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  • Rick S.
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Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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CDL Training - Company and Schools Not Responding - Tips?

I am, and I'm not stopping the job hunt. I'm hoping for something in truck driving, that's all. I appreciate your input, and your understanding. Thank you.

Rick, I understand and I'm sorry for your loss. I hope this next phase brings you better times. I sincerely mean that. I sensed you weren't trying to hide anything and I do understand your loss is not really any of my business. Thanks for sharing that.

Going forward, I would recommend you get to work anywhere. While I understand you are seeking a truck driving job, please get yourself back into a work environment, and schedule. There are probably plenty of jobs that pay crap, but if you're willing to do it, that gives you something generating income plus it gets your body and mind back into a work routine.

You don't know if you're going to get a trucking job, so why put all your eggs in that one basket? Frankly, you don't even know that you're going to like it once you're in it. If you start working now at, say Lowe's, Home Depot, or a fast food place, nobody's gonna hold it against you if you suddenly have to give notice due to a truck driving job offer. Plus, if the trucking thing doesn't materialize, at least you have something to give you spending cash.

Whatever you decide, I wish you the best. But I'm also a firm believer that 95% of success is just showing up. Are you?

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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CDL Training - Company and Schools Not Responding - Tips?

I'll do this, and I'll reach out to the companies I'm speaking with to see how to get it to them. Thank you, Laura.

Okay. When did your girlfriend die? Grab a piece of paper and write down that your long-term girlfriend passed away from a chronic disease on (date) and you were her caregiver from X (beginning date) to X (ending date).


Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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CDL Training - Company and Schools Not Responding - Tips?

I just brought up the employment point because most people don't consider family care with no actual paycheck in the same category as employment. But many companies will take non-employment but Important activities into consideration. You usually need some sort of "outside" documentation, say a letter from a pastor or a physician.

If you were just kicking back for a few years in Margaritaville, that's a bright flashing indicator of a low energy lifestyle.

I understand, Errol, that's why I wanted to go into further detail. As I said, I appreciate the vast amount of knowledge the people of this forum possess, and I want to stay on good terms with everyone. That means being honest and humble. I'm still looking, still hoping.

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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CDL Training - Company and Schools Not Responding - Tips?

I said fairly solid because out of the last couple decades, this is the longest I've been out of work. I relocated to Oklahoma after my girlfriend of twenty years passed due to chronic illness. I spent the last five years as her full time caregiver. I made Swift aware of everything, but was unable to change their minds. That's okay. I apologize if I came off misleading, that wasn't my intent at all.

I explained that I've been staying with very generous friends, and looking for employment. I have nothing against Swift or anyone that works there because of this decision. It happens. Humble is the name of the game right now, and I'm not giving up. I have a couple companies I'd love to work for, but I'm not putting all my hopes on them. I believe I said in another comment that I want to pay my dues and do things right. To me, that begins in the searching process. Honesty, humility and appreciation are vital in this phase. I try to be confident without being arrogant.

Again, my apologies for any mixups. I'm happy to answer any other questions about things that may be unclear. You are a wonderful group, and I feel privileged to be here. Thank you.

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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CDL Training - Company and Schools Not Responding - Tips?

Hey all. Unfortunately, my Swift recruiter called me today, and the company decided not to pursue employing me. Apparently being unemployed since February of this year was a no-go for them. I'm bummed, but I'm not giving up. I'm speaking with Prime Inc and Wilson Logistics, and waiting to hear back from both of them while I study my rear end off for the permit test.

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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CDL Training - Company and Schools Not Responding - Tips?

Errol making a prediction…


Also G-Town will sooner or later drop in to tell of his Swift experience. You will be in good company.


Let’s call it “sooner”… rather than later.


I agree with what Errol said and several others. I reached Diamond Status with Swift, trained with them and stayed with them for 8ish years. I’d do it all over again, same way.

Good luck!

Thank you! I am not planning on 'jumping ship' immediately once the first year is up. I'm aware it's an option, but I have no problem staying with Swift long-term if that's how things turn out. I want this to be a career, after all!

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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CDL Training - Company and Schools Not Responding - Tips?


Stay humble and patient. When things on one day seem insurmountable, remember that feeling is temporary and in a year, whatever the obstacle is won't matter.


Thank you! I plan on doing just that. I won't go into this thinking I know everything. That's a recipe for disaster! I'm excited, and looking forward to the next steps in the process.

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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CDL Training - Company and Schools Not Responding - Tips?

Great news Rick, good luck with Swift, ya can't believe all you read or hear about ANY trucking company. You have to experience and see things for yourself.

good-luck.gif good-luck-2.gif

This is absolutely true! With everywhere I've ever worked. I'm going into this with zero expectations or pre-conceived notions of what the company is like. As I said, I'm here to pay my dues and work hard. Thanks for sharing, I love hearing about everyone's experiences in the industry.

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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CDL Training - Company and Schools Not Responding - Tips?

Thank you so much, Laura and BK! I appreciate your input. Today I was finally able to switch my driver's license from Indiana to Oklahoma. I've been waiting weeks for my birth certificate to get sorted by Alaska's Vital Statistics office, and mailed to me. While I was at the DMV, the Swift recruiter called me. When I was finished, I gave him a call back with the new license #. Within minutes, I had an offer to attend the academy here in OKC, and a conditional offer of employment afterward!

I've seen a lot of people talk poorly about Swift, but I understand that they are a massive company. There is bound to be good and bad. And I'm new to the field, I can't afford to pick and choose my 'favorites'. It's time to buckle down, work hard, and pay my dues. In a year or two, if I don't remain with Swift, I'll look at other companies. But who knows, maybe Swift and I will be great together! I try to look at things in a positive light. So I'm going into this with my head held high and expecting work my rear end off to prove myself. I may have more questions in the future, and I'll most definitely start a thread in the diaries section of the forum when the time comes!

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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CDL Training - Company and Schools Not Responding - Tips?

Hello again, everyone! Boy, has it been a struggle the last month or so! I've been trying to get my birth certificate sent from Alaska, and finally got that sorted out end of last week. I've been putting in applications and contacting schools, but I'm not hearing much back. I have a fairly solid work history, and no criminal record/driving offenses. Does anyone have tips on how to stand out? I'm open to just about any company that will provide schooling with a commitment, I just want to get my foot in the door. Please let me know if you have any questions or tips. Thanks!

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