Comments By Matt D. avatar
  • Matt D.
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Posted:  10 years ago

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Truck drivers with weapons permits

Most truck stops sell a "tire thumper"

Posted:  10 years ago

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I have a lot of questions about everything

That is alot and i will try to answer most as i have just finished my training with swift

1.You will need to pay for your physcial. They pay for your bus there and your room. Food is on you..Training is 22 days...Now granted I went to the richmond academy so others areas can be different. You spend 3 days in class,will have a map test,log test and home work...They are easy test but you fail any of them twice your done..If you stay at the hotel your school is going to cost 4400....Most the class will be on same learning school..But you will have guys who use to have cdls but let them expire. All the trucks are manual 9 speed. The instructors are not rough but they expect you to learn and follow directions.They teach you enough just to pass your CDL for whatever state your in. On the range your test will be straight line back then your pre trip test then a backing test then a road test. not all at the same time and they give you time to practice...All test are pass or fail..You will have on the students for one state using the truck so waiting for your turn happens...usually double clutching is what people have the hardest time with...But for you never driving a manual is better cause you have no bad habits...Quit rate is hard to say..20%-to 50% i say

2. Ok showers...truck stops..and about 10 bucks a shower. They start you at 33 cents a mile with a penny increase every 3 months for a yr..Mileage is totally up to you really...Depending on how hard you wanna run and how you treat your DM...(as far as being on time and safe and accepting every load). but average i would say can be 1200 to 3000. Home time is usually you can go home after 3 weeks out ..But you can actually stay out for as long as you want..I doudt they would force hometime lol.

3. I am sure others can answer some of these as well but I am just answering what i know..As far as if you want to go to swift or not..It is totally your choice.To what fits you best...What ever you choose Good Luck

Posted:  10 years ago

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Lease agreement

I would let Brett answer this and i do think he has some blogs about it as well

Posted:  10 years ago

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Why get an endorsement you don't want?

You ALWAYS have a CHOICE and should never be forced to do something you deem to be unsafe or out of your comfort zone...But having them all does make you more in demand if when that time comes you feel safe driving them...So when other drivers who dont have it are sitting and waiting you might just be able to keep rolling.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Schedule Of A Trucker

Keep safe out there man.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Truckers drive non-stop and can only stop for fuel?

I have to agree with heavy c and gator on this..It is all about trip planning and the DOT rules..While you do need to run hard...running to hard will burn your 70 and you be resetting every 7 days.If your wheels arent turning your not making money and neither is the company...and most companies now a days prefer you to be safe than to risk it all..

Posted:  10 years ago

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Grinding gears

Yea have to agree..its something you cant really read about..its more of a doing....just keep going and take it slow...and soon you be pushing them smooth.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Anyone working for tmc here?

I know one driver and i know another guy getting ready to go to TMC. From what they have said it is a really great company.Good pay,nice trucks,try to put drivers home every weekend.The trucks is the big thing..they want them super clean.

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Completed swift academy and picked up my CDL yesterday

I will be leaving and starting Dec 1st at the Richmond one.

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Leaving for Swift school this Sunday in Corsicana Texas.

Yes And I leave for Swift richmond on the 1st of decemeber

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