Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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What happens if I just can't do the basic skills test for the CDL exam? What are my options?
I got my cdl license last year. The skills were the hardest part of the course and test for me. What worked was just going over it and over it in my head. I would do every skill in tears in the beginning saying I cant do this. Then I took a break as the school was on vacation for 3 weeks. It allowed me to get my head back in the game. The first day out, it clicked and I just practiced and practiced. Two of my teachers were horrible and taught thru humiliation and screaming. The other two were absolutely fantastic. They knew what worked ; telling me I can do this. I also chewed gum while practicing. I failed the skills part of the test on the first go and got it on the second. The first time, I had a panic attack because one of the screaming teachers brought me to the test sight. The second time ; the teacher that came with me was an ex marine, apologized for the way I was taught, and had total belief in me. He gave me the confidence and I did all three skills perfectly ; scored one point between all three. You can do this. It is a challenge, but you can do it.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Hi there I am new here. I got my cdl last year and failed a the physical test with Schneider. I just couldn't do the last test which was a 100lb pull three times. But anyhow, it gave me another year at home with my high school senior so that was a great thing. My hubby is a driver and so we are now looking at team driving by the end of the summer. Anyone like to give their opinions? Background on us ; married almost 30 years, together 35. Immigrated from Ireland over 30 years ago and still go back once a year to see family. We had our own business for 20 years until we sold it and moved out of NY to PA 6 years ago. We have two boys who will be both in college in August. We are looking at Covenant to work for. Anything, good, bad or just ok about them and any other good team driving positions that you know of. We both have very clean licenses and very clean backgrounds and valid medicals with all the endorsements on our licenses.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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I’m a beginner in the trucking industry
How is it going? What happened with team driving? We are about to get into that and would love to know.