Albuquerque, NM
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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Raised as a military brat I became a military wife. I love moving and road trips. Recently, I got my motorcycle endorsement AND a bike (can I bring that on the truck?) and now looking for a new job. We used to joke that when he retired I'd become a truck driver. It's time. :)
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Pre-physical or not before school?
Hi All,
The recruiter is now telling us that we have to have our physical done ahead of time. I have read/seen videos etc of guys/gals going to school saying they were told to get their physical ahead of time only to have the school ignore it. Which way is right/normal?
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Are you really sure that this is what you want?
Hey Redgator and Guys,
I would love to say I know I'm ready to be a truck driver, I can't. But, I do know I'm ready for a major change in my life and I love to drive and feel up to the challenge. I've done a lot of research into trucking - which school, which company, which cell phone is best (one of my probing posts), and much more? In my research I came across this site and started digging deeper into what it really means to be a truck driver - not just what the job entails, but the lifestyle... living in the small domicile of a sleeper. I've read countless posts about the good, the bad, and the ugly of being a trucker before joining Trucking Truth. I truly appreciate the bold faced truth in what I've read in these posts. I'm starting to get to know the various personalities that make up the TT forum. :) For the most part I think I'm ready. I know I have a lot to learn, but I'm excited to get started and see if I have what it takes to make it. I've been working on the High Road - THANK YOU Brett for putting this online! I do know this, you can only do so much book learning before you have to put up or shut up about what you know. And, you cannot truly understand something unless you live it.
I grew up taking road trips several times a year with my family as a military brat and loved seeing parts of this country that most people don't even know about. There were 6 of us kids growing up and being stationed all around every few years, road trips were the cheapest way for us to be able to see our relatives who were spread out from CO to OK to IL with a few extra stops here and there. I loved seeing our trip plans on the map and being challenged to find various details along the route. After I had grown up, I married a military guy as well hoping to keep moving around. It's in my blood. :) I have probably accumulated 600,000 safe miles driving my kids all over creation on various road trips when they were growing up. We joke that they were raised in their car seats! LOL Have you been to where Superman is from? My kids have!. I also homeschooled them for 8 years that's why I was able to drag them all over. :) My husband (now ex) and I used to joke that when he retired I should become a truck driver. Seemed far fetched 20 years ago, but it's about that time of my life. I am not quite to the 5-0 yet, but still love driving and seriously want to start trucking.
I'll be doing this adventure with my boyfriend. He's the one who brought up trucking as a possible new career for both of us a few months ago and since then we've been trying to figure out how we could really make it happen and team drive. We're just about set and hope to start school by mid June. We're both ready for a big change and we've discussed all kinds of things with our recruiter as well as each other about what it is we can expect trying not to be blown away with anything. We're trying to prepare as best as we can, but we know until we live it it's not real.
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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How much strength is required?
Hi Kristine,
This site has been a godsend for my research into trucking. I'll be going to school next month. :) The High Road course here is a wonderful (free) tool to help prepare. The other thing I've been doing is watching a lot of youtube videos. Be careful though because there are some whiners out there who think one trucking company or another are bad just because they had a bad experience. Do a ton of research, prepare yourself and go for it! I am excited for my future in trucking.
Deb C
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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I made it THROUGH!!!! Whoo Hoo!!!!
Congrats GlamGirl! :D Very happy for you.
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Hi Eden,
I've been pondering this question too. I recently watched Big Rig on Netflix and one of the ladies on there said tasers were legal. I plan on team driving so I'm not as concerned. We have talked about trying to staying together at each stop, but I know that's not always feasible. I'll be interested in seeing other's responses. Good luck!
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Which cell phone company has the best coverage OTR?
:) Thanks for the added replies. I now realize I was wrong to say I probably wouldn't use the phone much. What was I was thinking? LOL I'll tell ya, I was thinking of communicating more through the on board computer system and possibly the CB. Live and learn, that's why I love this site and y'all that keep us headed in the right direction. :)
I love using starting and stopping points on Google maps when taking my road trips. I started out with the real paper atlas and my parents quizzing my sibs and I for distance, destination, possible stops along the way, etc. Now with Google maps, it's a whole new ball game with much more information and street views. :)
Thanks!!! :D Debbie
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Hi BJ and All,
Congrats on finding the right path for you and your family! You give me/us hope!
I agree with your assessment and appreciation for Trucking Truth as well. I've recently had to reconsider my job and decided to quit. My guy is in the same boat. After seriously talking about the idea of team driving with my guy,weI began to do a lot of research. I too "stumbled" upon Trucking Truth and have found the information on this site, the Q's & A's on the forums and the trucker's blogs extremely helpful. We have yet to start CDL school, but it should be in a few weeks. We're trying to be as prepared as possible so we're not totally blindsided when we get there. Trucking Truth has been the best and most valuable resource I could have come across for us to glean from others from both the newbies and the experienced.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Trucking Truth because you have made our decision to team drive a open eyed decision. I know there are things we will only understand as we live them on the road day after day, week after week. But, for now, we're both psyched to keep headed in the direction of getting our CDLs and begin team driving very soon!
Debbie (and Darryl)
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Which cell phone company has the best coverage OTR?
Thank you all for your input, it has been most helpful. I have Verizon now, but am tired of paying so much for how little I actually use the phone right now. I don't imagine I'll be using it that much on the road, but want to know it's good coverage when I am out there. :)
Thanks again! Deb
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Which cell phone company has the best coverage OTR?
Hi All,
I'm new to Trucking and will be going to school soon. I'm needing to update/upgrade my cell phone. It's out of contract so I can go with anyone. Which cell phone company do you recommend for the best coverage for OTR usage?
Thank you, Deb C
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Pre-physical or not before school?
Thanks Starcar and Joshua B,
I inquired at my doctor's office today and found out what I will need to do to get one done with them. I think just to cover my bases I'll get one done with my doc and present it to the school when I go and then see what they require after that.
Thanks again and thanks for the welcome too! :)