Profile For Dave W.

Dave W.'s Info

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    Rookie Solo Driver

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    4 years, 4 months ago

Dave W.'s Bio

I'm embarking on my second career in life and looking forward to the journey. It's not so much where you end up, it's the adventure that got you there.

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Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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On my own

Good Evening,

Got my truck, ran my 1st week solo, and after being out 31 days (20 with my trainer), I came home for 6 days. Let me tell you, it felt absolutely wonderful to see my family, sleep in my bed, and take a shower whenever I wanted!!! Here's where the conflict in my head starts..... get some popcorn..... 2 days after I got home, I was ready to go out again. Got my 1st paycheck as a driver and HOLY COW! I can add that kind of money to my retirement??? I also missed the solitude, and the ability to set somewhat of my own schedule. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but my urge to roam and go is pretty darn strong too.

Yeah, I had some absolutely crap days, but I also have days that are as smooth as glass. Sleep cures the bad days and driving makes the next day better. Im no trucking expert by any means but I love my job and the money ain't bad either :)

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Roehl training: phase 3 (solo)

Congrats brother!

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Getting ready to go Roehl

Welcome brother and congratulations! I'm in phase 3 right now with Roehl and having a blast! These folks want you to succeed. I think you'll find that you made the right choice. I trained in GA at the Conley terminal and have only been to Marshfield once so far.

I wish you the best, and hope to see you out there. I'm in truck 6996, if you see me give me a wave.

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Long Overdue Update

I passed my skills test!!! Now my FM is trying to find me a truck!!!!!

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Long Overdue Update

Good morning! Today is test day and I'm a bit nervous. Backing is what's got me nervous, but I have a plan. Just gonna take my time, get out and look several times, and get it done. Then they're going to put me up in a hotel for the weekend with the hopes of finding me a truck on Monday.

If your reading this and you have yet to go out with a trainer, let me give some solid advice....

1 - Always be the 1st one out of the truck to pre trip, pick up, deliver, and any other work that needs to get done.

2 - Take the initiative. Don't wait to be told what to do, see what needs to be done and do it.

3 - You are sleeping in someone else's home. Keep it clean. Take the time to clean the windows, clean the dash and other surfaces, be the one to take out the trash, keep your own personal gear squared away. Be the housekeeper.

4 - Every night when you shut down, and finish the post trip, get out and spend an hour or so in the truck stop. It gives you and your trainer a little personal space.

5 - Your trainer is the boss, no ifs, ands, or buts. They have responsibilities to you, the truck, the public, and the company. That's not to say you have to take abuse, but a sense of humor can go a long way.

With all that said... the experience can be a really good one. My trainer and I spent a lot of nights eating pizza and playing video games. The next morning it was back to work.

Posted:  3 years, 11 months ago

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Long Overdue Update

So you want to be a trucker......

Today is my last day out with my trainer. He's been great to work with and I'm gonna miss all the fun we've had. In the last 20 days I've cracked a mirror cover on a narrow toll both in Ohio (don't ask), driven through snow storms, conducted pre trips and drop and hooks in below zero Temps, driven through enough mountains in PA and NY to last a lifetime, been so tired I've gone to sleep without dinner, been a few days without a shower consistently, eaten enough truck stop food to last me for a while, and suffered through a few bad days where I couldn't back this truck through a mile wide opening if someone else was driving. Tomorrow I test out for my own truck. I want my own truck! I love my job!!!

And yes, I want to be a truck driver.

Posted:  4 years ago

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Roehl GYCDL and life changes

Howdy from somewhere in Western New York. The last 4 days have been a blur, a blast, and exhausting. Im tired so this will be short....

I love my job!


Posted:  4 years ago

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Roehl GYCDL and life changes

Good morning! Been in a hotel in Cleveland since Wednesday waiting to get with my trainer. I'm going to meet up with him in about 2 hours. We've talked on the phone several times, he seems to be a laid back guy.

Am I nervous? A little...

I'm also excited to get started on my 19 day trainer period. We decided I'm going to do a vast majority of the work, which I'm glad to hear. But even better, we've already found some this / interests we have in common.

If anybody reads this, I'll keep it updated as much as possible.

Posted:  4 years ago

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Roehl OTR Training

Hey bro congratulations! If your coming to VA, better get here before evening time. Snow storm coming in.

I'm at home waiting on a trainer now, just got my CDL Thursday. Hope to catch up with you when we both finish training.

Posted:  4 years ago

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Roehl GYCDL and life changes

Yes mam, thank you!

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