Profile For Andy C.

Andy C.'s Info

  • Location:
    Buffalo, NY

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 7 months ago

Andy C.'s Bio

Average Joe? feel free to ask anything you like, an e-mail will get you a friend request on fb if you care to, the plan is to document my journey of becoming a truck driver...

Definitely a music guru, old new, things you never heard before :) stay away from HipHop and a lot of country lol what kind of trucker doesn't do country?

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Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Roehl Training August 2014

I'm just going to jump to my three month mark, good, bad, ugly, i took off the right side of my bumper backing into a dock with a sloping curb, hit a low hanging branch cracking my canopy, even had Another driver take off my west coast mirror, i successfully drove through New York city, New Jersey, got lost a few times, cut an hour off of a trip because i did so well. Been through Canada, Georgia, Connecticut, Virginia, incredible sights, incredible places. Suffered through the snow storm that hit buffalo not too long ago. Hit my docks on first tries, taken half hour to back in properly. Stuck on the side of the road because i messed up hours of service, Sat and talked to other drivers for hours picking up tips and ideas. To this point, it's been quite an adventure. And i have to say, last drop, i nailed it. One shot back into a tight spot, learning my routes, confidence is high, i do love what i do. No matter how many times i told myself i was quitting, and believe me it was a lot lol, i can't imagine doing anything else. The freedom, the fun. The knowledge of what i am really doing. Its a rush.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Roehl Training August 2014

Fast forward a few weeks, My backing is still a little sloppy, i avoid truck stops that are really packed because I'm too nervous about hitting a spot and feeling like a damned fool, silly i know, but pride and all that jazz. I've gotten lost, been fifty miles out of route because i missed a turn and didn't realize it, I've backed into what looked like incredibly hard docks, happy with my progress. Finding gears more than missing, getting the feel for my truck, for how tight i can make a turn, for how to judge side clearance. Getting used to the off sleep schedule, but absolutely loving what i do. Using the rookie card to score a free shower because i didn't have credits lol. A new fleet manager because my guy quit, getting better at understanding my atlas and where rest stops and truck stops are. Knowing when is a good time to start looking for a place to park. So many things. Rather overwhelming at first, Sometimes close to tears of frustration, most times just floored at how far I've come since starting school... I love what i do!

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Roehl Training August 2014

Despite the nerves and panic, i got my next load, determined to do better this time. Head to cattaraugus (sp) to pick up scrap paper to take to Pennsylvania. Just awesome, beautiful country side, another ten minute back in job, but, hey, I'm a rookie. Can't get it right away can i? Loaded, ready to roll, start the truck, release the clutch... Stall. Lolol... Red faced with embarrassment i try again. Stall. What the? Silly... Forgot to put the selector switch down. Trying to move from a dead stop in 7th gear with 35000 pounds of paper on your trailer. Lol Doesn't work. Learning process. Only day two alone. The rush of fear, enjoyment, the thrill of actually driving a 70 foot truck by myself. Incredible. The first time you drive in Pa, you realize there are a lot of hills on the 22 and 322. Hmm. I'm slowing down, need to downshift, crap, missed my gear. Went for nine, hit 7, of course it won't go in. Try sixth, oops, my nerves are done. Mistake number two was stopping on an incline to start all over. Lmbo Don't do it. Until i figured out i had to start in second gear, i couldn't move without stalling my truck. Another lesson i learned on my own. Finally rolling again, I'm going over everything i thought i knew. Realizing it wasn't much. A few hours pass, I'm feeling good. I want to practice downshift, so i pull over into a rest area, still having trouble remembering where my gears are. Grind, Grind, haha. It's not all bad. Hop out and do a safety check. All good. As i start rolling again, everything hits perfectly. No grinds, no missed gears, i feel great. Arriving at my cons, a nice large lot, yay, a straight back. Little trouble, but feel good. I promise not to write every load lol. Just want you to understand, when you first start out, there will be incredibly rough Times and incredibly proud wonderful times....

