Posted: 8 months, 2 weeks ago
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There are other benefits of having apnea treated with a lower rate of heart problems with those that use CPAP. Your heart rate is higher when you sleep with untreated apena. I used a CPAP about 20 years ago and it was difficult for me to tolerate but started using one again about six years ago and the newer machines are much better and quieter and I barely notice I have it on unless I roll onto my side. I wear a smart watch and monitor my heart rate. There are nights I get up to pee and fall asleep when I come back to bed before remembering to put my mask back on and I see the oxygen variation level on my watch increase as well as a higher heart rate. Having apnea is bad; using CPAP to treat apnea is good. Some people write that apnea is a scam, etc. and the evidence proves otherwise. The Apnea Board forum NaeNae linked above was very helpful to me in understanding apnea, factors choosing a machine and masks (I tried about six masks, all out of pocket). Wearing a full face mask is harder for people to tolerate than a nasal mask. Even those deemed to be "mouth breathers" can usually get by wearing a nasal mask if they are willing to tape their lips shut each night. I recently had a period of time when I became a mouth breather and started taping (I found a very good medical silicone tape on Amazon) but trained myself to keep my mouth shut (while sleeping, lol).
Posted: 8 months, 2 weeks ago
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Our son Michael made the move to another company a little over a month ago and doing flatbedding and he has not had any idle time between loads. I saw his company posted a shout out to their trailer repair facility and said they needed all the trailers they could get as volume was increasing. Maybe you're not crazy!
Posted: 8 months, 2 weeks ago
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That is great news, James, congratulations! I've been following your story and wish you the best for a successful career.
Posted: 8 months, 3 weeks ago
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This Costco was an anomaly, it had fuel discounted more than I have ever seen but had very few customers at the fuel pumps. Weird. Costco is a well-run company but I wonder if they incorrectly analyzed the market when deciding to build this store. I lived in an adjoining city 40 years ago and this particular area was not considered to be a nice back then and I didn't see any strong evidence it had changed much.
Posted: 8 months, 3 weeks ago
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I took a little trip today and fueled my SUV at Costco which I later learned opened last November. Their gasoline prices were the lowest I've seen in California, quite a bit lower than another discount place yesterday. I imagine the diesel was also a bargain. Perhaps trying to get more customers to this relatively new store? Anyways, this is the first time I've ever seen a truck at a Costco getting fuel. The fuel lines were shorter than I have ever seen at a Costco as well so the truck didn't hold others up. Anybody here ever seen this before?
Posted: 9 months ago
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How do you deal with the corporate bs long term?
I worked for Metropolitan Life over 40 years ago (mortgage division) and didn't find any problems working there except for a manager which caused me to leave. He was fired before my last day and I often which I had rescinded my resignation but also think the various experiences I had since then were very good for me.
I think the advice of others to focus on all of the good things of your job are great. When reading these comments it actually reminded me of living in California. Terrible place with bad politics, high taxes, homelessness, crime in urban centers, etc. If I focused much attention to that every day I would leave. We are selling our farm but have bought a home in a nearby small town even though we considered moving. We enjoy it here. We like gardening and don't like dealing with cold winters or hot humid summers. We have friends here, active in our church, have some family here, and still in a small city with low crime. If we focused on the problems every day we would be unhappy but we instead focus on what we like about living here and I think that can relate directly to how you view working for Knight. Focus on the good things or focus on the good things and what you can control. I don't think you'll be happy anywhere if you focus on the problems.
Posted: 9 months, 1 week ago
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PJ, congrats. I'm surprised you refer to your truck as masculine. Would your wife otherwise be jealous?
Maybe instead of a cruise next winter, come visit us in Madeira, Portugal (we should be there).
Posted: 9 months, 1 week ago
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Bruce, you need to get yourself a dog still, get your knees fixed, and then get a flatbed!
Posted: 9 months, 1 week ago
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Good looking dog!
Michael hasn't loaded anything onto the trailer himself yet but when he had the last of his four skid steers unloaded earlier this week the guy at his final stop invited him to take it for a spin and he said that was fun.
Posted: 8 months, 1 week ago
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MED card help!
There was one study I read that the ability to remember dreams is directly affected by not being in a state of deep sleep. In other words, you can only remember dreams if you were partly conscious. This is of interest to me because I've had vivid dreams, both before and after starting the use of CPAP. My dreams are often very crazy while other times they relate to real life situations.
I'm 66 and first started the use of CPAP about 20 years ago but gave up as I didn't sleep well with the noisy machine and uncomfortable mask. The doctor told me that if I lost some weight and slept on my side that I wouldn't need CPAP as much. But I often woke up with headaches (because of oxygen deprivation) and decided I need to try again about 6-7 years ago. I was amazed at how much quieter the machines were and how much more comfortable the masks were. I slept very well during that particular sleep study and commented to the technician that I felt more rested than I had in a long time. I was eager to give CPAP a try again but went through several different masks before finding one that worked well for me. I paid for the Airsense 10 and masks out of pocket, not cheap. I had another sleep study about a year ago and had a terrible night sleeping. They tried to get me to go to sleep at 8pm which just wasn't going to work and kept interrupting me. Completely different experience. Further, they said I didn't have much apnea. Well, surprise, I had hardly slept! I decided to do my own at-home study to show my pulmonary nurse practitioner (not a true sleep study but just measuring oxygen saturation level through the night using this device) which showed I had numerous periods in the low 80s which is bad. She agreed that I needed to continue with CPAP and prescribed a new machine for me and I'm now using the Airsense 11. I've had both the terrible and great experiences and suggest not giving up if you have a bad experience but try different doctors, masks, etc. and look for advice on the Apnea Board forum.