Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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1st week of Schneider training finished!
Who was your recruiter??
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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1st week of Schneider training finished!
Did you apply on line? You can call 800-44 pride and talk to a recruiter. It depends on how long it takes to verify your work history. A few days. Then there's phone interviews. Then drug tests. I'd guess about 2 weeks max. Just all depends on your situation really.
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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1st week of Schneider training finished!
I take my final road test on Tuesday for getting hired. I think what I'll do is a detailed explanation of my 17 day course. I believe there's a blog type section for it here.
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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1st week of Schneider training finished!
Anytime Jumbo. We're all here to help each other!
Hey Jeff what kind of physical did you have to do for Schneider?..And what was the the best thing about their orientation?...I'll be going to school soon and I really got my focus on Schneider.
D-walsh. I sent you a PM
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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1st week of Schneider training finished!
Anytime Jumbo. We're all here to help each other!
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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1st week of Schneider training finished!
Finished up my first week today at Schneider National. For you guys that went thru this training I got an 8 on my final test. I've already talked to my TE for next week and he sounds like a really nice guy. He's got a 2015 cascadia evolution that's about 2 months old. And I can't wait to go trucking in that bad boy! I couldn't be happier with the choice I made by choosing them. Trainers are excellent, patient and highly personable. They want to see you be the best you can be. Any questions about Schneider feel free to ask me. Stay safe out there!
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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THANK YOU old school! The miles will come and pass, I'll get my "recent experience" then I'll get in the truck and route "I" choose.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Good for you.Congratulations!
Thank you Mike!! I figure 3 months OTR and then I can do a daily or regional.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Being off the road for 2 years and trying to get back in a truck is HARD if not damn near impossible. But I did it. It took ALOT of phone calls. Searching. Talking to people. Recruiter after recruiter promising you the world. I got in with Schneider as a team OTR. it definitely wasn't my first choice of jobs to be OTR but they gave me my shot. No contract. Don't have to go back to school. I'm going to Indianapolis for an 18 day orientation on the 28th. Some of you may remember I was stressing over the hair drug test because, well, I'm freakishly hairless. I'm Irish/polish. Give me a break huh! So for all you guys and gals getting frustrated, keep your head up and keep on keeping on. If you try hard enough and want it bad enough you'll get it!!!
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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1st week of Schneider training finished!
Still have to do the drug test. Its urine AND hair.