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Roehl Training August 2014

Day one... My first delivery, just can't explain how nervous i was. Picking up my first load in Virginia, medical supplies going to buffalo so i can have some home time. Well, buffalo General hospital warehouse, pulled up, saw that the dock was inside a building... Holy crap! Good thing i got there at three am, wouldn't want to look like a complete moron trying to back in. Let's face it, first time alone. I'm gonna take a long time to get into the dock. Hmmm... Another driver shows up, i let him go first, watch what he does, looks easy right? Wasn't as bad as i thought, only ten minutes. Rather proud of myself, tight fit right next to an i beam. Unloaded, begin to pull out... Well, when you first learn, the nerves are up there, ride the clutch pulling forward, the truck "bobbles" a little. Well, it "bobbled" at the wrong time :( the back drivers trailer door catches the i beam. Yep, you got it, door rips right off. Omg... Embarrassing... Other driver helps me toss it into the back Of the trailer. Gotta make the call to safety. I'm gonna get fired. I just know it. First delivery and I'm already trashing stuff... Ha. Well, it's all good. Just go to a repair shop and have them rehang the door. All good. I tell you this because it's nice to know you are not alone if you make a mistake. Don't panic, poop happens. And, there is more ;0)

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Roehl Training August 2014


Of course i will, glad to know there is interest. I just hit my three months, finally off the training board. So... Haha following will be a recap, the past three months. What an adventure. Stay tuned lol

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Roehl Training August 2014

Lol, no crazy machines, promise! So, your heading out with a trainer for phase two now? If so, your going to be fine... I was nervous as he## when i went to meet my trainer. But, they really are good peeps.

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Roehl Training August 2014

That's great news! The agility test was... Goofy lol Just three squats, three times picking up a 40 pound box and one time pretending to climb up on a trailer. They checked my heart rate after each test... Nothing huge. And blood pressure. Mine is a lil high cos I'm a smoker, but again no worries. Going to Fox valley? Would enjoy your thoughts on it! I'm going to post my... Thoughts on being just over a month out solo today, hopefully it gives you a little insight. Feel free to ask any questions! Everyone here is terrific with info!

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Winter is on the way... any thoughts?

Well, father winter is coming fast around the north east here, Ran in to my first bout of snow the other day. I've heard a few stories about parking when it gets bad, how truckers are parked double and triple in areas, i can imagine it's not easy to find parking. Entrances I'm sure are loaded with plowed snow... Other than the usual advice of parking early, not always an option, any thoughts there? Still wearing the rookie pants, i find it difficult even now before it gets bad to find a spot before i run out of hours and have to stop in places I'd rather not. Northeast region at times can not be friendly for me. The learning curve is very steep.

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Put trucks in their place: the right lane

Coming of new jersey yesterday, forgive my... Fumbling ha. There are truck routes (stay right) and car routes (left) Needless to say, the truck route is packed with semis moving along, and for some ungodly reason the four wheelers are zipping in and out between us... Just as the flow begins to move, a car cuts off a truck causing a chain reaction slowing us all down... Be awesome if there were truck only routes two lanes, NO CARS ALLOWED! If i were a multi multi billionaire, I'd build two lanes off to the side of every highway for trucks only lol. A passing lane and a straight. Perfect world. Well, except for the guys who feel the need to hang in the left lane because they are special and pretty much own the road. The hell with other truckers. Sigh... It's a no win situation. Everyone wants to make a living, moving makes money, but how hard is it to have a little constraint when it comes to driving? Cars, i will destroy you if you misjudged your cutting me off, trucks, I've only been driving solo for a couple weeks, but already have seen a firey wreck (god rest his soul), a truck in the ditch on the right, a truck stuck on a median on the left, and a Jacknifed trailer straight across a three lane highway... The big picture. It's dangerous and instead of making more laws, how about more education... Just a thought...

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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File Under "Rookie"

No u turn means it takes a ton of room to u turn s 70 foot truck, risk of damage is too high. Most companies do not allow you to do them,.

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