Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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New driver wanting second chance
Well i just called like 10 or 15 companies and they all are like no sorry come back after a yr hey might as well move to seatle washing ton if i cant find any company the city raised its minimum wage to 15 and hr could be a option for a second start for u and me perhaps but i would still want a driving job first
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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New driver wanting second chance
hi all i went with Werner Enterprises from cdl school, the sad thing is after 310 hrs of training the 4 trainers i had still didn't teach me to back up or how to read atlas or road signs right. it was all about follow the qualcomm gps which i didn't do well on either.
i ended up running into a bridge on my 6 day my self on the road and got a ticket for it. the gps messed up and i was lost trying to understand it.
i had 2 other smaller accidents on the truck that didn't include a ticket. on my second and 3rd day out my self.
i am wondering what my options are for going back to trucking cause i liked it a lot but the training was terrible even failed the test 2 times and he let me go ahead any ways to be nice.
also in the application part in trucking truth do i put down once accident for the ticket one or do i put that i had 3
if any one could help me find another way back to trucking it make my day
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Seeking wisdom on 2 companies for consideration
hello, i am nearly done with school and doing a lot better this time around. my cdl test is Thursday. i would like to gain insight about 2 companies i am considering working for.
they are super service trucking and us express, i have looked and they both seem good on paper. any views or comments about them would be welcome. one thing i am not sure about is the pay scale for super server, its different. sorta like start out at 31 cent then no raises normaly but they give u 2 cents if your a good safe driver. i couldn't understand it all.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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WIA? Would like more info on what this is and how to proceed.
I tried wia in my area but they wanted like 15 papers and documents all together, i tried to get them it all but it was time consuming, so after a month of trying to appease them and drive to their office. i just took out a small loan on my car and paid for the school i am going to now. i feel happier already. 1 week left. sorry i am a man though but this is advice i can give you from what my experience was
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Covenant Transport is big on team driving for 2 people, try them out
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Looking for help with 90* ally dock manuver
hi to every one, my name is Daniel I'm a student that went 3 weeks at daly's truck driving school, and failed all the maneuvers. now the straight line and the off set are not too hard just had a bad day with them, so i can see my faults. how ever the ally dock is the one i never could understand.
with 4 instructors and having one each day, i get told some thing different a lot. so i haven't been able to grasp it. the one i currently tried to follow for a week was to
turn steering wheel one turn right, till you see second landing gear or dolly, stop
then turn wheel 3 turns left or all way left, till you move back past the middle of landing gear or cross part just a little/stop
then turn wheel all way right till you see the small gap just past the second landing gear or dolly and stop.
and i think from there its walking the trailer but i have been getting lost about that point all the time. i am not good with remembering how to turn to get trailer to go a way i need it too, or walk it.
if any one could help me understand what i need to do or a whole diff method for it it would be great, i have been given 2 more weeks at my school to get it right.
parallel is also one i have not much fun with. i keep forgetting the stopping points to look for, any one know a method for this maneuver too?
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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New driver wanting second chance
hoping some one out there knows companies i could try still