Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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Looking for drop yard for rent, truck stop truck parking any place willing to let a truck stay a few days.
Found kingpin parking but all reservations are full anyone know similar places?
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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Truck Stop Follies and Assorted Stupidity
I did a tug test, I was very lucky no damages to the freight or trailer. Just shredded air and electrical lines. My TNT trainer fixed them while cranked a 40k load off the ground.
When I look at my freightliner the locking jaws go all the way across the kingpin. On that peter the first goes across the second only goes out a few inches. So it was in position but not fully locked.
I triple check every time now
What if your improperly taught what to look for... I've dropped one trailer because i didn't realize the locking jaws on the Peterbilt looked different then the freightliner I trained on
Did you do a tug test as soon as it hooked and push in the handle to make sure it's all the way in?
You're lucky it dropped and didn't make it to the interstate by resting on the fifth wheel.
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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Yes I was. Problem came from another truck who parked in the middle of the road/throughway about 6 feet from the curb. Forcing people close to me to avoid him
One more question. Were you parked on the end of a row of trucks? Those spots are dangerous. I try to avoid them when possible.
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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Truck Stop Follies and Assorted Stupidity
What if your improperly taught what to look for... I've dropped one trailer because i didn't realize the locking jaws on the Peterbilt looked different then the freightliner I trained on
Maybe he'll be on here Monday, inquiring about companies that are hiring?
There is NEVER, EVER an excuse for dropping a trailer.
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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Yea I was parked at a truck stop
Did this happen while you were parked at a truck stop?
Shoot, I was run into three times in 14 months at truck stops. It seems to happen more often.
Was it a Volvo?
No it was another freightliner guy was green himself
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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They stuck around. The had their truck nearly a month apparently. I got the head light fixed and removed the other fog light.. Basically enough to be DOT legal at Pittston no tow so that was good.
I'm hoping to make it back to Pittston to get the rest fixed this weekend
That's a tuff break, Joseph. Did the person who hit you stick around? Did the police have to get involved? Were you able to drive it to Pittston for repairs? Did you need a tow?
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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Yep.. That's my truck
Been solo for a week and a half got my passenger side bumper, lights, and good got smashed in by someone's trailer I'm PA turnpike truck stop.. Just wtf..
Oh wow, that sucks!
Look at the 'BRIGHT' least YOU weren't the one doing the smashing, LoL~!!!!
Also . . . is that 'fresh, new' avatar your pre smashed truck?!?!? (NICE~!! .. or was.. sorry~!)
~ Anne ~
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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Been solo for a week and a half got my passenger side bumper, lights, and good got smashed in by someone's trailer I'm PA turnpike truck stop.. Just wtf..
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Sorry I didn't get to replying.. It's been going fast slowly.. Trainers truck has been in the shop slot sadly. Did my first back into a dark narrow dock (maybe a inch or two on either side of the trailer of that) had another prime driver come over and congratulate me.. Could tell we where tnt.
Got home time coming in a week.. After 8 weeks out looking forward to it.
How's it going Joseph? I'm going to be starting orientation with prime in about 2 weeks. Curious as to how it's going so far? I'm exited, but nervous at the same time.
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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Pittsburgh parking
I'm currently looking at a flying j in bentonville or a TA ion wheeling