Profile For RL P.

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Posted:  10 years, 4 months ago

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WTG GlamGirl!


Posted:  10 years, 4 months ago

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Pre-Trip Inspection - My Way! A must see!

Fantastic Daniel, Really well done. Heading for school next week and this will be a big help to me!


Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Being young in the trucking industry can be a pain!

Sorry they gotcha ruffled Daniel.

Must surely get old and tiring from these '30 year toothless' types. Seems its just more sign of the times; every ones has 2 cents on everything and arent able to control schtuff that falls out of their mouths. The old 'if you dont have anything good to say say nothing at all' has vanished for the most part.

And I wouldnt doubt its more about you being young(er) and handling it out there and a sense of oh no, or a threat to some of these types even if they are beyond recongnizing it in the first place. And then there are those few that simply are cutious Im sure.

It is known to us that you are professional and kick butt at your job, and that could be some of the deal here. Do they or do thay have to kid themselves that they do and omit the fact that if they dont, some one else who might be younger and more able, and more dedicated, will ???

Of course individually we will never know unless we knew them but people dont just pop off for nothing and I have had the same thing in my youth not seeing it for what it was until some one told you are a threat to them for their own reasons.

Sad but true my friend.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Pardon my venting on CDL applications......

I never had any doubt that you would find a way to make this happen Minnie.


Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Pardon my venting on CDL applications......

Sorry to hear about your hurdles Minnie,

I think everyone has touched on the issues and although there seems to be nothing holding you back on the surface it seems there is.

A private school not taking you for credit issues is understandable. It is understandable they cannot take the risk if a score does not meet their standards. A company not being able to accommodate females at this time could very well be the case. There are many stories of trainers being in short supply and classes being large to start with for company sponsored training, as well as large numbers in orientation for licensed drivers. There harsh winter created a bit of backlog that should be weeding its way through now. Also there are plenty of drivers and soon to be drivers out there given the economy and I think it would be fair to say the pendulum has swung in favor of the companies as recruiters have plenty of applicants to choose from these days.

With that being said it is simple matter of not giving up. Having put in apps 'at every company you can find' maybe its time to find out why you do not qualify in their eyes. Recruiters are busy as can be and the standard no thanks or the blow off can be quite frustrating Im sure. But not knowing or guessing why you cant get in is of no help to you. Get on the phone and contact someone who has processed you application and find out why. Sure it may take some time and several calls before you get some one that will help you to understand what is the hurdle you are dealing with, but some one will help if you simply ask them that. "I was wondering if you could help me understand why.....".

I understand loosing hope and I feel for ya. But pick yourself up, hold your head up, and get on the phone and be honest and professional with these people and see if you can find the answers you need to make this happen for you.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Finally got my CDL today


Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Trucking....Should I?

Hi Aaron, First of all let me say I have learned it is all about the commitment to the first year. Add to that the things like a wife and kids and so on. Daniel just wrote about how life on the road can make or break a family. The fact is driving is not for everyone but as my brother who has been at it quite a while says when asked, 'if it gets in your blood there is nothing better'.

The main lesson Ive learned here is that the right attitude and work ethic, combined with professionalism and courtesy, are the things one needs in abundance in trucking. Of course being able to drive safe and accident free are paramount to. Drivers aren’t viewed as the competent individuals they are or have to be to succeed out there. There are a lot of reasons why or why not that it is so and plenty of history behind it all but its fair to say it can be a challenge for the best of these guys. So when you me or any one else comes into this life style that is probably the mold we will find ourselves in. Not all but the majority of people out there are doing just as you described; the 9 to 5 to pay the bills. Now trucking, as in life, is surely going to be what you make of it regardless of the fact that most places you go you are another "driver" in that 9 to 5 life of that person paying bills to. Where as you or me or any one else is simply on the move trying to get it done and keep moving courtesy or consideration and professionalism for that next driver might be hard to find sometimes. And at the same time there are good people around every corner to. Combined all that with the up and down of sitting, waiting, vehicle issues, to running like crazy, and... you get the picture.

And I guess what im trying to say here in my long winded fashion is I’ve learned that the challenges are daily and many but if the right attitude and outlook can be found it can be the life a lot of people have been looking for. The family and time away from home seems to be the biggest challenge for most but jobs that allow people to be home nightly or weekly are easy enough to find after a year with a good record. TN seems to be good place for drivers as it more centrally located and within most companies hiring areas, being near the major freight lanes. The guys here know a lot more about it than I do and just wanted to pass along what has been given to me.

Best of luck to you and yours.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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The Adventures of Daniel B.

Well said Brett,

And for sure the guys inability to wake up on time speaks volumes, especially after some helpful advise and time spent with Daniel. After reading your true account of the state of affairs out there I realize I was really wondering if the guy might be told, ' seems you cant get with the program and its time for you to go'... or if it would be more subtle as in him, for example, sitting in the truck stop with a quiet qualcom and watching the bank account wither away and finding the door himself and heading for 'greener pastures' as they say.

I have a brother who has been on the road 8+ years who echoes you guys here that it is all about the right attitude and work ethic; the "top drivers" getting the job done are rewarded accordingly. And average is simply that and a guy can sit in the truck stop stewing all he wants if he chooses to.

As a side note I got my permit in hand, private school lined up, pre hires from Prime, Con Way (with schooling from both an option) as well as pre hires from some other companies. All courtesy of the sound advise and insights from ALL you guys and gals here.


Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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The Adventures of Daniel B.

but he also said that he didn't think the others would make it - including this guy.

I understand the lack of mpg etc. and especially being late or not waking up but what is your DM saying... Is that Prime will not keep these drivers around if they cant keep their mpg and other things within some set standards or compnay guide lines?

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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It was like an epiphany...truck driving is exactly what I want to do

Welcome Tony.

As you know you are in the right place.

All the resources here are top notch and one cannot fail if they put in the time and effort to make informed decisions as well as study (study, study, study) the CDL training materials offered. That being said the most important or benificial thing you will find here, in my opinion, is the honesty and the attitude that is protrayed and passed along to those who are taking this gaint leap.The right attitude leading to the right work ethic surely seems to make all the difference when out on the road. And although this is just as true in anything we do it seems to be even more so when that load has to get there and the 'road' throws all it has to offer at you. Those that manage and moderate this this site and forum have the right attitude in spades and pass it on with honesty and a true desire to help...

With your determination and their help success is at your finger tips.

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