Dublin, CA
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Hello miss Donna I'm glad that you considering getting into the trucking business it depends on which company you you want a pic because all of them have different rules like for example some pets are allowed in trucks that other companies may not allow pets on trucks same thing goes for firearms as well as passengers but I wish you luck in finding a trucking company that allows you to have a firearm in the truck those are usually really hard to come by hopefully maybe with your experience in law enforcement they'll probably make an exception
most truck drivers are usually sociable because they're usually alone in the trucks most of the time I plan to put my CB radio that I got a long time ago in my truck when I get one so I don't feel so lonely when I go otr
The backing up part takes practice but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it because all it takes is just some time to get to get used to backing up with a tractor trailer it took me 6 months to get my cdl so don't feel discouraged
I wish you luck in your future endeavors
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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I have a really old school Cobra radio lying around in my garage when I get my own truck I'm going to put it in
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Just a funny trucking picture to brighten your day
I found it here it is http://youtu.be/AWfA-nxVHnM
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Just a funny trucking picture to brighten your day
There is one video of these guys that were in a car driving on the freeway and one guy was sleeping and in front of the car was a truck hauling a truck that's backwards and it looks like the truck was facing against and so what they did was they all scream very loudto wake the sleeping passenger up and his eyes get hella wide lol if I can find the video I will show you guys it is very hilarious
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Do i need to get my DOT medical exam b4 i get my cdl permit?
In my school they lied to me to take my drug test while I was in the process of doing school work so it depends on which school you go to mostly and you could probably search online for drug for the cost of the drug test
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Do i need to get my DOT medical exam b4 i get my cdl permit?
In my school they lied to me to take my drug test while I was in the process of doing school work so it depends on which school you go to mostly and you could probably search online for drug for the cost of the drug test
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Finally got my class a license yay
I just noticed that there's a lot of information on Werner on this lovely website but there's not too much information on Swift other than the CDL training program
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Finally got my class a license yay
so I finally got my class a license and now I'm currently looking at jobs from what I've been seeing Swift is hiring at the Stockton yard but Werner enterprises isas well I just got mail from the man the problem is they want me to go all the way down south toFontana and I live in Northern California area and I was wondering what you guys know between the difference is a swift and Werner enterprises for a beginning class a truck driver
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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New to TruckingTruth's Trucker's Forum, just got CDL
From the High Road trucking study guide !
Already did all this at the DMV and on the website, I already know this stuff
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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English trucker looking to live and truck in Florida USA .
No age limit, you will be required to take all tests, cdl in europe doesnt mean anything in usa, so youll have to take permit test, all the works, i know cause my puerto rican friend had to do same thing to get his usa cdl even though puerto rico is a satellite state to usa