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Posted:  5 years, 11 months ago

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W2 information

I was a company driver. Also have contacted the companies who typically just give me the run around (I don't know, you should have got it by now)


. Were you a contractor? Were you leasing a truck?


Excellent point OS! If that is the case, he is looking for a 1099 not a W2.

Posted:  5 years, 11 months ago

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W2 information

Unfortunately, logged into IRS and even they had nothing. It's as if I never existed to begin with

Since both companies are very large, there's a good chance the information you seek is already on file with the IRS. If you file with turbotax, for example, adding the company's EIN in the appropriate box will likely pre-populate your numbers on your return. Of course, you can always call the human resources dept of each company and ask for a copy to be forwarded to you, either by mail or email.

Posted:  5 years, 11 months ago

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W2 information

Hey all, I worked for Roehl and Schneider this past year, but no longer work for either.

Neither company is releasing my W2 information, and I can't really get a solid response from either, past "it should've come already" (well, obviously) or "it should be in the mail", or they just ignore my calls altogether. Well, it's not. The only thing I got was tax info proving I had health insurance - and that's it. Why send one thing and not the other?

I can't log on to anything because I don't exist to them anymore.

Has anyone else run into these issues? What can I do?

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Pretrip - Air Compressor

Hello, all. So, I just got my truck. It's a 2016 International Transtar, and I've only trained and driven freightliner before. I'm having issues finding the air compressor. Usually, I'm looking for a device that sort of resembles an accordion, which was usually how I remembered it best for compressing air. I was hoping someone could help me find this thing in the truck since I've been racking my brain with it.

Posted:  6 years, 9 months ago

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What is the point of a DSE??

Oh, it's definitely an over share, but unfortunately important for explanation. Just drove through Chicago. First time through a big city. Bumper to bumper traffic ranging from full stop to switching gears every two seconds to full gears back and forth. Funny thing is, absolutely no stress.

I couldn't help but marvel at the city coming into view through the dense fog. I had a good time. And I know that there's so much to run into, and I'm gearing up for it, I'm excited.

Stuff I understand? No problems whatsoever. I love learning, travel, and experiencing new things whether they are easy or level - Mission:Impossible

Posted:  6 years, 9 months ago

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What is the point of a DSE??

Guys, guys, I wrote that at like 3am amidst having a panic attack. I have an anxiety issue. I take pills every single day for it, but they don't always work out.

I was scared because it's a learned behavior. Between jobs that treated me like a number, to being in an incredibly abusive relationship that broke me in impossible ways. I was homeless, I bounced from house to house, burning out resources because I wanted to be there for my significant other. They kept kicking her out and told me I could stay. I didn't, I loved her, so with a blind eye, I followed. She fed off of that energy and attention until I was worn out, in such case she started trying to beat it out of me, like I was an empty ketchup bottle filled with fragments of affection.

From there, I was forced to quit a job along with everybody statewide, had my first panic attack, not knowing what it was, while working, got unofficially fired for that, and joined a job that I'm still waiting on a paycheck for, as is the rest of the company.

Even my wife and friend thinks luck isn't on my side. They are always hoping things turn around, but I've promised myself that I won't let people treat me like that again, or anyone else if I can help it. I'm cautious with everything I do and with everybody I meet.

99% of the time, it's fine because I get where they're coming from.

Posted:  6 years, 9 months ago

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What is the point of a DSE??

Oh lord, I hate text format, always comes off wrong or negative. I'm not mad, nor do I have a 'tude. I'm just asking a question. I've asked an old and new instructor about it and had a normal conversation where nobody got upset. We then went on to laugh about trucker stories.

Questions are healthy and they want you asking them.

"Just something you do" is an answer I don't love, lol. Just like as a boy, "Because I said so" wasnt a great answer either, it's just a lazy answer because they don't want to go through it with you.

I just want people to talk to me, have an open conversation. Not swat a concern to the side. If it's trivial, explain to me why it is.

As I've said, I'm good. My question was answered. Now I can move on to other concerns, lol

Posted:  6 years, 9 months ago

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What is the point of a DSE??

I know it's unlike any other job and there's always new things to learn. For potentially years. My whole point is... There's no way to really test those things. A DSE isnt going to tell them anything that they didn't see from my actual test last month.

Unless they make me do something specific that I only learn during these 19 days, which from my understanding speaking to coworkers, they don't.

It's like math, you don't go to Math 101, pass the test, go to Math 201 and take test 101 again, you upgrade the test.

Posted:  6 years, 9 months ago

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What is the point of a DSE??

Thanks for the responses!

I guess my worry came off the wrong way. I often wonder logically where companies come up with the things that they do, which starts off innocently enough with curiosity, but when I don't get answers or get some kind of run around, I can start arguing.

I've been through so much garbage with jobs in the past, my last job hasn't even paid me (or anyone) and they are in massive trouble with the US Dept of Labor.

The job before that was bought out by a tyrant who bought stores state wide with the intent to start fresh. Everyone state wide was either fired or forced to quit, and even if they quit, the company still told everyone they were fired. Funny thing was, I didn't like him the second I met him. My gut was so against him that I began to shake. He won everyone over by showing them big numbers, which they drooled over, not me, I know there's more important things than dollar signs. My hours were cut from 40 to 10.

I could go on, but the fact is, me being cautious is learned behavior. If I smell something strange, I want answers, and guys, you gave them to me, so I am chilled out!

Posted:  6 years, 9 months ago

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What is the point of a DSE??

Hey all, new here.

Starting with Roehl, phase two, that's heading out with a driver trainer for 19 days. Now, I'm told at the end of this experience, I will do yet again, another road test or whatever, called the DSE. Seems a bit offensive, doesn't it?

Go out on the road, all over the place, in all weather and terrain conditions while driving, backing, loading, unloading, and at the end they look at you and say... ok... but can you drive the thing? I might have to clock someone in the throat!

Tell me one thing they can learn from a test like that which they can't learn in the last 2.5 weeks? I mean, was all that time all for not? Should I have just done the CDL test twice for giggles so I can actually get out there and make it happen? Doesn't sound to me that they even care about that 19 days whatsoever.

Someone please give me some clarity on this.

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