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  • Pennywise
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Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Truck stops, Food, Points, and Showers!

Thanks for the reply, I forgot about my trainer he will be a great source of info. What about the parking situation? And will any of it be paid by the company?

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Trucks MPH and Money.

Lots of companies have speed governs on there trucks, some as low as 60MPH and some companies have none. There are a few post about this but they mainly say it is for safety and fuel economy. What about how this factors into my pay check and sleep hours? What I mean is.... say I am driving night shift on a big, open, stright highway with almost zero traffic. Speed limit is 70 MPH, some guy is a rebel and feels it is safe to do 75. Lets be conservative and call it 10MPH faster than a truck governed at 60. Very plausible that truck "A" could drive 80-100 miles further in a day than truck "B" give or take. Or he could arrive at the truck stop an hour earlier, eatten, showered, and been asleep while the slower guy is just pulling in and they drove the same amount of miles made the same paycheck but one guy got an extra hour of self time.

Yes I know parts of the country and during the day this does not matter. But there are parts of the country at night where this could be a huge factor. I was driving in the North East in my personal car at 1am and was do 75 and getting passed by trucks. Yes not safe but they at going to be getting a fatter paycheck and more sleep that the guy stuck in the 60MPH truck.

The reason I am asking is that I am looking at companies to apply to and wondering where this is on you list of make it or break list on who to work for? I like APU's and not 60mph, eveyone has there prefecances what are your thoughts?

P.S. I do not advocate speeding or unsafe driving, I am speaking about highways that are legally marked 70mph +

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Truck stops, Food, Points, and Showers!

Hey guys, first post here. Long story short I am about 3 months away from paying for my own CDL training, then looking for work right after that (OTR, Dry Van).

1. From all the reading I have been doing, it seems like there is a ton of driving jobs out there, even for people with no experience. I saw a list of about 10 company's that hire people fresh out of CDL school with no experience. My question is.... I have a clean driving record, clean criminal background, and a great work history and credit if they check. Is it safe to say as long as one of these "no experience needed" company's hires in my area I should have no problem at all getting hired with them assuming I pass all the tests? or is it a little harder than that?

2. My first post lets talk about the most important thing FOOD! Being truck driver it can be a challenge to stay healthy to say the least. At the major truck stops, Loves T/A, Flying ect. Depending on the size of the store do they sell things like you would find and a nice convenient store in the cooler section like pre-made stuff like salads, fruit cups and yogurt, sandwiches, maybe a veggies and dips? Or is it mostly junk food like a mini convince store with no food cooler, chips candy and soda, and I will have to rely on a grocery store for my healthy eating?

3. Showers, points, and parking. At the big name truck stops, what determines if parking is free or paid, how much and will a company pay you back? I have read most places give you a free shower with a 50 Gal fill up or something like that?? Is it safe to say if you top of twice a day you should not have to pay for showers ever? Do the points stay on your card and build up? Unrealistic, but say I stopped 6 times in a day and put in 50 gallons, could I possibly get 6 free showers on my card and just keep building? I just don't want to have to pay 10 bucks for parking every night and have to pay the same for a shower every 1-2 days or something.

Pardon any spelling and grammar mistakes, I am applying to be a truck driver not a school teacher, and I am blasting this out on my 15 minute coffee break at work. And Yes I know how to use the search button on the forum, but my internet is super slow 24/7 so sometimes it had to search the forum and dig through posts.

Read some of the forum and tons of the articles over the past few weeks great info. Super website and book Brett!!! Thanks guys for any input,

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