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  • Robert K.
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Posted:  3 years, 1 month ago

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I run reefer, most everything is drop and hook. Today up in Wisconsin, running Walmart stores drop the full one get the mt out the door and go again. Last week I ran from Florida to Minnesota, Minnesota to Texas. For guarantee pay you are only required to run five days a week. However if you manage your clock and run 7 days it’s a extra .10 cents on the mile.

how do you like this company? I noticed that you got good payday. how is their training is like? is it paid training like prime that students get pay while working with trainer? Do you need Hazmat endorsement to work for them?

Posted:  3 years, 1 month ago

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Trucking Companies 2022

I just left my old job and now currently at UNOH to get diesel mechanic degree. What are good long haul trucking companies that I can apply to? I want to become a trucker like my grandpa been doing for years but company that he worked for is no longer in business. 1. Prime Inc. nice size company but slow trucks 2. Nussbaum. very good family faith business (my friend now working for this one) 3. Stevens Transport 4. Marten 5. H.O Wolding 6. Veriha (hate yellow paint color) 7. Millis

Is there any other companies that I need put on the list? also, anything you want to say about these companies and how they train. Big part is pay.

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Any Nussbaum experience in here?

Yes they do train newbies... they send to community college to get cdl and its paid.. forgot how much a week.. id assume 600$ a week after get cdl.. then on road with trainer idk on miles cause i just talked to recruiter. guess i need to call them again to get info straight also they have optional additional training which is call RED CERT heres the link to read about it i like that optional due to coaching sessions which will greatly help rookie drivers alot

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?

Gravel pit worker here...... I'm just tired being lay off every winter and in rainstorms. when my pos 10- yd cat loader keeps breaking down.. I had to find what is problem and how to fix it then, chase parts for it. If I cant get parts for it.. lay off and prepare boss curse and yelling about it. boss always find cheapest solution to fix it. Inspector down there.. layoff

I've been working this place all of my life and my dad used to be owner of this place I'm currently working. Told him I can't take this headache anymore and advice me go back to school and get blue collar job... I tried college but I sucked at it and drop out due to can't understand all that info in short period of time.

My grandpa told me get CDL and become a trucker cause he's been doing this all of my life and every word I heard from your father.. ignore him due to taking things to extreme levels. soo I listened to my grandpa and becoming a trucker by end of year of 2021.

Now I done research on trucking companies... 1. Nussbaum Notice that they have additional training know as red certified plus bonus CPM if you go thru that training link above explains what is it 2.Veriha they claim have 2 year additional training after you get your own truck 3. H.O. Wolding seen these guys around my place a lot and speak very good from truckers 4. Maverick lots of exercise and good miles 5. FreyMiller Long miles and truckers love them too those are my top 5 companies and gona call each of companies to get info on training

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