Profile For Johan Broad

Johan Broad's Info

  • Location:
    Las Vegas, NV

  • Driving Status:
    In CDL School

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  • Joined Us:
    7 years, 6 months ago

Johan Broad's Bio

I am a 47 YO guy in Las Vegas.

I have worked as a Security Guard, Barista, Deli Clerk, Chef, Bookstore Clerk, Online Brokerage rep, Tax Technician, CSR, Tech Support rep, Welder/Fabricator, and Courier.

It's not as impressive as it sounds. Most of those jobs kept me Just Over Broke.

I'm getting into trucking for several reasons: Getting a skill that is actually in demand, a chance to travel the country, working without a manager breathing down my neck, and of course- Money.

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Posted:  7 years ago

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Got a 3 month physical card due to high blood pressure. It was 157 over 90. They got me on medication now, but I have a worry.

I played with one of the BP testers at Rite Aid one day when I was bored. I have found that I can raise or lower my BP by as much as 20 points by controlling my breathing.

To lower it, I breathe deeply and slowly while thinking calm, happy thoughts.

To raise it, I breathe faster and think about something that ****es me off.

Nest time you get a physical, breath slow and deep while think calm thoughts when they take your BP. It might help.

Posted:  7 years ago

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It's really happening.

I finished my CDL training last Thursday. I called Eagle Transportation last Friday.

It's confirmed:

Tomorrow, I pick up my rental car and head to Tucson for orientation on Monday morning.

I'm packed and ready. I am excited and also a bit nervous.

But heck with it! life is short. Uff Da!

Posted:  7 years ago

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Third Time's the Charm!

I began my CDL training at the end of August 2017. I was supposed to test for my CDL on January 3rd. I got through the pre-trip with nor problems. I got through the Straight-Line and Offset backing test, but screwed up the Alley Dock.

I re-tested on the 19th, again I messed up the alley dock.

Today, I made it. I finished the Range maneuvers and Road test.

The examiner said it wasn't the worst road test he'd been through, bit not the best either.

I don't care, I PASSED!smile.gif

I have to pick up my Packet for the DMV on Tuesday, then go to the DMV and get a new photo and my paper license. My hardcopy should arrive in the mail while I'm in training.

I feel good, and I am so glad I don't have to do the walk of shame again!

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Achievment Unlocked: Actually drove an 18-Wheeler!

I spent the last 2 weeks on the range learning straight line, offset, and 90 degree ( alley dock) backing. Today, my class went out to a frontage road and practiced shifting and driving.

I am Un-Learning my 4 wheeler reflexes and getting used to double clutching. I felt like I was getting it though, and I did shift up to 9th gear and got up to 45/50 mph.

I am looking forward to tomorrow!

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Training Update: Finally getting behind the wheel!

I haven't posted much here lately, but there really wasn't much to talk about.

But- after eight weeks of classroom study, I will be moving to the Range on Monday morning.

I will learn to actually Drive a truck! (I will have my learner's permit by the end of the week.)

The first day will be all about Pre-Trip Inspections, then we move on to the actual driving.

We'll be learning on Freightliner Cascadias with Eaton Fuller Ten Speed transmissions.

I expect to be grinding some gears at first, but I'll get the hang of it.

I am looking forward to it!

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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OTR Trucking is HARD WORK???

The paranoia so THICK in the office it chokes you. That kind of stress sucks the life out of you. Some days I called in sick, just because I couldn't face another day of it..14 YEARS of that! WHINE to ME about stress!!!!!!!

Things like that are the reason I quit my CSR gig with a large delivery company. That and bull**** rules about restroom usage, a stupid and irrelevant dress code, and a supervisor who thought his job was coming up with the flimsiest possible pretense to deny my annual raise.

I know it's gonna be tough, and I'm apprehensive and anxious, heck, I 'm SCARED!!

Well damn. I thought I was the only one...

Cube life ain't living y'all...

Aaanndd I just found my new T-Shirt! smile.gif

It slowly eats away at you until you're just numb and DON'T CARE. Maybe that's why my job was eliminated, because I just didn't care anymore..

Nah. Your job was eliminated because it could be contracted out to someone else for 1/3 of what they paid you. It's not that you didn't care, it was because the employer didn't care.

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?

I have worked as a Security Guard, Barista, Deli Clerk, Chef, Bookstore Clerk, Online Brokerage rep, Tax Technician, Customer Service/ Tech Support rep, Welder/Fabricator, and Courier.

It's not as impressive as it sounds. Most of those jobs kept me Just Over Broke.

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Switching from Manual to Automactics

As a rookie, I may go to slow for some of the people behind me. However, it's my butt, my job, and my life in the driver's seat. Also, I'm addicted to breathing. Have fun with it.

Thank you!

I just started CDL classes yesterday. I have been reading and watching a lot of forums and videos, and this is the exact attitude I plan to abide by when I get into my own truck!

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Need Advice please

I am in my First week of CDL school. I just learned that there is a really neat and comprehensive checklist in the Rand McNally driver's atlas.

If you are allowed to use a list, you can use that one. You could also make a checklist for yourself and refer to it. There is nothing wrong about using a list.

It's not cheating, it's being thorough.

(this is assuming that your instructor allows you to use a paper checklist)

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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New Guy making a go of it.

Hi all,

I am new to the industry, I begin classes at AIT in Las Vegas on August 28th, (Monday.) I will have my CDL by January 5th and I am planning on driving for Werner if all goes well. I am considering driving Dry van or Reefer. I am also looking into Flatbed, but I'll need to hit the gym pretty hard first. I have read enough on this forum and others to know that I don't want the Dollar General account. (lol!)

I am getting into Trucking because I have always wanted to travel the country, and this will allow me to do that as well as make enough $$$ to pay off some debts and get some savings built up.

I am really looking forward to starting class, and I'll post more as I get further along.

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