Richmond, VA
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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From what I understand...Swift went from one of the lowest paying companies to one of the highest with an 8 cent per mile increase for company drives. I don't have all the details yet but they are making an attempt to retain drivers. Good news for me as I just got a raise of $200 - 250 per week.
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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What terminal are you out of? I run out of Denver. It would be ni e to meet up with someone from TT at a Swift terminal Congrats on finishing training!
I am out of Richmond, VA. Looks like I will be running on a dedicated Walmart account out of PA. I hope that is a good way to start my career. They are screaming for more drivers so that is why I am being placed there. Home every weekend unless I want to keep running.
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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After 41 days with a trainer, I am now officially a rookie solo driver for Swift. Thanks to all for the advice and encouragement. I ended up spending a total of 9 nights in a hotel, 3 nights straight and 6 nights straight, and 5 straight nights at home due to my trainer/truck issues. Otherwise I would have finished in 26 days. I still have a ton to learn and hope to continue to get advice from the many helpful people on Trucking Truth. I have been promoting this site since day one. By the way, Swift Transport recently changed their training hours from 240 to 200. Of course that was the week after I started so no break there.
I have met many wonderful and helpful truckers on the road and feel good that there are many willing out to help a fellow trucker out if needed.
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Met my mentor today and he already lied to me
Thanks everyone. I will absorb all the wisdom and knowledge he has to give me. I always respect anyone who is trying to teach me new things.
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Met my mentor today and he already lied to me
He told me he is going to PAY for my showers. My understanding is that when you fuel, both drivers get free shower credits. He is an O/O so is this something different I should let pass? Or should I let him know I have done my research and he is not being as generous as he says? I don't want to start off wrong, but I do want him to know I am not an idiot.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Passed CDL test...on to orientation on Monday.
Thanks Brett, he will be sick of answering questions when I am done. I met an awesome mentor today but he picked up a student before I was going to be ready. In fact, the one he got switched because he couldn't get along with his current mentor. I have heard the horror stories out there. Swift allows me to get 50 hours in the 1st seat before we begin running as a team for the next 190 hours. Should take 4-6 weeks according to them.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Passed CDL test...on to orientation on Monday.
Then the fun begins. Some may remember that I started Swift Driving Academy on 3/24. It has been the longest 3 1/2 weeks I can recall. They only teach you the backing maneuvers you need to know to pass the state test so being in Virginia, I learned very little as we have not gone to the standardized test yet. My poor Mentor will have his hands full. Hope he has plenty of patience. At least my shifting has vastly improved since you guys gave me good suggestions.
Thanks to all for your help and encouragement during this stressful time. I expect to have many more trying times over the upcoming months and I will turn to you professionals for advice.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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It has been a long grueling 3 weeks which at times I was unsure if I would make it through. But today I passed my road test for Swift Transport only getting dinged a few times for my shifting and once for only going 6 mph under the posted speed on an offramp. Swift wants to see at least 10 miles under the posted speed.
Thanks to all of you who gave me advice and encouragement. I take my DMV test next Wednesday and then on to orientation the following Monday.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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First off you need to play with the free play in the clutch while your sitting still that way you can get used to how far the clutch needs to go in which is typically only and inch. Also play with the shifter. Rock it between the walls (where it stops to slide into neutral/ 1st and where it slides into 4th/5th). Once you get comfortable with where everything is it will be easier for you.
Thanks Redgator. It is getting better. I am used to pushing the clutch to the floor. It doesn't help that I rotate between 4 trucks and they all have a different sweet spot. I am getting better but not where I thought I would be. Have driven on the highway for 45 minutes so far and it is a thrill and a heart attack at the same time. I didn't realize the words "Student driver" meant hurry up and cut him off. There are some really rude drivers out there.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Swift pay
Yes. It is an attemp to keep the new drivers. No APU isn't all that bad, but I like the heat. My idle time is only 8%. They will allow 25% before saying anything. But a buddy of mine is at 49% and no one has jumped on him for it.