Sulphur Springs, TX
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Out of work rookie driver. I am 56 years old. Female
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Ready for Roadmaster West Memphis Ar
Well after much studying and searching for a refresher, I decided on Roadmaster Truck Driving School. Yes, it is very expensive! It is only 3 weeks and cost $6495, same as new driver training. But.....noone wants to do refresher training. I have 3 yrs OTR/TEAM with my husband, but have not driven in a year. My husband wants me to stay home because he is pulling mobile homes and making real good money, BUT I LOVE TO DRIVE ! I can not stay home another day. I will start school on Monday, the 29th. I will be placed on the national job register for life, that's a bonus! I will be trying to get on with Knight. Knight has a lot of options for hometime, and I may try to become a trainer ($70 to $75,000 a year) not bad for training company. I am very excited! I forgot to mention that Knight pays most of the tuition for school. Roadmaster is private school, so you don't have to contract with a company for repayment, you just get another company to pay it or you pay it yourself (finance with low payments). I hope I am not making a mistake paying so much, but I really need the training. My husband was my trainer when I started, and he did everything! I only helped fuel, hooked up air and electrical lines, and drove. He did load plans, backing, etc.... I would not recommend your spouse as trainer, not if they are a gentleman and even open your door for you on a big rig (like he did). I love him, but, he hurt me more than helped me. He really wanted me dependent on him so I would not take off on my own (sorry hubby, not doing oversize loads or staying home). Truck driving is in my blood !!!!!
I would love to hear from anyone about Roadmaster school. I will not have a computer with me after sunday, but I will be checking back in from time to time. Thanks to everyone at TT ! I have not posted a lot on the site, but I have been reading for hours on end! I will keep doing it when I can. I will be getting my mobile internet turned back on at some point, and I will post my experiences with school and wherever I go to work!
Thanks for everyone's comments! NOT !!!!
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Need help, returning rookie going solo
Rita....don't sell yourself short !!!! You have alot of otr experience, even if its old.....its still worth something !!!! Be sure and expand your circle of research...find the best deal you can....push the fact that you do have otr experience....they would be getting a driver who knew what its like out there, not a rookie....
Hey Starcar....I know it's been a while. Thanks for your input. I have decided to go with Roadmaster, then I will be trying to get on with Knight. I decided I just don't feel comfortable about driving without some refresher course. If I don't feel safe, I should not be behind the wheel. I know one of my greatest fears (had this happen to me before) is being on the upside of a mountain and the traffic comes to stop and go and I can't get a gear and start to roll back and end up popping the clutch, killing the truck, and I am alone! (when it happened the first time, my husband jumped behind the wheel ! ) Anyway, I will start refresher on Monday the 29th. I am excited! It feels like the first time I ever drove though. My plan is to work six months to a year and then be a trainer. I will still keep in touch and let you know how it's going. I posted on the general section, but no reply. BOYS!
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Ready for Roadmaster West Memphis Ar
Well after much studying and searching for a refresher, I decided on Roadmaster Truck Driving School. Yes, it is very expensive! It is only 3 weeks and cost $6495, same as new driver training. But.....noone wants to do refresher training. I have 3 yrs OTR/TEAM with my husband, but have not driven in a year. My husband wants me to stay home because he is pulling mobile homes and making real good money, BUT I LOVE TO DRIVE ! I can not stay home another day. I will start school on Monday, the 29th. I will be placed on the national job register for life, that's a bonus! I will be trying to get on with Knight. Knight has a lot of options for hometime, and I may try to become a trainer ($70 to $75,000 a year) not bad for training company. I am very excited! I forgot to mention that Knight pays most of the tuition for school. Roadmaster is private school, so you don't have to contract with a company for repayment, you just get another company to pay it or you pay it yourself (finance with low payments). I hope I am not making a mistake paying so much, but I really need the training. My husband was my trainer when I started, and he did everything! I only helped fuel, hooked up air and electrical lines, and drove. He did load plans, backing, etc.... I would not recommend your spouse as trainer, not if they are a gentleman and even open your door for you on a big rig (like he did). I love him, but, he hurt me more than helped me. He really wanted me dependent on him so I would not take off on my own (sorry hubby, not doing oversize loads or staying home). Truck driving is in my blood !!!!!
