Comments By Gary W. avatar
  • Gary W.
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Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Praise for IITR Truck Driving Schools in Portland Oregon...

I had the best experience at IITR while getting my CDL... I now have my class A with no restrictions and am able to drive doubles, triples, tanks, Haz Mat and even passenger buses... I never once felt there was anything missing in my training... They even have a double clutch simulator that was awesome off the road training. I give IITR two thumbs up or 5 stars or however you rate them.


Hi nick!! Hope i can say the same here after attending the 4 week training in albany,or. Just finished on the 21st november. Had backing and shifting problems. Will continue this week and brush up on this stuff. Not giving up. Good luck to you,and glad you had a great experience with IITR .

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Backing Problem--desparate need

smile.gif OK, do not give up. I just finished my 4 weeks,and failed my drive test and backup test. I need more practice,and nothing comes easy to everyone. Some do, some don't. But be patient,calm,cool!!!!!!!! Have patient with yourself,and instructor. Like the people from this wonderful website,and others have told me,practice makes perfect. And in do time you will be,and i will be professionals in this business. Got to have the strenghth,and backbone,and the will to do it.Hang in there and the best of luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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In trouble with daniel b.

Whippersnapper is to me the young kids who are 30 and under. When you get to 40 maybe someone will call ya a whippersnapper. And when your over 50, it's all over!! Beginning stages of old fart!!! Hope this adds a little humor for the day,and please, don't take anything seriously!! If whippersnapper is the only thing that offends ya, your darn lucky,especially in the trucking industry!!!!!!!!!!

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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So I went and dropped a trailer today...

I heard a lot about this happening to truck drivers. My instructor at iitr school told us to make sure after we parked overnight somewhere to check and do a coupling tug test to make sure everything was secure. Then take a flashlight and go and look physically at the kingpin and make sure the locking jaws are around the kingpin. I asked him why would someone want to be rude and pull the latch lever on the fifth wheel. He told me people do it for what ever reason,or they are mad at someone for something or trying to get revenge back at a company. It's really not the smart thing to try and get

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Got my start date at SAGE!

Hey all,

It's been 2 or 3 months since I've chimed in, but know that I've been logging in and reading many of your blogs which has helped me to no end. Along with that, I've been studying the High Road and it's definitely built up my confidence as well. It's obvious from the studies that there's a hell of a lot more to know than any non-trucker might guess, and not stuff to take lightly either!

That being said I've finally got my start date at SAGE for December 15th in Colorado and I'll keep you guys posted in the CDL Training Diaries for any of you out there looking to choose a private trucking school that accepts the G.I. Bill. All the best to you guys out there!


Best if luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gary in Keizer Oregon

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Test Day----No Go

good-luck-2.gif Thank you for all your advice and input on how to deal with the handling results from my test day. I told myself that, Gary, just pick up the pieces and carry on. Remember and study some more,and remember what i have learned from the last 4 weeks. I am really glad that there is a website like yours that i can confide in when there is doubt or questions. And it has been very helpful. So,since my last contact to you, I will start monday morning at the school yard and start practicing backups and road test and shifting. Will be taking the final test again on december 10th. Will be in touch. Thank you again for all the advice and input. Gary

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Test Day----No Go

4 weeks later,and i still cannot get it together. Failed road test,and backup. By the grace of god,i passed the pretrip. Shifting a freightliner standard 10speed trans,i can upshift with no problem, but downshifting is a loss. I go back december 10th to take the 2 test with the 3rd party tester again. I will give it another try. Maybe some things are meant to be,and some are not. I do not know. I do not think i have to many options left in this field. Time will tell.

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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First week of cdl class

Well,got started the last week of week 1 out of 4 with cdl training. So far so good. The only thing out of the training i had a problem with is the daily trip log book. That can be a real touchy thing if your not right on. So this next week, week 2 will be busy week i am sure. The instructor has already told us to start thinking very seriously about putting our applications in with a trucking company. So again, i ask for some feed back from my fellow short and long time truck drivers for your opinion. They did give us a book,called bumper to bumper,the complete guide to tractor trailer operations. I have gotten half way through the book,and will say it is very knowledgeable and informative. So with that,will keep in touch and let all know how week 2 will go. Thanks much,Gary

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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May Trucking Company,Brooks,Or

Just looking for some feedback about may trucking company in oregon. Have had a few people tell me their a great company to work for. Always like to get some input. thanks for the information. Gary

Posted:  10 years, 4 months ago

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Hate to bother you again. Gary need's the email from Daniel B on the in cab pre trip test for air brakes. Got the email from Brett or Daniel on Oct. 14,2014. If possible, send it to me again. Want to make additional copies for my record folder at home. Thanks so much!! Really appreciate it!! Gary

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