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Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Slip seating during this pandemic
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being akin to skydiving without a parachute, how dangerous would you say slip seating is these days? My elderly mom with COPD lives with us. 12 drivers sharing trucks. We take whatever truck is available when we get to work.
Posted: 5 years, 2 months ago
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Thank you for this! I've seen some trailer stickers recently saying 65-70 cpm for teams 5500-6000 miles weekly. That's good money and no entrepreneurial headaches!
The husband said they were clearing $5000/week after all expenses.
David, puhleeez don't drink the Kool-Aid! That's the craziest lie I've ever heard.
David, leasing a truck is a really bad business model. It's completely tilted in the company's favor. That's why they like to buy trucks and then lease them to people who aren't smart enough to discern that revenues are not the same thing as income. If trucking were so extremely profitable, why wouldn't these companies be paying 250,000 dollar salaries to their team drivers? Yet, somehow people get duped into believing if they lease the truck they somehow become magically more valuable.
When you lease a truck you're still doing the same job, running the same interstates, burning the same diesel. What in the world changes the value of your labor? Nothing. Let me say it again... Nothing.
It has always seemed so clear to me. I guess it's my business background. We have been hammering away at this for years now. Leasing a truck is a terrible idea. I am running out of ways to say it. Please don't fall for the nonsense. Use your own head. Do some simple math. I honestly think I know a fifth grader who could lay out the math and convince himself how bad a business model leasing is.
Posted: 5 years, 2 months ago
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I think there are several Prime drivers here. For a husband/wife team, would you recommend we lease or drive team as company drivers? I spoke with a husband/wife Prime team a few years back. They were doing the ace lease and the wife was a company driver for the benefits. The husband said they were clearing $5000/week after all expenses. Looking for advice. Thank you.
Posted: 5 years, 2 months ago
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Good companies for new husband/wife team
I've been pulling 53 footers for a year. My wife starts CDL school on January 6th. Can you tell me some good companies that can keep us rolling as a team and has very good equipment? Thank you everyone.
Posted: 5 years, 7 months ago
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I drive for a small company and absolutely love it. I drive a daycab. I drive 500 miles or so with 1 or 2 stops.
I was told in a voicemail Friday that I'll be doing this run that I did once before a few years back. Typically, the run I'll be doing consists of driving 325 miles to a dropyard, drop and hook to an empty and deadhead home. Tomorrow they're wanting me to drive to the dropyard but make 3 additional stops on the way home. This new route only adds about 40 miles to the trip but takes an additional 2 hours because you have to drive through towns. The run can't be done in HOS rules so they'll offer to put me up in a motel. That means the next day I'm burning 3-4 hours of my clock getting back to the terminal and have a short clock to work with that day. Essentially, I'm losing over $100-$150 taking this assignment. Other drivers say they laugh at dispatch and give a firm NO when asked to do this run. I've always been a yes man but I'm really thinking I should say no to this one. What would you do?
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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So I did a little research and found my answers. If you're at fault in an accident and there's visual proof you were even slightly distracted, financial liability shifts from the insurance company and motor carrier, to you. Even taking a sip of soda could financially ruin you for life.
Sorry, I didn't post the link correctly.
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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So I did a little research and found my answers. If you're at fault in an accident and there's visual proof you were even slightly distracted, financial liability shifts from the insurance company and motor carrier, to you. Even taking a sip of soda could financially ruin you for life.
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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Think about this... it protects YOU. "Your driver was texting when i tried to pass him and wasnt paying attention"
"Nope, our driver was using all mirrors and was wide awake, etc"
i dont understand all the hype a out the cameras. be watched at a bank or post office for years then the camera becomes invisible.
"i want my privacy" you are at work, you have no privacy. "i dont want them seeing me naked" then thriw a shirt over it...or strip for it, may e you will get better miles who knows? if i was really mad at dispatch, id strip and they would die from fright lol
Thanks. Doesn't answer my questions though. Many people get into truck driving because they want a job with freedom and no boss watching their every move. It should be about moving goods safely from point A to point B. Not, "Well what were YOU doing when the other driver swerved into your lane and hit your trailer."
Posted: 5 years, 11 months ago
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So you can't even pick your nose without being seen? Big Booger is watching!
Haha! That's right! And they post the footage of the forward and driver facing cameras on the company YouTube channel.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Slip seating during this pandemic
You're probably right. Lol!