Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Solo lady trucker here, willing to help.
Hey, Katherine!! Well, I can't speak for FFE or KLLM training schools, but for Swift, I was required to have my CLP before starting school. And with Swift, it took a year to pay them for the schooling, but in the second year Swift pays you back, so if you commit to two years, school ends up being free. Just be sure that once you decide on a company, make sure to ask them if they require you to obtain your CLP prior to starting school. Good luck!!!
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Naked Woman Climbs On Top Of Big Rig After Crash On Highway
So relieved it's not a Swift truck...
Ha ha haa me too!!
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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This is kind of an odd question. My brother owns a bar and is looking into getting a party bus, and asked if I want to drive it on the weekends since I only run M-F on my fleet. I know its a separate endorsement for passengers, but I'm also concerned if I was involved in an accident driving the bus, could it potentially cost me my cdl? I know I'm a safe driver, but driving a bunch of drunk people around to different bars on city streets at night on the weekends, seems like a big risk to take. What do you guys think?
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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My first hometime, I borrowed my sister's Miata, getting in wasn't so bad, but trying to climb out of that tiny two-seater was hysterical. And I almost broke her car trying to double clutch it. My biggest problem lately is Swift recently installed a bumper senser with a display that tells me how fast the vehicle in front of me is going, and the truck brakes automatically if it feels I'm too close, which drives me crazy because I'm like, I'll drive the truck thank you very much. Anyway, I'll be driving my car, and I'll glance down to check the display that is non-existent in my car. Also, we just got dash cams that record if a critical event occurs, like taking a turn too fast or a hard brake, although when I hit a floor jack on the highway and blew a steer tire, chunks of my truck flying everywhere, the headlight flew up and cracked the windshield, and yet the camera did not turn on. But when it does turn on (often for no apparent reason) the light on it goes from green to red, so if I slam on the brakes in my car, I'll look up to see if the camera is recording. And am also guilty of all the aforementioned issues, oversteering, inability to back, taking turns too wide, etc.
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Solo lady trucker here, willing to help.
1. What were your trainers like? I'm so worried about getting a guy that makes lewd comments all day. Or even worse, one that hinders my training/completion because I turn down his advances. I know that probably 99% of the trainers out there are nice, normal guys. But knowing my luck, I'll get one of the 1%.
I actually had three different male trainers, the first one quit to take a job with another company. The second one I had a raging UTI and finally had to come home for a week to clear that up. Third one finished up my training. All three were extremely professional. That being said, you will get harassing comments out there on the road, even from drivers that work for the same company as you. If your trainer makes you feel uncomfortable, by all mean report it immediately. As far as coworkers or other drivers, you can report it if you want, but that can come back to haunt you. I have an attitude of, "If I'm easily offended, I'm in the wrong line of work." While you should never be put in a situation that makes you uncomfortable, unless you are in fear for your immediate physical safety, sometimes its better to ignore and walk away. The choice is yours though.
2. Have you ever had times when you didn't feel safe sleeping in your truck at night?
Nope, but then as soon as your trainer feels you are ok to drive on your own, you will be doing split shift anyway, he'll sleep while you drive, you'll sleep while he drives.
3. Getting exercise seems like it might be difficult while doing this job. Are you ever able to just take a walk? Like if I was at a customer's location, is it ok to leave the truck to walk around while they are loading/unloading the truck?
Absolutely, just be careful of trucks in motion.
4. How are the truck stop showers?
If you shower at the big truck stops, like the Flying J's, Pilot's, Love's, or TA, the showers are fine. You may come across one once in awhile that ain't all that great, I once was at a small mom and pop truck stop where the shower had a mold-covered curtain, and I was like no way and asked for my money back. But the major truck stops are nice enough. They supply towels, but I always used my own, just personal preference.
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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4 years in, and I love my job!!!
It is great to find another Coke hauler! Safe travels sister!
Right back atcha!!
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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4 years in, and I love my job!!!
Hi Jolie!! I agree, the relationship I have with the Coke people is awesome. For example, if any pallets tip during transport, it is my responsibility to restack them. Being short (5'3), that can be difficult, because a full pallet ends up taller than me. Trying to lift a shell of 8 2 liters above my head can be rough. But they are always willing to help me out. What region do you run in?
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Solo lady trucker here, willing to help.
Hi, Karen!! I'm excited for you!! After 20 years in clerical/CSR work, being micro-managed, dealing with office drama, and living paycheck to paycheck, I finally had enough, and decided to give trucking a try. Best decision I ever made, I wish I would have thought of this years ago!! In regards to questions, you will ALWAYS have questions out here, there is always something new to learn, and the day you think you know everything is the day you need to hang up your keys, so to speak. So fire away, I'm happy to help!!
How did you memorize the Pre Trip Inspection? I don't have a mechanical bone in my body.
Oh, trust me, I don't either. I tried to memorize the Pre-Trip prior to starting school, and I struggled with it. Trying to learn it with pictures of the various parts just wasn't working for me. But once I got to school, and was actually looking under the hood and at the brakes and so on, it clicked. Repetition is the key here. At my Swift school, we did the Pre-Trip 3 times a day. Always go in the same order, start at the front of the truck and work your way back. I made index cards in different colors for each area, hand writing out each step. That also helped me remember. The point is, don't stress about it too much, by the time you get through school it will be second nature.
How did you learn the parking & backing for the CDL? Any tricks of the trade you can share?
My biggest struggle with parking and backing was a tendency to oversteer. I would turn the wheel too much, or hold the turn too long. Then I would end up so jack-knifed it was next to impossible to fix. Get out and look as often as you want. Turn the wheel, back up a little, notice which way the trailer is turning and how much, watch other drivers as they are practicing, learn from their mistakes. The biggest key to backing and parking is learning to read the trailer. Take your time, and relax. If you are getting stressed out, get out of the driver's seat and let someone else have a turn.
This is probably a minor point, but I am so confused w/the Logbooks. I am doing the practice tests on TT to no avail.
The easiest way to do a log, is to log it when you do it. You'll do logs every day in class, lots of practice for that as well, so don't stress about it too much. And keep practicing on the TT, take advantage of the resources here, because even if you don't have everything down pat prior to starting school, once you get there and start actually doing the tasks, it will all fall into place for you.
Posted: 8 years, 12 months ago
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Don't assume any female at a truck stop must be a lot lizard. I can't tell you the number of times I would be asked if I was "working."
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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Pet peeve...
So I'm sitting at the shipper with 5 hrs to kill because my appt time got changed and no one bothered to inform me. No big deal, I'll just grab a nap. Except I can't because the driver next to me apparently invests his paychecks in sub woofers and surround sound. Just blasting his rap music at top volume. Now, I'm all for jamming out when I'm driving down the highway. But when at a customer, where you are representing yourself, your company, and the truck driver profession, seems like blasting anything might be a bit rude and disrespectful. Plus you don't know if the drivers around you might be trying to sleep. So...being me, I knocked on that driver's door, explained i was trying to catch a few zzzz's, and politely asked if he would please turn down the volume. His response was to cuss me out and spit at me. Just really irked me.