I would love to hear from anyone about Roadmaster school. I will not have a computer with me after sunday, but I will be checking back in from time to time. Thanks to everyone at TT ! I have not posted a lot on the site, but I have been reading for hours on end! I will keep doing it when I can. I will be getting my mobile internet turned back on at some point, and I will post my experiences with school and wherever I go to work!
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Does anybody know anything about Refresher courses?
I am a rookie, 3 years OTR team driver, with my husband. I have not driven for almost a year. I have tried to find a refresher for months! Not many places offer them anymore! I don't know where you live, but I am in Texas and have found only 2 companies, Transport America (5 to 7 days training based on road test) and Averritt has a refresher (all trucks are automatics). I am now thinking of refresher at Roadmaster (cost $6495 for 3 weeks though!) I guess it beats sitting home looking for a refresher and wishing I was on a truck! I LOVE DRIVING! !!!
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Need help, returning rookie going solo
You maybe my ticket back in. I have been out of the truck for 6 years, I let my cdl lapse. I am working on getting back into the truck, testing, etc. I also spoke with transport America. I will take my testing soon and rent a truck to do the driver road exam. I was a driver trainer for several years. Transport America said they would hire me once I had my cdl. No schooling again. I also live in NE texas near Marshall/Longview. let me know if you want to talk. I can definitely teach you how to plan a trip and back. My best friend Candy just hired onto Transport America with her husband and they can help with the company macros etc......
Thanks...not sure now about Transport America. I am looking at Roadmasters refresher. My daughter lives in Memphis, TN and wants to go to school with me and team with me. Roadmasters has job placement and I am going to see if Transport America will pay the tuition. They want $6000.00 and they say they can guarantee me a job with Stevens and Stevens will pay 90%. I am still searching my options. I live in Sulphur Springs so you are not far from me! I will keep you informed with what I find out.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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DALLAS ,Texas newbie need help :)
Well, just to toss this out there.... there are many really good company sponsored schools out there. There are advantages and disadvantages to the different schools. By going through a non company sponsored school, you have to put a lot of cash out of pocket. You may get it reimbursed after you get hired over many months. You will not make any more money either way. You will still have to go out with a trainer for the company you choose after school either way. Many of the company sponsored schools will pay for your trip to the school. I started with Roehl. It was a great school and they have treated me great. Just don't want you to discount company sponsored training with out researching them as well.
Great stuff. I appreciate that. Each time I lean one way I hear from someone else to go the other lol. I was thinking private so I can go to whatever company I want but I don't just have that kind of cash laying around. So looks like school will be it for me. I def appreciate everyone's opinions. Decisions decisions decisions.
If you want a GREAT school in Texas, talk to Amarillo College Truck Driving Academy in Amarillo, Tx. They have housing and everything. They train you for your CDL, you get your license with all endorsements, including school bus/ passenger, with option for your hazemat. You learn to drive city, OTR (600 miles of road training) (with 10% downgrade), they train you in a tanker, no baffles, 3/4 full, then when you take your test you drive a 28ft flatbed with a day cab and automatic transmission (not limited to driving automatics because you do all your training in 10 speed). The course is 8 to 10 weeks...pay as you go. They have some scholarships also. I think you get it free if you are a veteran! They have a lot of recruiters come in at the end of the course that beg you to work for them too ! It is on the list of qualified schools at every trucking company I have ever looked at also. The only thing I did not like was double clutching, but I think everyone should know how to do it ! It helped me several times to get out of difficult shifting situations when I was floating gears. Good luck to you. Let us know how it goes.
Oh.....believe it or not.....Covenant has a great school in Chattanooga, Tn. They pay your way up and everything then hire you.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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DALLAS ,Texas newbie need help :)
Well, just to toss this out there.... there are many really good company sponsored schools out there. There are advantages and disadvantages to the different schools. By going through a non company sponsored school, you have to put a lot of cash out of pocket. You may get it reimbursed after you get hired over many months. You will not make any more money either way. You will still have to go out with a trainer for the company you choose after school either way. Many of the company sponsored schools will pay for your trip to the school. I started with Roehl. It was a great school and they have treated me great. Just don't want you to discount company sponsored training with out researching them as well.
