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Posted:  2 years, 10 months ago

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Stay out of democrat cities

By the way, congratulations Bklyn Dreams. Quoting my writing represents the first actual facts you've presented to us today and I'm the first valid source you've cited. You brought something useful to the table! Way to go!

You're the one who decides what's valid or isn't. You delete posts before others have a chance to offers their views. My problem with that quote was & still is that you took the BLM slogan and coopted it to fit your narrative. Your beef was with the govt response to a pandemic that affected your business model & your bottom line. Your use of I can't breathe had nothing to do with police brutality. Your wallet was being oppressed.

You've lost a great deal of very informed contributors because of your arbitrary use of the delete option. It's your site, have at it.

Posted:  2 years, 10 months ago

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Stay out of democrat cities


I told Brett he was co-opting the *I can't breathe* slogan for his grand plan


Please explain what my "grand plan" is and how I co-opted "I can't breathe" to make it happen.

Was I successful?

Quote from Brett Aquila:

The People United Against Tyranny

Please take a step back and understand the big picture. Then, let's continue this fight together.

Today's protests aren't just about racism. It's far more than that.

Today's protests are about the tyranny people have faced from governments all over the world, including ours.

This lockdown was unconstitutional and unjust. They stomped on the Constitution by taking away our rights and our freedoms. They've devastated our economy. They've censored our information. They've treated us like little children who are incapable of making decisions for ourselves or controlling our own fate.

Each and every one of us deserves the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness on our own terms. We must make our own choices.

Our Government must be reminded that they operate with our permission on our terms, not the other way around.

Do not let the government or the media divide us. This is not black vs white, man vs woman, gay vs straight, or Christian vs Muslim. This is THE PEOPLE unified as one against tyranny.

They told us "We're all in this together" - Damn right we are. We, THE PEOPLE, are all in this together. We must never again let our Government choke us out. Now we all know what it feels like when we can't breathe.

Never again will we allow our government to box us up like rats.

Let's keep it peaceful, but be loud and be bold. We must be heard. Let's stay united. Let's make sure this never happens again.

Posted:  2 years, 10 months ago

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Stay out of democrat cities

Banks, I don't know where in nyc you were but I was in Williamsburg, Bushwick, East New York & yes, my interactions with police were much different than yours until I was able to afford to live in East Flushing, Queens. There my interactions were more like what you describe.

Mayor Dinkins gave Giuliani the declining crime rates because of all the extra police he hired but was roasted for the riots in crown heights. He allocated funds for after-school programs that kept kids off streets. Giuliani forced his commissioner Ray Kelly to quit due to his ego getting in the way. Ray Kelly & his team of Arnone, Fitzgerald, I forget his 3rd deputy, came up with copstat to fight crime statistically & the Tactical Narcotics Team which all were doing great until corruption forced them to be disbanded. The same corruption that was depicted in the Documentary about Michael Dowd & the movie Dog Day afternoon which were investigated by the Dowd & Mullen commisions.

I referenced the experiment which showed a black guy & a white guy, each walking down the same street both dressed exactly the same, both carrying ARs but how they were treated was completely different. Exactly how it happened in the video from the Daily Beast. If Wikipedia isn't a good source you can Google NPR & the Atlantic for their coverage.

About how I saw folks view & describe the rioters & looters. People here have stated the opinion that because they had criminal records, theyre better off dead. You've been here long enough to remember the last time I participated in this conversation, along with the language that was used, under the Splitter name & why I left. I told Brett he was coopting the *I can't breathe* slogan for his grand plan. He started deleting my comments & monitoring my comments before he allowed them to be posted.

If you feel I implied that it was anyones JOB to teach me anything then your wrong. I'm engaging in a dialog not about statistics or heresay, I'm talking about my life & the things that happened in my life to shape my existence. From the outset, I said I'm not here to say you're wrong & I'm right.

Lastly, that picture I posted isn't a meme, it's from the Washington post article about the case.

Brett, I know that you & the moderators all knew that I was Splitter even before I said it on Donna's thread. I appreciate you allowing me to give back to the new drivers cause this site helped attain my goal. I've always maintained that it is your site & you can police it as you see fit. That's why I left.

