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Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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New driver wanting second chance
Thats strange wonder what the time fram was on the employee that had 6 incedents. i tryed western they said no, ill look yours up next
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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New driver wanting second chance
Would you know if class b companies would be any easier to get on with, i called like 20 class a companies and they do not want me, so my career in class a is probable dead till the time frames up and i can try them again.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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I think you can still find many jobs mountain girl you shouldnt have to much a hard time with applying to them, if your not as confident, do what i did today, i called 15-20 and found out im done for for a yr or so till time has passed. call up companies and tell recruiters your story or only what they need to know. youll know who to look at after you made some calls
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Hi jimbo, my company i used to work for had this rule, 3 incidents in a yr and your gone, or just one that involves a ticket and your done, i had 2 incidents and a 3rd that was a ticket so i got fired same day i got the ticket and shipped home on a bus from pa to GA 3 hrs later that they paid for, company was Werner
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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I got sent home by Con-way Freight
Just dont go to werner, lest you get trainers that wont teach you much, my first didnt do a thing for first 126 hrs, next guy was more interested in any girl he saw along the way then me and the last 2 didnt want me to back up at all
oh yeah and they just might send you to newark and newyork your first week out too
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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I got sent home by Con-way Freight
Just dont go to werner, lest you get trainers that wont teach you much, my first didnt do a thing for first 126 hrs, next guy was more interested in any girl he saw along the way then me and the last 2 didnt want me to back up at all
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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New driver wanting second chance
Thanks and no i wasnt wanting a rosey statement. but i do not know how to check the dac report, would you be able to tell me
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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New driver wanting second chance
Yeah all 3 of those accidents show on my dac so the companies will see them thanks for the advice ill see if i can find the smaller ones.