Great stuff. I appreciate that. Each time I lean one way I hear from someone else to go the other lol. I was thinking private so I can go to whatever company I want but I don't just have that kind of cash laying around. So looks like school will be it for me. I def appreciate everyone's opinions. Decisions decisions decisions.
If you want a GREAT school in Texas, talk to Amarillo College Truck Driving Academy in Amarillo, Tx. They have housing and everything. They train you for your CDL, you get your license with all endorsements, including school bus/ passenger, with option for your hazemat. You learn to drive city, OTR (600 miles of road training) (with 10% downgrade), they train you in a tanker, no baffles, 3/4 full, then when you take your test you drive a 28ft flatbed with a day cab and automatic transmission (not limited to driving automatics because you do all your training in 10 speed). The course is 8 to 10 weeks...pay as you go. They have some scholarships also. I think you get it free if you are a veteran! They have a lot of recruiters come in at the end of the course that beg you to work for them too ! It is on the list of qualified schools at every trucking company I have ever looked at also. The only thing I did not like was double clutching, but I think everyone should know how to do it ! It helped me several times to get out of difficult shifting situations when I was floating gears. Good luck to you. Let us know how it goes.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Need help, returning rookie going solo
Rita...can you possibly go back to the school that trained you and go thru a refresher ??? explain the areas that your hubby didn't train you in, that you need to BE trained in.....infact, when you talk to ANY recruiter, tell them that very same thing. Once you've driven a sift transmission, it WILL come back to you...just some practice...but the backing...you need refresher training. Trip planning, and the other things will be taught by whatever trainer you go with. You have all the basics...you just need some help in some areas...and trust me...you are not the first...Ask Redgator, we know someone who got babied just like you...but a trainer did it !!! After she went solo, she had one hard time taeching herself all the stuff that guy "did" for her, out of kindness ( and the idea that women aren't real smart, I think). Anyway...YOU CAN DO IT !!!! And we are here to help......so get going....talk to your old school...if not, then put in those apps ( theres a link for that on here) and go thru the High ROad triaing on here to refresh yourself on all the other stuff...and BTW...Redgator is the Trip Planning QUEEN !!!
Thanks Starcar I am trying to find out about the school I went to, but it is 6 1/2 hours away from me. I do talk to all the recruiters about my problem. I am looking at Transport America and Averitt. They both have refreshers, and Averitt has automatics, and they both have great pay and benefits. Averitt does not have a pet policy, so hubby can't join me if we decided to team, which may be a blessing anyway! I appreciate the encouragement! I am sure it will come back to me, the shifting, but with only 8 months of shifting I never was that great. I do know this is VERY frustrating! I need training, I need my dog on the truck, I need my hubby to MAYBE join me later, and noone offers ALL of that !!! Ughhhhhh!
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Need info on Transport America
Thanks PJ. I am being cautious for sure! I know recruiters tell you only the things they think will get your app. and get you hired, it's their job. I do know I will research all avenues because if I don't feel safe behind the wheel, nobody on the road will be safe. I can't imagine ever putting the public in danger, or, GOD forbid, hurting someone or killing them because I was that stupid. I am really making sure of getting some practice behind the wheel first! That's why I was thinking of them. They have a program called pro plus. They do backing and road test and evaluate the amount of training you need. And they seem concerned about safety. I need all the first hand information I can get! Thank you again! :-)
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Roadmaster CDL school located in W. Memphis,Ar 2014
Just finished Roadmaster in West Memphis myself, Oct. 14. They are a great school. It is really fast paced. I took a 50 hr. refresher course. I can tell you they put a lot of information in 3 weeks! They instructors are the best! They take you out on the road to learn shifting, they stop the truck and help you every step of the way if you are having problems. I was in the truck with some people who could not shift gears at all, then within 30 minutes they were shifting like pros!! No lie!! If you are serious and don't want to play around, go there. The pretrip for Arkansas made me feel like I could almost be a mechanic. They have 118 point inspection! The pretrip takes 45 minutes to complete. I can't praise them enough! I learned more in 50 hours than I learned in my first 8 week truck driving school. Tell your friend to listen and learn all she can while she is there. The only problem I saw was that they need more instructors because they have so many students. Good luck to you!