Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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I work for Tommy Freight out of Chicago. Small 10 truck company. We don't have Qualcomm or similar. When I get dispatched it is with a text message attachment of the broker, load, & stop information.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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We use a free Android App - AORBD. The form asks information like Truck #, trailer #, there's a field for Shipping document #/Shipper Name/Commodity. Also Origin & Destination etc. You can have only 1 form per day, so I can't fill out a new form when my transit status changes.
About asking the boss, he's real informal about things like procedures. Which would be okay if it was him explaining his logbook to DOT/LEO not me!
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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I am overnight here at the receiver for a 530AM delivery. Later today I will be on a different load. When I start my shift & fill out the form it won't reflect my status later today (origin, destination, etc.). What is the correct way to fill out the form when you're ending the day on a different load than you started?
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Got up at 5am left at 6. Took I80 because if not now, when? Didn't realize the climb was so close, I hadn't even finished my coffee! Got in right behind Old Dominion. I have yet to see an OD lose his track on a curve so I've developed the opinion that they're good drivers. He was going 50MPH no matter what anyone else might have wanted him to do. I was good with that. We wound up last in a convoy of about 20 trucks, which meant that 342 tires were breaking the trail for me.
I'm glad that during my training, I took every opportunity to drive in manual mode without using the Jakes. It would of been a hell of a time to be figuring it out for the 1st time! It was a great learning experience. Thanks for checking on me.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Highway 87 & 260 from Tempe AZ to Holbrook AZ
I don't know about those particular roads, but I do share your fear of heights. What I do is refuse to look at the drop off. I just concentrate on the road and my truck. I was going to Yakima from Portland running empty. The wind pushed me around a couple of times then I had to cross a bridge. Luckily I crossed alone, I just focused on the ending of the bridge. Hang in there.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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@ Wiggle Wagon thank you! I can be kind of rigid in my thinking. I'm going to check that out.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Beware of freezing fog.
Freezing to my windshield?
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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So I've decided that starting at 2AM is not gonna happen. Just got a call from the boss. Really glad to hear him say it's all about safety & if I don't feel safe then to wait. So I'm going to wait for daylight. Just found the 511 phone number so I will be using that as the starting point for deciding. Thing is, I've been on the job for just 8 days, worried about not driving when I could.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Forgive me for being dense. But how does running the engine keep the fuel & DEF in the tanks from freezing?
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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$60 Lesson
Payed the lumper. Stopped at gate for trailer inspection. Came in with 4 load locks, leaving with 3 & 1 of those broken. Guard puts me on the phone with supervisor. He tells me sorry nothing I can do! So I tell him that if I ever deliver here again, the lumper won't be paid until I can inspect my trailer & know that I'm leaving with the equipment I came with.
I've only been allowed on the warehouse floor at Washington Fruit. I'm hooked to the dock so I can't pull forward & check. How do I make sure this doesn't happen again?