Profile For GA Trucker

GA Trucker's Info

  • Location:
    Baxley, GA

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 7 months ago

GA Trucker's Bio

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Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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AD Transportation or Aika Transportation

Do anyone know anything about these companies I can go to work with both just have to decide which one. Thanks for any help

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Working with a company that is a long way from home????

What is the pros and cons of working with a company that is a long ways from home. Have to catch a bus to go to the terminal to get hired then they will asign a truck to me which I can keep at home.just kind of nervous about having to go that far from home to get hired anybody's input would be helpful. thanks

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Hurt On The Job !!!!!!!

I was hurt on the job a few months ago and broke a bone and have been on workers comp for months and I think that the Dr will release me back to full duty in a few weeks does anyone know what to expect from a big company this is the first time I have ever been hurt on the job can this company tell a another company that I was on workers comp if I decide to go to work with another company because I will have to use this company has a job reference because all of my experience is with this company this was a flatbed company and I think that I would like to pull something else

Thanks for any info

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Legal Plan ??????

Is it worth it to get a legal plan like drivers legal plan

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Flatbed drivers and tarpping loads ( hard or not ) ?????

I am thanking about going from reefers to flatbeds how hard is it to tarp a load????? the company said that I would only be tarpping 20% of the load is that good or not????? Please help Thanks to all

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Driving at night

Do most OTR drivers drive at night or in the day My trainer thanks that we must drive at night when there is more than enough time to take our break at night and drive in the day It is very hard for me to go to bed @ 12pm and get up @ 10pm and then drive I would thank that you would like for someone that is driving for the first time to be driving in the day time When I get my truck I will be trying to driving in the day You can most of the time pick if you drive in the day or night Please tell me if that is so

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Truck stops and their showers

Hello truckers,

I will be going out with my trainer next week and was wondering about the these truck stops and their showers do they provide washcloths and towels or do I need to bring my own and what do they charge per shower?

Thanks a lot and everybody have a great Thanksgiving

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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What happens if your blood pressure is too high

Hello truckers,

I will be going to orientation this Tuesday for comcar (mct) there tell me that I will have to do another DOT physical and I know that whenever I get there I'm going to be nervous and my blood pressure will be high what would they do if it's high whenever there given me the physical,

will they send me home for a few weeks to go to the doctor and try to get it under control, or will they just send me home for good and either way will that be on my permanent record that will stop me from going to work for another company.

Please give me as much advice as you all can!!!!!!

thanks, drive safe

Posted:  10 years, 4 months ago

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Questions to ask the recruiter

Hello truckers,

I need some advise from experienced drivers on want to ask the recruiters, to cut down on too many surprises when I go to work I know the basic questions like what kind of equipment does the truck have APU on them and inverters and I know to ask about the pay if it is the same loaded or empty and how many miles they average a week.

I graduated from school on 7 October I'm thinking seriously about going to work for either comcar ( mct ) or avette does anybody have anything good or bad to say about either of these companies.

Any information will be greatly appreciated thanks again and drive safely.

Posted:  10 years, 4 months ago

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Nervous about testing

Hello truckers,

I will be taking my class a CDL test next Tuesday, and I am starting to get nervous but I will be okay I just got to keep reminding myself it's just the skills that I have learned and put everything else out of my mind I'm going to go to the school tomorrow to watch a few other people taking their test I don't know if it'll do any good but it can't hurt. I would let everybody know how it goes and Brett thanks a million for this website!!!!!!!

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