Profile For Jesse C.

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    9 years, 12 months ago

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Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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**TruckingTruth's 10 Year Anniversary!!!**

Congrats to you.

Today Is Our 10 Year Anniversary!!!!

The Story Of TruckingTruth

In late 2006, on a whim, I looked around the Web to see what was available for those considering a career in trucking. To say I was horrified by what I found would not be an exaggeration.

No one was giving honest, legitimate advice purely intended for the benefit of those seeking it. It was your typical company-bashing, face-saving, finger-pointing, simple-minded baloney that would drive people away from the industry or sabotage their careers almost immediately.

I knew these types well. I knew why they were complaining, I knew why they were failing. I had 1.5 million miles under my belt. None of this was a mystery to me. So I decided to set the record straight and bring a different perspective. I immediately began writing a short book on the subject and picked up the domain to share how I felt about trucking.

You see, I loved my years on the road. It was the most grand adventure imaginable! Getting paid to drive a beautiful American Big Rig coast to coast at 21 years old was so exciting I don't think I slept the first two months!

Even in school I was bouncing off the walls with excitement. Every evening I would walk down to the Interstate to watch the trucks pass while Bob Seger screamed "Roll Me Away" in my headphones. I'd sit there night after night dreaming of the day, just around the corner, when it would be my turn to live it instead of just dreaming it.

After graduation I landed my first job and was overjoyed! I vividly remember many details of my first day. I remember conversations word for word, the scenery we passed, and even the meals we ate that day in early September, 1993.

I remember meeting my trainer in the gravel lot at Gainey Transportation. Great guy! We got along splendidly. I remember walking up to his window, reaching up to shake his hand, and running to the passenger door after he said with a smile, "Come around the other side and climb in".

Climb in???? Did he say climb in??? This is IT! I've made it! I'm finally doing this for real!!!

I remember he let me take over at the first rest area. I drove to South Carolina and we hit my first real truck stop where I had a roast beef sandwich and french fries for dinner. I drove a while longer and we spent the night in a rest area in Virginia before finishing our run to Maryland in the morning. By lunchtime the next day we were on our way to Sacramento, and I had never even been as far west as Ohio! OMG we're going to California! I thought I was going to come unglued I was so excited! I don't know how I avoided going into cardiac arrest.

That was over 23 years ago and I still remember it all like yesterday. Over the years driving only got better. I piloted everything imaginable across all 48 lower states and throughout much of Canada. After 15 years I decided to retire because I felt I had exhausted every idea I had for finding fun and adventure as a truck driver. It was time for new adventures.

From my experience I learned trucking was an amazing career for the right person, but an utter nightmare for the rest. I wanted to be perfectly honest with people so they knew the hardships and sacrifices involved, but also understood the adventure of it all. For those ready to take their shot I wanted to give them a solid, actionable strategy and the right perspective for surviving that first year on the road.

My hope was to build a strong community of like-minded people who felt the same way I did about their career and mentoring new drivers. The amazing community we have here today is the best part of TruckingTruth. It is the lifeblood, the personality, the heart of who we are.

I can't begin to express my respect and appreciation for those who have shared their time, their stories, their feelings, their lives with us so we could learn and grow from it all together. I'm torn because I want so badly to thank a bunch of special people individually, but I'm too cowardly to do it. I'm afraid I'll leave someone out!

But from the bottom of my heart I thank you for all you've done to help so many get their careers underway and to promote a lifestyle of pride, humility, and professionalism. In our first ten years we established ourselves as the most trustworthy and professional community in the trucking industry. The next ten we're going to have an even bigger impact on the the industry and I'm more excited than ever for the opportunities that lie ahead!


Our first 10 years:

Total Visits: 15,056,697

Unique Individuals: 9,153,137

Pageviews: 53,966,419

Registered Users: 67,468


Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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I might have to...

Yep I might just go and get my passport when I take home time in August.

What scares me about the process is you have to send in your birth certificate also. They may not seem like a big deal to most but I was born on an American Military base in Bermenhaven Germany or what used to be called West Germany.

If the state department looses my birth certificate I would have to go through hell to get another one if I could even get another one. It's a pretty scary thought.

I know what you mean. It took me forever to get an original copy of my birth certificate.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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One fine morning on I-55 in Missouri


Just curious (i'm not a driver yet), would this be the end of someone's career in trucking?


No it wouldn't. There probably wouldn't be any major companies or highly reputable companies that would hire you but there would be a ton of smaller, more "outlaw" type companies that would. There are a lot of small companies around the country that still do things the old school way. They'll hand you paper logbooks, tell you to stay out of trouble, and load you up with all the miles any human can handle.

Once you got a few years of safe driving behind you again you'd be able to work your way back into the companies with high hiring standards. Then again, once you did some old school driving you might not want to go back.

It won't be long before everyone is required to run electronic logs though. The outlaw ways are slowly disappearing.

Is the old way good or bad for trucking?

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Accepted at Millis

Where are you going for the training?

Going to Eden, North Carolina

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Accepted at Millis

My name is Jesse and i just wanted to let you guys know that on Monday(7-20-15) I was accepted at Millis Transport. I am looking forward to starting a new career. I really appreciate all the study lessons and advice that i have received. I will you posted on my progress.


AS soon as i get my Penna permit.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Accepted at Millis

My name is Jesse and i just wanted to let you guys know that on Monday(7-20-15) I was accepted at Millis Transport. I am looking forward to starting a new career. I really appreciate all the study lessons and advice that i have received. I will you posted on my progress.


Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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A month of trucking with Daniel B.

Hey Daniel, I am replying to your thread from 12/24. I am learning something new everyday on TT. I am new to all this and it allows me to prepare for situations that i will face out on the road. I have enjoyed reading everything i've read on TT and again i want to just say thank you to everyone who contributes to this forum. It is a true learning experience.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Feedback: C1 Truck Driver Training

I would like to know if anyone has any feedback on C1 Truck Driver Training out of Fort Wayne, Indiana. It's getting close to my time and i hope that i made the right descision going to this particular facility.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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A month of trucking with Daniel B.

Hey folks! You're looking at yet another legendary thread by me. In this thread, I will document my days for an entire month for everyone to read. You will learn a ton, and also gain a good understanding of how life really is like on the road. This is going to be the same concept as my Adventures of Daniel B. thread. I will make it as detailed as I can possibly make it and answer any questions you folks have. Please understand though that I'm working 10+ hour days and sometimes I simply cannot respond immediately. But rest assured, I'll get to you when I can.

Remember, attitude is #1. Lets see how I do in December!

Hello Mr. Daniel B., Just wanted to let you know that i am thankful for all the feedback that you and everyone at TT provides. It really inspires me to be a true professional out there on the road. I am counting down the days until i start my training. Thanks again. Jesse Carter

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Am i too old to get into trucking?

Thanks to everyone for all the positive feed back. I look forward to a new career and i hope to one day meet you down the road. God bless and stay safe out there.

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