Posted: 4 years, 11 months ago
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Chris M. Have you had anymore gallbladder issues? I had a terrible “gallbladder attack” back in November. Turns out I only had 6% function and it had to be removed. Gallstones were causing the pain. I haven’t had any issues since, but the only thing I worry about with trucking is having to go to the bathroom a lot more often now. If I eat regular, full meals, I have to go multiple times a day. That was one of the side effects the dr told me about. Just curious if you had or know anyone that has had that issue and were able to work over the road, successfully.
Posted: 4 years, 11 months ago
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Thanks for the info!! I am looking forward to attending the swift academy, just heard see a lot of hate towards swift online and from people I've talked to. But Swift has done me right so far and I'm looking forward to starting this new career with them, thanks!
Posted: 4 years, 11 months ago
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I'm signed up for Swift CDL training academy in Corsicana, TX. Anyone out there gone through swift at that location, for CDL school? any tips or info would be greatly appreciated!!
I thought about Knight, Maverick, and Prime but Swift is the only company that kept in constant contact with me and even paid the full price for my DOT physical. I know they're probably not the best company but they have good perks for veterans and they have treated me well so far. thanks for the info in advance!
Posted: 5 years ago
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Brand new driver, need some advice
I'm trying to decide between maverick and swift. maverick pays about .50-.53/ mile for rookie drivers after going through their cdl school. But swift, for veterans, offers slightly lower pay, but it sounds like a lot more hometime with swift vs maverick. Thats super important to me because i have 5 kids and a wife at home.
I'm brand new and am studying for the permit now, in Texas. so I'll have to go through one of their cdl schools. swift is 4 weeks without a permit and 3 weeks with one, (only about 2.5 hours from my house), then 3-5 weeks OTR with a trainer. But maverick is 6 week program, (far from home), and then another 4-6 weeks OTR training after that. Also the training with swift does not have to be paid back at all, if your a veteran, versus them taking a little out of your check over a year then paying you back over another year. so one year with swift and I'd be free to leave and go anywhere else, no issue. but with maverick there are no perks with that for their cdl school at all. So im not sure which way to go, have a couple weeks before I have to make a decision, any info is greatly appreciated!!
I'm currently a freight locomotive engineer with a big railroad here in Texas, but keep getting cut off (furloughed) until they need us again. This has been on and off for over 5 years, so definitely looking for a different career.
Posted: 4 years, 11 months ago
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Anyone else have their Gallbladder removed?
Hi all, I was just curious if anyone else is able to be a successful truck driver after gallbladder removal?? I had mine taken Out in November after a severe “gallbladder attack” it was only functioning at 6%. I’m doing good now but the biggest side effect is now I am a ticking time bomb when it comes to having to go to the bathroom. It comes out of nowhere with no warning and after I eat anything it hits about 20-30 mins later. Has anyone else had this issue? I know it’s the least ideal problem to have while being a truck driver. I’m supposed to go to cdl school tomorrow and that’s the biggest thing I’m worried about. I’d hate to have to stop 5-6 times a day for just a bathroom break. And I know there will be tons of time when there is no bathroom available...hahaha. Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all!!