Profile For 3rd Generation

3rd Generation's Info

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    Company Driver In Training

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    10 years, 6 months ago

3rd Generation's Bio

Retired law enforcement turned 3rd generation trucker. Yes, my dad and Pop-pop before me were both independent OTR o/o's. Me, I am a company man.

My Avatar picture is my Dad's first truck, an old International cab-over that he bought used from my Pop-pop to start his career on the road. Man those cab-overs sure are ugly. I'll take an anteater over one of those any day!

Well, have a blessed day and be safe out there.

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Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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3 Weeks down in OTR training, Lovin it!!!

Started orientation on 11/03/14. Went OTR with a trainer by the end of that week. After the 2nd week, me and my trainer had decided to run team. Together, we ran 4625 miles that 2nd week. We get along very well and he trusted me to drive while he slept before the end of the first week. We have already approached the terminal manager and got approval for teams. He told us we can definitely run team but that we are welcome to change to solo drivers at any time that either one of us decides to.

Running teams has a couple of benefits that solo doesn't. My company pays a little more for running teams. I also feel having two drivers provides a safer work environment, especially when driving northern routes in the winter time. And, our company doesn't use APU's but they still have a pretty strict idling policy, but not much of an issue when running teams. These are just some of the reasons I prefer teams right now.

I will be completely off training status and pay by the end of this coming week, thank gawd! I'm going broke on trainee pay!

Side note: Was "out" three weeks and just got 5 days home time during Thanksgiving with my wife, son and the rest of the family. Its was like my wife and I were having our honeymoon all over again. Very nice! This works for us.

Posted:  10 years, 4 months ago

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Advice for a long bus ride to CDL school

You will probably have to study some the "Old Fashioned" way. My New Mexico CDL manual has review questions after each section and yours probably does as well. I would suggest reading each section and then writing down the review questions with the answers in a spiral notebook. I read both the N.M. manual and answered all the section review questions and did the High Road Training Program (Twice) before starting school. My average on the six MVD/DMV tests I've taken so far has been a 93% because of the studying, no doubt about it.

Posted:  10 years, 4 months ago

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My thanks to and everyone involved!!!

Week 2, Day 4

I apologize for no entries since last week. Not much to say until now except studying, home work and testing. All classroom work and watching old videos from the 1990's even one from 1988, YUCK!!!

Today is different though. Finished testing for Doubles/Triples, Tankers and went ahead and took and passed the Passenger test as well. Why not? The written test for Passenger was free but the Practical Test for (P) endorsement will be an additional $150.00 out of my pocket and is not covered under my program's $1,221 tuition. That's ok because its an awesomely inexpensive program but still very thorough.

Today I got my CDL Class A Permit with all endorsements except (S)School Bus and (H)Hazmat. After getting the permit, went to the facility designated for Hazmat background checks and TWIC applications, Hazmat Background=$86.50 and TWIC application=$129.75. These two items are also out of my pocket and not covered under the program's $1,221 tuition but again very ok!!!

My last written test is next week for Hazmat and then its time to start learning to drive the Big Rigs! Now that's exciting.....

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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My thanks to and everyone involved!!!

Day 4

Testing for CDL Permit:

General Knowledge: 94% Air Brakes: 96% Combinations: 95%

Tomorrow will be Forklift Training in the morning then Physical for Medical Card and Drug Test. Once medical card is issued then I can get my CDL Permit.

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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My thanks to and everyone involved!!!

Day 2

Not much to report for today. More General Knowledge and Combinations material for taking the CDL permit test on Thursday. Airbrakes tomorrow. I can't wait until next week when I head out of class to go get finger printed for my Hazmat and TWIC background checks and we begin Doubles/Triples and Tankers. I can't wait because we also begin climbing into the $250k driving simulator that the school has. Until then its probably going to be a little boring because I have nearly mastered the book portion of this program thanks to The High Road Training Program and the CDL Practice Test App that I've downloaded to my phone. I do several sections of review with the Practice App each day during my spare time.

I have also told several of the other students about checking out TT.

Well until next time, have a blessed day and be safe!

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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To TWIC or not to TWIC???

Sounds like good solid advice. That's David.

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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To TWIC or not to TWIC???

What say you??? Should a rookie still in school that's planning to OTR get a TWIC card or not?

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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My thanks to and everyone involved!!!

Forgot to mention that a Pre-hire from Werner was waiting for me in my mailbox when I got home. Not where I'm likely to go if I end up OTR but it was nice to see it sitting there after a hard day's work trying to stay awake in a classroom.

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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My thanks to and everyone involved!!!

Day 1 is over and it was a good day. Good for a day sitting in a classroom anyway. Went over a couple of chapters of General Knowledge. Next two days will be more of the same along with Air Brakes and Combinations. Feel like I'm very far ahead due to completing The High Road Training Program (twice) and reading my state manual one time and answering the review questions from each section before even starting this program. Got my state copy through a link at TT BTW.

Slight contradiction in Braking distances between my state manual and High Road for Perception, Reaction, Braking and Total Distance. Have to relearn my manual's info for my state test.

Thursday is test day for the CDL permit. We don't do the physical and drug test until Friday.

Next week is Doubles/Triples and Tankers.

3rd week will be Hazmat. Hazmat background costs an additional $65 not covered under the program's tuition.

It costs $150 extra to get the P endorsement as well. Going to let that one go. I'll be investing my money in a TWIC card instead, $129 I believe. Makes it much easier to make runs in to and out of Canada and into ports to pick up loads as I understand.

Everything else appears to be completely covered under this program's meager $1,221 tuition. A public school option where I get my CDL and don't owe some company for sending me to school. This is my CDL not theirs!!! Or, I don't have to spend a butt-ton of my own money to attend some private CDL program somewhere.

This is going to be a cake walk as long as I keep hitting the CDL Practice Test App that I downloaded to my phone to keep all this information fresh in my mind.

Thank again everyone at TT!!!

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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My thanks to and everyone involved!!!

San Juan College School of Energy CDL Program, Basic Course Outline for 8 Week Class: 16 Student Maximum 12 Class A Trucks 3 Class B Trucks 1 Passenger Bus For New Mexico and Colorado Residents Only

M-F, 8-5 with 1 hour lunch, 3 Weeks Classroom 4 Weeks Driving 1 Week Final Testing 8 Weeks Total

NM Tuition: $1,221 CO Tuition: Probably about Double that

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