Visalia, CA
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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Driving since 2014. I’ve done OTR, Regional and Local. I have dry van, reefer and straight truck experience. I have a tanker endorsement, but haven’t driven a tanker.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Going To Knight Refrigerated Orientation
Got my orientation confirmation. Heading to Phoenix on Sunday. Again, any advice from those of you who have been through Knight Refrigerated orientation would be helpful and most welcome. Thanks!
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Hey Chris,
I went through Central Refrigerated Trucking School. Overall, it was very good. I have one recommendation. It is very fast paced, so if you are a person who likes to be thorough and take your time in learning new things, I would NOT recommend Central. If you are a fast learner, I wish you the very best and say, GO FOR IT!!!
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Going To Knight Refrigerated Orientation
That's awesome Brent!
My advice is to approach it like you would the military. Expect them to throw every challenge imaginable at you. Expect to meet people you don't like. Expect to follow procedures that seem to make no sense. Expect everything and anything. But most of all expect yourself to figure out a way to stay the course and see it through successfully no matter what.
There isn't anything you're going to come across that you can't handle. There won't be any challenges you can't overcome. They won't expect anything of you that hasn't been done by millions of drivers that came before you. As long as you stay fiercely determined to do what it takes to be successful, you will be.
Almost nobody ever fails at their trucking career because they weren't capable of becoming a professional driver. They quit because they can't handle it or they screw it up for themselves by having the wrong attitude or expectations. You've been around here for a while. You've heard our take on how to be successful in this industry. And you've even been out there to test the waters. Now is the time to go out there and make it happen. No excuses, no quitting, no settling for anything less than success.
Take that fierce determination in there with you and you'll come out the other side a professional driver. No question about it.
Thanks, Brett. I appreciate the motivation, advice and encouragement. I am sticking with it through thick or thin, this time. This isn't just about me, it is about my wife and two boys. Time for me to man-up! I am excited, humbled and blessed for another opportunity!
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Going To Knight Refrigerated Orientation
It's a go. Plane ticked is purchased and I am heading to Phoenix this Sunday to start orientation at Knight Refrigerated. Excited for another chance and going to make the most of it. It is all about MY attitude. Going in there with that mentality will be very productive for me. Anyone who has been thru Knight Refrigerated orientation and currently works for them, I would love your advice. Actually, advice from any of you would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Well, round 3 starts on April 21st. Got a plane ticket for $30 more than a bus ticket. You bet I am flying! Heading to Knight Refrigerated orientation, in Phoenix, AZ. I have not had very good luck with my first two companies, but I am planning to stick it out through the good and tough times. I do have a back up plan with another trucking company, just in case Knight sends me home for some reason, during orientation, but I am not going into this with that mentality. Yes, I did think enough to stagger the dates with the other company, just in case. :) . If there is anyone from Knight Refrigerated in this forum, I would love to hear from you, or any one of you. Thanks!
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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My rule of thumb has always been…"When in doubt, go above and beyond, and document everything".
Agreed, LittleJoe!
Well, round 3 starts on April 21st. Heading to Knight Refrigerated orientation, in Phoenix, AZ. I have not had very good luck with my first two companies, but I am planning to stick it out through the good and tough times. I do have a back up plan with another trucking company, just in case Knight sends me home for some reason, during orientation, but I am not going into this with that mentality. Yes, I did think enough to stagger the dates with the other company, just in case. :) . If there is anyone from Knight Refrigerated in this forum, I would love to hear from you, or any one of you. Thanks!
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Here is the question I asked:
Just to confirm, I do not have to go thru the full school, even though I only have 2 weeks OTR training, correct?
Here is her response:
"Correct, you do not have any further schooling, just 4 weeks out with a trainer".
Is that enough, or should I push for specifics?
Since you already have your CDL, there's no need for you to go through school again.
Yes, I understand that. I am just concerned that there website says a minimum of 3 months OTR experience is needed to work for them. She said it would be OK, over the phone, but she won't confirm by email.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Here is the question I asked:
Just to confirm, I do not have to go thru the full school, even though I only have 2 weeks OTR training, correct?
Here is her response:
"Correct, you do not have any further schooling, just 4 weeks out with a trainer".
Is that enough, or should I push for specifics?
Posted: 4 years, 8 months ago
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Xanax and Peripheral Neuropathy.
Hey Everyone! I haven’t been on in about six years. Lot’s of miles and changes since then.
So, I have been seeing a lot of new info on Xanax and peripheral neuropathy. I have been on .25mg of Xanax, for sleeping only, since 2016. I have had, moderate, peripheral neuropathy in both feet since 2016. I have worked for 2 companies, since then, with no issues. I have had my medical renewed twice during the last four years, too. I am now hearing that the fmsca is saying no medical card for peripheral neuropathy, yet I have worked with two different companies, while diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. I haven’t had any issues with Xanax , either.
I am hearing, now, that some trucking companies are having to refuse drivers because of their insurance policies and/or their DOT Doctor. I have used my own DOT doctor, for the last 3 renewals with, no issues. I am currently trying to get on at two companies. One is allowing me to use my current medical card, and the other wants me to use there doctor, even though I just renewed it. I asked the company, that wants me to use their doctor, if I could email them my medical long form and a note from my personal doctor stating that I can drive a commercial vehicle without any issues. The company said they would see if they can do that, and have their doctor look at the information. That way, if the answer is no, I don’t make a trip to orientation, only to be sent home. I have heard that some companies don’t want the information ahead of time because they don’t want to be sued for discrimination, if they tell you no, before you get there.
I really don’t want to give up on trucking, because I would not be able to come near the pay I get now, without going back to school.