Girard, OH
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 3 years ago
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All the plow guys over here broke down lol, my whole town was unable to get any plow guys, aside from the main road plows. And yes! I have listened to the podcast. Thanks for the reply!
I did a good bit of reading in-between my appointments at the Dr's! Also, we got like 15" over on my side! Was one heck of a challenge having to hand shovel it out the driveway and such with me being unwell and all, thankfully I have good neighbors and I was able to get some help with it!
Thank you all for the replies and knowledge shared!
You're more'n welcome, from me ... always! Did you get your reading done? Hahaha!
How ARE things going for ya, Canaan? How was the snow out your way? We got about 5" here... much of it, drifted. Spent the weekend 'in' thank goodness; Tom being off & all. I got 'sweep' duty . . . lol !
Hope all is well your way; it's been a minute!
~ Anne ~
Canaan; I had our plow (and TOW!) GUY loaded up on Speed Dial, but .. didn't need him! See 'my' shovel marks????? LoL.. with footprints all in'em!
All that exercise is GOOD FOR YOU, Man!
Have you ever checked THESE out?? 'The Road Home' Podcasts
Best wishes always, hun!!
~ Anne ~
Posted: 3 years ago
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Thank you for the reply! Much appreciated
I don’t go to trucking websites because I find TT satisfies my need for trucking info. Much of what I know about truck driving has come from advice of TT moderators and experienced drivers. And to boot, there are a lot of interesting drivers who post here. Wide variety of personalities. Serious and funny and everything in between, you can get it all right here
Posted: 3 years ago
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I did a good bit of reading in-between my appointments at the Dr's! Also, we got like 15" over on my side! Was one heck of a challenge having to hand shovel it out the driveway and such with me being unwell and all, thankfully I have good neighbors and I was able to get some help with it!
Thank you all for the replies and knowledge shared!
You're more'n welcome, from me ... always! Did you get your reading done? Hahaha!
How ARE things going for ya, Canaan? How was the snow out your way? We got about 5" here... much of it, drifted. Spent the weekend 'in' thank goodness; Tom being off & all. I got 'sweep' duty . . . lol !
Hope all is well your way; it's been a minute!
~ Anne ~
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Thank you all for the replies and knowledge shared!
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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I did! Last night and today so far have been super bad days for me, so I had all the time for reading. And sounds good, maybe one of these days I will toss you an email, thanks again for all the help and information!
It's me, again.....
Hope you had a prosperous 'study/reading' day!!!
Sure was a good day FOR IT .. here in Ohio, haha!
Best wishes, kiddo. I'm not far; email is in my profile!
:) Anne :)
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Wilson Logistics Training: Start Date: 12/13/21. A Librarian Learns Trucking!
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Thank you for the reply Anne, as always it's appreciated!
I will definitely be checking out old schools word press blog, and I do believe I have read the other things you mentioned.
Don't feel bad if you call me kiddo, as I do the same to those who are younger than me haha! No offense or anything taken here!
I'm regards to the no stupid questions part, I worked in HVAC for about a year, before relocating and going into the animal industry and becoming a dog handler (loved the dog job, best 6 years of my life) my old crew leader beat into people's heads that and I quote "there are stupid questions, and it's stupid people that ask them" so I've gotten used to taking care of what kind of questions I ask and such. The dude was a major ass but... he took extreme pride in his work and aside from the bashing of the new guys (which was me and anyone else before me that quit because he bullied them too much..) he was extremely professional.. well at least with his quality of work and to the customers. I learned alot from him. And if I ever went back to that company I would want to work under him again, once I learned to take his BS with a grain of salt and focus on what he was teaching when he actually took the time to teach it. I learned many many things. Not only about the job but also about myself. I believe I can use that experience to help me make it in this industry of trucking as he helped me develop some seriously thick skin (also being from the greater Pittsburgh area helps lol)
I have been a follower of kearsey on YouTube since I joined here, she's a wealth of information and I have even guided others towards her channel as well!
And lastly, thanks again for letting me know that pic didn't attach!
And G-Town, if you read this one, thanks for identifying it! As I was going thru that thread, by the end of it I was expecting to see everything identified by you! Not only are those trucks awesome to see but it's also super cool to be able to know what they are and look up other ones of the same make!
Appreciate you guys! -Canaan
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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No harshness taken sir, I just don't want to seem like I am wasting any of you or anyone else's time! I have noticed there's been a couple people that had been removed from the site here, and I didn't want to be bunched in the same category as them, as 'trolling' or whatever you guys would call it is seriously not my intent here. Thank you for the reply!
Canaan, I think Anne’s links are a good way to synch the Paid CDL Training Programs with some up to date diaries. (Thanks Anne) That should hopefully fill some of the gaps for you.
As far as the duration of your TT membership, please click on your profile and you’ll see why I mentioned it.
Just trying how best to help you further. Not meant to be harsh.
Get well.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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I do believe it said Ford on the front, I have seen it driving around over here multiple times the past few weeks, have no idea what it hauls or anything. But I wanted to share with yall, I thought it was a super cool find!
Forgot to attach the photo oops
Man, I'd LOVE to see THAT THING in MOTION !!
How / what even is it ??? (Hay G'Town, hahahaha!) << our resident Wikitruck! LoLoL!
Nice find, Canaan! Thanks for sharing;
~ Anne ~
Posted: 2 years, 12 months ago
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Truckers report website?
Sorry it took me so long to reply Anne, the snow was fun. My mom went and bought a little electric snow blower so it was real easy digging out. Health wise I have gotten worse with no real answers still. It's going to be a good while before I can find and fix whatever is going on, none of the specialists are able to or even willing it seems, to help find my problem. They all spew out the whole "there's clearly something wrong but I don't know what it is. Good luck and goodbye"