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Considering A Career
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To be revealed soon
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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"There is also the possibility of becoming an instructor at a driving school, which I would very much like."
Check out Celadon Indianapolis school, they need more instructors, the student to instructor ratio is 20 to 1 if not higher/
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Observations and Musings of an Over The Road (OTR) Truck Driver (Part 1 & 2)
Good post Dave
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Celadon Indy school very disorganized, from what I've seen so far hasn't changes much joe s posting over a year ago. https://www.truckingtruth.com/truckers-forum/Topic-1419/Page-1/celadon-truck-driver-training-my-training-experiences
Sounds like Texas is a whole lot better
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Been here two weeks now, too many students not enough instructors.Spend a lot of time sitting around and if you get on the range for the day to practice backing, offset and parallel parking you get 15 to 20 min and a second turn if your lucky. Drive time 30 min if you get on the schedule for the day.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Have the preliminary acceptance to the Indy School to start 9/8. It started with Bretts book I got from the Library which was for my nephew. The information on this site has been really helpful. I'll keep you updated as much as possible.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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I got sent home by Con-way Freight
Hang in there Mountain Girl, I went through something similar a couple years ago. Its tough, I'm not sure when honesty, integrity, working hard became less important than workplace politics but it seems to be the world we live in today. Good book for you that explains everything. http://www.mobbing-usa.com/
Regards Steve
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Oops sent to soon. Also recently worked at a 7 11 for a couple months. The drugs users told me they were going to get me because I made them leave and told them not to come back when I caught them shop lifting.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Filling out pre hire apps. How much detail? Worked for a trash hauler for a 2 or 3 months over 3 yrs ago, but within 5 to 10. we didn't part on the best of terms. He decided we were going to listen to christian radio all day in the truck, not my cup of tea, when I spoke up he was going to dump me off in the middle of nowhere. Nothing against Christians, to each his own, live and let live.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Reports from Company-sponsored training: Quality Drivers Indianapolis IN
I'm with you Adam i was there 2 1/2 weeks and walked. I don't think anybody was asking to be treated "like High rollers" the food wasn't great but it was edible. The rooms again adequate, with the exception of possible bedbugs. The teachers pets were generally the clowns that weren't as serious and the ones causing the problems. There is now way anyone could convince me that this is Celadon way of consciously testing drivers, I think its a combination of a volume/revenue generator for them, a shortage of drivers and 90% turnover in the industry,
However that being said after thinking about my experience their. It will be the teachers pets getting better loads from dispatchers and getting away with bending the rules to the limit. I been working since I was thirteen and politics trumps hard work every time.
I like the idea of driving, autonomy (not being micro managed), problem solving and not going to the same place every day doing the same thing. However It made me realize maybe this isn't for me. I've never been a kiss a$$, I always work hard, try to do the best job I can and give more than 100%, I tend to follow the rules its just the way I'm wired, I couldn't lie my way out of a wet paper bag.
I also read the article on tips to rookie drivers. I guess somebody reported their trainer for smoking pot, the word rat was used throughout the article and it stated a couple of times that in this case the trainee was justified. Now I don't care what people do in there off time or who they do it with as long as its a consenting participant. But I do not want to be on the road with or riding in the front of 80, 000 lbs with with somebody whose smoking pot, drinking, or is sleep deprived. But if this is the nature of the beast I want to go in with my eyes open.
After reading Bretts book and another book on truck driving I got excited and maybe threw caution to the wind. I'm going to read more of the blog articles reevaluate and maybe go to a private school if I decide to pursue this any further.
Good luck Adam