Profile For James A.

James A.'s Info

  • Location:
    Gaylord, MI

  • Driving Status:
    Company Driver In Training

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  • Joined Us:
    5 years, 3 months ago

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Posted:  5 years, 3 months ago

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On The Road To Trucking With Roehl!!

Are you going to Gary? I start the GYCDL for Roehl in Gary next week. Check into hotel on the 24th class starts on 25th.

Yes sir, I will be there!!! Good to see someone else who will be there with me!!

Posted:  5 years, 3 months ago

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Tips For New OTR Trucker With A Family

Big T - My children are 14, 12, 11, and 7. That is my plan, definitely a phone call everyday, at some point throughout the day, and video chat at least a couple times a week! I really Think the video calls will help my 7 year old daughter, she is a daddy's girl for sure!!! Thank you for the input, every bit helps! Also great to hear how others make that time as well!!

Kearsey - Thank you for the links, very informative and helpful!! Have to check with Roehl, see if they have anything along the same lines!!

Posted:  5 years, 3 months ago

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On The Road To Trucking With Roehl!!

Hello everyone!! My name is James, and I start my Get Your CDL training with Roehl Transport in exactly a week from today!

I am extremely excited, nervous, anxious, and ready to start this new chapter in my family and my life!! Everyone here at home is extremely supportive, especially my wife and children!! My 7 year old gets sad at times, which is t be expected, but she is also excited, and so happy to tell everyone, "My daddy is going to be driving big give trucks!!"

I have embarked on this journey with nothing but my family and our lives together in mind, and as I said, they support me 110% on this!

So, i guess I will be gone for now, but will post weekly updates as to how everything is going, possibly more, depending on what is happening at the time!!

Wish me luck everyone, and please be safe out there!!

Posted:  5 years, 3 months ago

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Tips For New OTR Trucker With A Family

Hello everyone! I have been addicted to this site since I found and used the High Road Training program, and I have to say, everyone on here is amazing!!

With that said and out of the way, let me tell you my situation, and what I am looking for.

I have seen/heard a lot of you say that TOE with a family is a bad idea, and also read a few topics in the site about that issue, so I am fully aware of what I am getting in to, and the fact that most think it is a horrible idea to do OTR with a family at home. I assure you, my wife is a very strong, independent, and loyal woman who supports this decision 100%!! I made absolutely sure she was ok with it before I even signed up for this life.

So, the ultimate goal I am trying to accomplish with this post is to get feedback from drivers who have done the OTR route with a family at home (wife and kids) and gather any tips and info to help make the transition as easy on everyone as possible!!

I leave exactly one week from today to start the GYCDL program through Roehl. I plan on staying with them until I get my 120,000 miles in, starting off as a flatbed driver, for at least the first 6 months, then can switch fleets if I want, as stated in my contract. I plan on using either FaceTime or Skype to be able to talk to my family as much as I am able to, without interfering with my training and my job, especially for that crucial first year. After I have my miles in with Roehl, I plan on going regional or even local. So I am expecting to be OTR for about 15 to 18 months, until I hit that 120,000 Mile mark.

So, please, any tips to help my family and me stay in touch and keep close through all of this is GREATLY appreciated, and thank you all for you feedback, thought, and opinions in advance!! Also, any more questions about my situation are welcome, especially if they will help with any advice!!

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