.
You were trying to help? LMFAO! I think you're the troll.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Thanks for the replies. But they're a little confusing, I can't do all of em at the same time.
I guess I'm a bad person. The older woman thing started when I was in middle school, had a teacher who taught me more than English. That definitely [sorry, my spelling isn't always good) was not on me, and I don't care who thinks I started it, I didn't, I was only 14 and didn't know anything about sex till then. This is what I was talking about, people always blame the guy. She never got caught I don't think, idk if she's still doing it or what, we moved away after school that year. And yeah at the time I thought it was cool but I can see it messed me up some. And that what she did was wrong. There was another in high school two years later, friend's mom, she got caught [or we got caught). Maybe some of that was on me cuz I prolly knew better then. But I didn't chase her, it was definitely her chasing me from the start. It was a big mess. I didn't date any girls for a couple years after that.
So maybe I own this one since I'm older now. That's fine, I own it then, even if I didn't start it. No one will believe it anyways, I already know that from experience. But it doesn't have anything to do with the way I drive ffs. Like I said, I know I'm a rookie. I don't claim to anything but that. But I'm a careful driver and really watch what I'm doing all the time. The truck is huge and I don't want to hit anything so I go slow and take it easy. I learned that here. Everybody has to start at the beginning, right? Maybe I'm immature or just plain wrong about stuff when it comes to women but not when it comes to driving the truck. Two totally seperate things. I prolly gave too much information earlier and now too, but whatever. I was trying to explain the situation is all, best I could. Sorry if you think I shouldn't share the road with all you holy people, but I need to make some money.
So anyways we talked last night, she calmed down a lot. She says she'll approve me to go solo now. She talked to her dispatcher and is trying to get us back so I can get my own truck by this weekend.
Thanks again for letting me vent here. It helped.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Well after reading all the replies I'm going to go talk to her before I call HR or anyone. I think I can calm her down. Plus I got to sleep tonight before I drive.
I appreciate you all for letting me talk about it, that helps, its been all in my head till now. I got good advice here too so ultimately its totally up to me what to do about it. But if she goes crazy again then I'll call HR. I think Steak Eater and Fatsquatch are right, better if I'm the first one to report it, but also better if I can fix it without telling the company. Like Old School said. No one believes guys in this situation. I know that from past experience which is why it took so long to even talk about it with anyone. No I wasn't accused of rape but something else happened when I was younger and most people didn't believe me.
Thanks again.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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This one took some twists & turns...
I know. I really screwed up. She kept hitting on me, not direct but I knew what was going on. I kept trying to steer the conversation away from that. I wanted to say no, but then she hopped into the front seat with no clothes one night when we were pulling into a truck stop for my 30 minute break. It had been a long time and I'm young, what can I say. Sometimes its hard to think things all the way through and you just go with the moment.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Either shut your mouth and soldier on or get the hell off that truck before she really screws you. Nobody in power can afford to ignore this woman if she cries rape, and you will be fighting a losing battle even if you ultimately win. Never combine romance, even casual hookups, and work...
Like I said to Rainy that's the problem. Either I go tell now and get off her truck or I have to figure out how to keep her calm till I graduate. I'm not sure I can calm her down, she was pretty mad this morning and hasn't talked to me all day. I'm afraid to go back to the truck honestly but I have to later tonight since we have to pick up at 0400 and it's my turn to drive. I can't sleep in the trucker lounge lol.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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My two cents would be to tell the company. You might get in some trouble, but they'll end up finding out about her eventually and it'd be much easier on your career to be out in front of it rather than having the company's inevitable investigation come back asking why you didn't say anything. Beyond that, man, I don't know. That's one heck of a position you've found yourself in. Erm... no pun intended.
Yeah I'm not too smart sometimes I admit. Like I said, not the first time for me. I must have a sign on my back or something that only older women see. I never figure it out until its too late.
Now I'm not sure whether to tell the company or just try to work it out.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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My Dad used to have this saying that I just didn't understand when I was young. Now that I'm a grown man, it makes a lot of sense, and I think you have found out why he used to say it.
He would say... "Son, never dip your pen in the company ink."
You need to apologize to this woman and blame it all on yourself. Tell her you are weak and you foolishly gave in to her advances. Let her know you didn't mean to hurt her, but you've got to move on and pursue your solo driving career.
Assure her that no one will hear about it at the company as long as she gets you back to the terminal by such and such a date. Let that be the end of it and be kind but firm. Let her know if that can't be accomplished then you are going to squeal like a pig.
Trust me, that will handle this matter. I'm pretty sure this isn't her first time of predatory like behavior. She will do what is needed to protect herself. She might act hateful, but she will get you back so you can upgrade to solo.
That is funny "never dip your pen in the company ink"!
You're right, this is what I'll do. I already told her I wasn't trying to hurt her and I like her but the age difference is getting to me. I didn't say anything about telling anyone at the company or HR or anything but I didn't think about doing that anyways. But maybe thats why she's freaking out. I'm just worried she's making up stories about me to training or dispatch.
"Predatory" prolly is a good word too. I was wondering why she wanted to train me when there's a couple women who were looking for trainers. She said she doesn't train women so maybe I know better why that is now huh.
I really hope I can get this over soon. Really I think I have enough miles now but she keeps saying I need a little more time before she can sign off. I should of kept track of the miles better. She's gonna go nuclear if I say I'll squeal like a pig though. I'll have to plan this. She might just kick me off the truck at this truck stop. I don't have that much stuff on her truck though.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Now that is the part that we were missing. Have you thought maybe that she is scared you might report her to HR?
Maybe she's afraid idk. I would not do that, it's too embarassing. More like she is just upset b/c rejection. Like I said I thought it was just a hookup for a while not a "relationship" thing. She's older so maybe it's different idk. I defiantly need to stop with older women, it's getting to be a habit, told myself to stop a while back but it keeps happening, just don't meet girls my age as much or they're not interested.
What would HR do anyways? Wouldn't we both get in trouble? I don't really want that.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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I wouldn't think you'd get in trouble for it but I don't think either one of you would want the company to know about this. That's not going to help either one of you.
Yeah thats what I'm thinking too. Maybe I should of waited to tell her but she was starting to talk about going team after I got done training, felt like I was getting locked behind bars when she said that. Maybe I'll have to play along for a little while then drop her when I get done with training. I'm such a idiot.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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How do I get out of this?
Update, got off her truck yesterday, waiting on my truck. I hope I have it Monday and get a load out of here so I can make some money. My trainer is still around this weekend too. She's looking for a new trainee I think. I'm avoiding her, staying in the hotel room except when I leave to get food. The last few days were kinda tense if you know what I mean. It feels good to get away from that and get it behind me. Going solo might be hard but at least I won't have to deal with all that drama.