Lorain, OH
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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What are your favorite gadgets on the road?
My cooler and cell phone...those i could not live without. I have a tv and an adaptor so i can broadcast my phone onto my tv....recently i decided to bite the bullet and get the satellite setup prime was offering, though i tends to use it less than i had originally thought.
I also have one of those small lunchbox ovens you can put the tin in that i cook soup and leftovers in. I've thought about a small coffee pot but I'm a bit lazy I'll just take my thermos in and fill it when i hit the head before starting my day.
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Any feedback on the Rand McNally TND tablet GPS?
To be totally honest get the 730, they have a deal at TA whereyou can get it bundled with a dash cam for the same price as the 730 by itself.
I have the smaller tablet now and i almost never take it off the gps screen. It has a few cool features but most of them require internet to use, so unless you plan on tethering on your phone or having a hotspot, they really aren't useable.
Save your hard earned money and just get the gps.
Again this is just my opinion, your millage may vary.
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Did a practice and this made no sense...
3. Three things factor into how quickly you can come to a full stop; those are: a) Perception distance, response distance, reaction distance. b) Perception distance, reaction distance, braking distance. c) Observation distance, reaction distance, slowing distance. d) Road conditions, speed, perception distance. Incorrect.
I choose D as if the roads are slick and you're going faster or slower that can dramatically change your ability to stop... they said it was B? Whats your knowledge/opinion on the subject?
While i agree weather conditions and speed have a role to play, you should be adjusting speed accordingly for the weather. Thus the question of what relates to stopping distance becomes:how fast you recognize a problem, how fast can you react to the problem, and how fast the truck can stop....perception, reaction, braking distance.
That's how I see this question anyways.
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Are there jobs my wife can do in the cab while I drive?
Unfortunately any at home telemarketing /customer service jobs require a land line phone or high speed Internet (hotspots don't count). I would say you have some great options given including contract work,or doing something crafty and selling on ebay or truck stops.
Only idea i have is that if she is good at language, and can identify and correct grammatical errors(notice i have horrible grammar) , is an editor or proofreader. I have an acquaintance that does this. Look around online there are numerous possibilities out there.
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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Well I started with Prime back in June as part of the PSD, finished, went through TNT, upgraded and teamed with my trainer for a while. I even took his truck out for 2 weeks on my own so he could take care of things at home and not have to worry about his lease payment. I went and got my own truck last month and everything has been good... a little more sitting than I like, but thems the breaks.
All this time without a single Incident/Accident...Then yesterday while at a Streakin' Beacon I was in a lane when the attendant asked me to back up and move to the other lane so I could get through quicker. I was like sure, no problem. Well..Long story short I lost track of the blind side and knocked over a little yellow pole and ripped my mudflap off the right rear of my truck. I was looking forward to joining those that said 1 year accident free. But I'll have to settle with almost a year accident free.
The only redeeming thing about this is that it can be reviewed in a year and may be changed from Accident to Incident...Not that it changes anything in my eyes, I goofed. But, I learned, and that is what is important.
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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Prime Inc Preliminary Driving Skills Evaluation
And there you have it, I was totally wrong.
Thanks Daniel and OSD
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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Prime Inc Preliminary Driving Skills Evaluation
Don't quote me but from what I understand it's a basic road test and I do believe backing. Basically a CDL Exam without the pretrip part. But again this is based on what I've heard, NOT, on personal experience.
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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An in-depth look inside my LW truck (a must see!)
Imma bump this because I still feel it's a valid post for those coming to Prime. Also when I get some time and it's daylight out I'll try and duplicate Daniels pictures and post with the inside of an International LW.
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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And I'll say it first........Missouri already labeled the truck. It's like having a specialty plate..... POS......Heck when I first saw it I was bored and came up with this line...
"OH!!! Ate A Piece of S***!"........I even filed it under things a common house fly might say.
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Game: Name those highways
I'm only gonna guess this part..... You too i-20/59 up and continued on i-59...then took us278 to us411 into Rome.
That'd be more than likely the route i would have taken at a quick glance.