About me parroting main stream media? I point to social experiments even show a sample of it. I quote respected leaders in the field. I point to the inequalities that persist. Yall call this a guns rights issue. Isn't that parroting main stream media? Aren't many of the counter points being made here talking points of the right?

You know what? Don't bother answering that. I'm the least qualified person on here to argue anything. I'm a first generation immigrant from a tiny town where everyone was related. I grew up in NYC from 69 to 18. I'm still a rookie truck driver even with 3.5 years experience. Everyday I learn new life lessons. I try to engage with people in civil discussions. I mostly pass my days in silence listening to hindu monks talk about spirituality. Everything that happens in this life is a lesson in introspection. Good, bad or indifferent. I did learn things from this exchange. I also have a criminal record but I shouldn't have to die because I feel strongly about racism & police brutality. Not due to mainstream media reports but 1st hand encounters. Huber had a criminal record yes but he was also a friend of Jacob Blake. For my friend? Yes, I'd run at a person with a gun. I've been shot at twice & robbed at gun point twice. I'm still here.

Packrat, I knew you'd seize on the CNN thingy that's why I left in. Vanity Fair, Market Watch along with many others quoted Kevin Lord from Fox's HR.

Posted:  2 years, 10 months ago

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Stay out of democrat cities

Oh, and your proof if they were proud boys? They sang the proud boys anthem.

Posted:  2 years, 10 months ago

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Stay out of democrat cities

The boys name was Tamir Rice. Tamir Rice

Posted:  2 years, 10 months ago

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Stay out of democrat cities

I have no idea what that hand signal means. If you can post the proof splitter that it means white power. Or the proof that the person he is standing next to is in fact a member of the proud boys and not just some guy with his face blurred out. Or what that has to do with that fact that a group of grown ass men went rushing after him and caused him to fear for his life whether you want to believe that or not.


Picture speaks 1000 words



The smirk that almost inevitably accompanies the “OK” sign, that simplest of hand signals, is the dead giveaway in the shroud of internet-age befuddlement: Does the sign, the thumb and forefinger joined together in a circle, the remaining three fingers splayed out behind, mean “all’s good?” Or does it mean “white power” instead?

The smirk gives away the proper answer: You’re being trolled.

The social-media-driven controversy over the meaning of the well-known hand sign has arisen in part as the result of a deliberate hoax concocted on the internet message board 4chan, which in addition to its well-earned reputation as a gateway to the racist “alt-right” is perhaps more broadly known as the home of trolling culture.

So when it gets flashed during a national broadcast, or during a video being shot to promote the Coast Guard, or by a cluster of Proud Boys and “Patriots,” what it’s about most of the time is a deliberate attempt to “trigger liberals” into overreacting to a gesture so widely used that virtually anyone has plausible deniability built into their use of it in the first place.

The problem, of course, is that there are white nationalists, neo-Nazis and Klansmen who have increasingly begun using the use of the symbol both to signal their presence to the like-minded, as well as to identify potentially sympathetic recruits among young trolling artists flashing it. To them, the configuration means WP, for “white power.” From American defense league

Posted:  2 years, 10 months ago

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Stay out of democrat cities


That's a different scenario than the one I saw on TV.

Posted:  2 years, 10 months ago

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Stay out of democrat cities

Picture speaks 1000 words


Posted:  2 years, 10 months ago

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Stay out of democrat cities

There was an experiment done which shows exactly what would've happened. A white guy walking down the street with an AR15, a cop car approached & engaged him in a cordial conversation. Same situation, same gun, same clothing. Only difference was it was a black guy, multiple cars respond with guns drawn & barking orders. 🤔

Posted:  2 years, 10 months ago

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Stay out of democrat cities

Nobody at FOX News is mandated to get any vaccine to stay at the network as an employee. Where did you get that?

Associated Press [When Biden set forth a plan requiring companies with 100 or more employees to ensure their workers are fully vaccinated or show a negative COVID test at least once a week, he noted that “some of the biggest companies are already requiring this — United Airlines, Disney, Tyson Foods and even Fox News.”] "Yet Kevin Lord, executive vice president of human resources at Fox News parent Fox Corp., said in a memo this week the company will be requiring all unvaccinated employees to be tested each day — not just once a week — in order to work in company facilities. The policy was first reported by CNN."

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