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Posted: 7 years ago
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Backup cameras on any vehicle are great. Just like a car, what if someone is walking behind your trailer while you are backing up and you can't see him?
I'm sure thousands of toddlers' lives have been saved by backup cameras on cars. It certainly can't hurt to put them on trucks.
Posted: 7 years ago
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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?
There are a lot of IT people going into trucking. That's interesting.
I've worked in corporate offices that were full of Indians over here on H1b visas, working in IT. I remember there was a 60 minutes segment about American IT workers training their replacements from overseas, then being fired right afterwards.
Posted: 7 years ago
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This is a great country. You are free to leave at anytime and go work somewhere else if you don't like what your employer is doing. Likewise, your employer is free to get rid of you if they don't like something you are doing. Complaining about things doesn't help though.
Posted: 7 years ago
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It just looks like some mildew. I'd wear shower shoes in a public shower to avoid athlete's foot. When I opened this thread, I was expecting to see something along the lines of feces being smeared everywhere.
Posted: 7 years ago
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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?
Well, I'm not a trucker yet, but I'll go ahead and respond to this thread as if I were one.
I'm currently an auditor and have been both a tax accountant and a bookkeeper.
My main reason for wanting to make the change, quite frankly, is that I'm getting very tired of office politics. I'm surrounded by childish gossipers and backstabbers, and dealing with the bad attitudes in the office for 8 hours a day has gotten old.
That said, I LOVE driving long distances BY MYSELF. I also have no family, not much of a social life, and wouldn't mind being gone all the time. A laptop and some good music would be all I need for company.
Posted: 7 years ago
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Yes, Chuck, little kids like you can drive a big truck too! If you are 50 now, I was in high school when you were born. I switched careers three years ago and doing fine.
Here are some recent pictures of two of the Grownups on the forum.
Here are some links that may answer some of your questions and suppositions (The High Road program will almost guarantee that you pass the CDL written test.):
Wow, you look pretty darned young for a guy in his 60s! In fact, you look like you're in high school now. What kinds of vitamins are you taking?
Posted: 7 years ago
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Got a 3 month physical card due to high blood pressure. It was 157 over 90. They got me on medication now, but I have a worry.
I'll have to call my dm tomorrow and see if they will still let me run on a 3 month card or if I will have to straighten it out before. Hoping it wont set me back at all. Being younger has me perplexed by this high blood pressure, but I do have a family history of hypertension. Man this has me worried and stressed..
Do you also test your BP on your own? Mine shoots up to 150-160 in the doctor's office, but stays in the 130s at home.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Yeah, there are all sorts of idiots on the roads.
I've seen several close calls with people passing on 2-lane rural highways. I don't even do it unless the person in front of me is driving incredibly slowly, like going 30, the road is straight, and I can't see anyone coming in the opposite direction. It is just too risky to try and judge the distance of someone heading towards you.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Why does anyone drive OTR if LTL pays so much more?
Thanks for the replies.
Also, I love the supportive community here. It's great!
Posted: 7 years ago
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Always have an exit strategy
Whoever named that store had a sense of humor.