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Posted: 6 years ago
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Questions on getting on with a company sponsored driving school
Well, I am packed up and ready to go Saturday. Any tips to keep from getting nervous?
Posted: 6 years ago
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Questions on getting on with a company sponsored driving school
"Idiot drivers"?
You only worry about things YOU can control, that's the best way to work through this career (and, if you'll allow me a moment of #NotesFromTheRoad philosophical mumbojumbo) and life in general. You will become the pilot of an 80k vessel capable of destuction and mayhem on a massive scale. YOU control that. Every second you are in that seat. Following distance. Lane position. Constant mirror checks. Speed management. And a daily dose of humility pills.
Nothing they do should rattle your composure or diminsh your professionalism. YOU are the professional driver. Demonstrate that to all.
THAT'S how you deal with idiot drivers...
My opinion only...
Ok. How do you deal with and control your self?
I recommend a book called "Verbal Judo" by Dr. George Thompson. The concepts are valuable in ANY career. They served me well for 25 years (the first few I wandered, lost in the desert of angst) in my previous career, and they are GOLD in this one
Thank you. Can I ask a question on something a little off topic? What tank is in your profile pic? It looks to be a Sherman tank?
Posted: 6 years ago
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Questions on getting on with a company sponsored driving school
Ok. How do you deal with and control your self?
Posted: 6 years ago
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Questions on getting on with a company sponsored driving school
Dave gets pushy:
I think I can make a good go at it because I push myself really hard if it means getting something I want.
We only know stuff about you by what you wrote here. Keep in mind everyone who posts here simply want you to make the decision you can live with. We have described our impressions of the realities of the job and we push you (in a good way) to take a close look at your history, your abilities and whether you might be able to stick with it.
We all hope you'll handle MTC and USXpress, and keep at it regardless of the difficulties because you must simply keep your eyes on your prize.
Please bring anything up here, both your concerns and your successes. Trust me, we've seen it all on this forum, and we'll stay on the level in supporting you.
Ok. If I may ask this question, how do y'all deal with idiot drivers? I used to get mad and act like an idiot myself. Nowadays, I still get mad but tell myself that keeping my cool will the tickets away.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Questions on getting on with a company sponsored driving school
Do you rain on people's day? I got that distinct impression. I prefer a sunny day and will carry an umbrella with a light in it if necessary.
A little rain can cleanse the soul. Don't let that umbrella prevent you from seeing the rainbow you were handed...
Good point. I hadn't thought of it that way. My comment wasn't meant to be serious though. I just happened.to notice to profile name and it it struck me odd.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Questions on getting on with a company sponsored driving school
Thats awesome!!! just remember tge entire process is an interview. You will be observed constantly. Be sure to answer the questions honestly and answer only what they ask.
good luck!
Thank you. Excuse me, ma'am but may I ask a question? Where did you get the idea for your
Thats awesome!!! just remember tge entire process is an interview. You will be observed constantly. Be sure to answer the questions honestly and answer only what they ask.
good luck!
Thanks. Ma'am, if I may ask, where did you get the idea for your profile name? Do you rain on people's day? I got that distinct impression. I prefer a sunny day and will carry an umbrella with a light in it if necessary. 🙂😀
Posted: 6 years ago
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Questions on getting on with a company sponsored driving school
Update on the trucking school. I received a notification text message stating that my school application has been approved. I am calling the lady tomorrow morning to confirm it and to see what the next steps I need to take are. Just thought I would keep you all updated.
Posted: 6 years, 1 month ago
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Questions on getting on with a company sponsored driving school
Another thought. Could I get my CDL license while I work a local job? Just wondering on that. It would be like killing two birds with one stone, so to speak.
Dave, there are plenty of companies that offer Paid CDL Training Programs, meaning you don't have to pay up front. However most of the hiring process happens before your school starts. This means you are all but hired when you get on the bus to go to school.
Taking a local job, even if you have a fresh CDL will be more of a waste of time than a way to get your foot in the door at a major trucking company.
From reading your later posts here, I have to ask you to take an honest look at yourself. A trucking life is not comfortable. It isn't something you do for a week or two then go home. It's possible for you to be working/driving any hour of the day or night, Monday through Sunday, in almost any weather - hot, cold, wet, dry. You'll be living in a small box right next to your "office" - the driver seat. The nearest bathroom might be 75-100 yards away in the truck stop building.
You'll most probably have a lonely life, since the only regular contact with people you know will be over the phone or texts. And the shippers and receivers you talk to may be friendly enough, but there's someone behind you who needs their papers signed, too. (It's all business).
If you can adjust to conditions like this, you just might end up with a job you can love. I'm a little harsh here, but many people come in all starry eyed, wanting to see the USA through the windshield of a big truck. You get that, certainly, but you have to put up with the whole nine yards.
Most of us on Trucking Truth have gotten to the point where we want to get into our truck, and hit the big road. And we want you to be able to enjoy the experience, too. Just be realistic about your choice.
I understand this. I am grateful to you for this answer. To give an answer to this, I already pretty much have a lonely life as it it. Not many friends. Stay at home 99% doing yard work and such. I know that driving a truck is difficult to say the least. However, I think I can make a good go at it because I push myself really hard if it means getting something I want. In this case, it means me getting work experience and financial independence. I don't have many bills at all to pay. The only bill I have is my phone bill and that is 30 dollars a month. I hope that none of this is seen as being belligerent.
Posted: 6 years, 1 month ago
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Questions on getting on with a company sponsored driving school
Hello everyone. I have some possible good news. US Express has told me that I can be hired after driving school. They have gotten me in touch with a school called MTC. The school has gotten my info and I'm just waiting to hear back from them. The lady I spoke to said that I will likely hear back from them tomorrow.
Posted: 6 years ago
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Questions on getting on with a company sponsored driving school
Numbers 1, 3, and 4 I Got. Number two is a work in progress but I have come a long way from where I used to be. Number 5 is good with me unless or until I see someone that ain't right, such as a driver doing drugs or other illegal activities. In that case, would it be ok to politely avoid them?