Profile For Mikey

Mikey's Info

  • Location:
    Phenix city, AL

  • Driving Status:
    Company Driver In Training

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 2 months ago

Mikey's Bio

My name is Michael most folks call me mike or mikey. I started working as a freightliner mechanic right out of high school from 1999-2008 when I moved from jackson mississippi to Phenix city alabama. I am currently working on getting my way to spring Missouri to start psd with prime.

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Posted:  10 years ago

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Wrong/missing turns

Thanks guys. I can See me doing a ton of pre-planning and probably getting the additional gps as I should be able mount it to my left and closer to my direct line of sight.. dancing-dog.gifdancing-dog.gifdancing-dog.gif

Posted:  10 years ago

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Wrong/missing turns


I am struggling real hard with this one missing some exits and not seeing turns. My instructor just uses the QC navigation system (which I am seeing it can be out of date), and I feel like I am going in blind to a shipper or a receiver. My questions are. Would it be better to use an after market set up? And would taking my time to really nail down a route help me? Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. .


I use the GPS as part of the Navago system on the Qualcomm as well . . . it works 90% of the time OK but it WILL mess you up sometimes . . . the best way is to do the Macro 19 "I need directions to location _____" and put in the CODE for the location that comes with the load assignment . . . let me back up a bit . . . this is my Prime experience talking and it may not (most likely does not) apply to any other company . . . in any case, after getting the "local" instructions, I step thorough the GPS instructions and compare the two sources of info . . . this doesn't always point out any discrepancies, but it helps . . . I don't have a separate GPS system but I do occasionally use Google Maps as a third source . . . if you've never been some place before you are still going in somewhat "blind" but - like everything in this business - you get better at it as you do it more and more . . . our (Prime's) dispatch text message always includes a contact number so if all else fails, call the shipping dept and ask for help locating the shipper/receiver . . . don't worry, everything seems hard until you've done it a few times and then it flows a lot better . . .



Thanks Jopa I also feel once I get through this stage things will come alot easier as my instructor has me on edge alot. Don't get me wrong I appreciate him teaching me but I fear him yelling at me. All is well it is almost over after this short run here I will be about 2 hours shy of my needed 75 and get tested off next week. Also your directions should and will work good for me as I am a psd with prime atm.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Wrong/missing turns

Does he also use the local directions macro or just the QC GPS?

Sometimes but few and far between it seems.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Wrong/missing turns

I am struggling real hard with this one missing some exits and not seeing turns. My instructor just uses the QC navigation system (which I am seeing it can be out of date), and I feel like I am going in blind to a shipper or a receiver. My questions are. Would it be better to use an after market set up? And would taking my time to really nail down a route help me? Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. .

Posted:  10 years ago

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When training stalls

Wow Brian that's a bummer but I hear that terminal is better then sprimo... hopefully can get on the road again soonish. We spent about 8 hours yesterday with some tire repairs and a wheel seel on the right steer.

Posted:  10 years ago

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The coolest thing I have done as a PSD.

Last night I experinced the coolest section of highway I have ever seen. I drove through the gorge. We got a load out of Charleston SC headed to KY on I 40. Would have liked to have seen it during the day but it was still awesome.

This part is for those who do not know what the gorge is. The gorge is a 25 mile section of I 40 between NC and TN. It is 2 lane with a truck restriction of only right lane travel. It has a safe speed of 55 mph max so about 45 50 for trucks it is very curvy as it crosses the pigeon river numerous time.

Just thought I would share it with you guys.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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1st load

Alright man. Glad to see you on the road. Been pretty amazing trip for me as well. Going into pa and then across. Keep it up. One thing I try to say to myself at least once everyday. I can do this. I will do this I am doing this.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Prime On Monday, Jan 19th

Congrats and good luck. I don't think it can be preached enough the High Road Training Program will get you there. I took most of it and passed all 4 test prime required of me in one try. Be ready to hurry up at wait your class maybe smaller then mine so it may be a little easier on you but it is worth it to be patient with everyone they are working hard and fast to get you done.

Again congrats and good luck


Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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List of things to pack if you are going to Prime

Yeah I hear you on that first and last time I hope I every have to take the bus...

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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List of things to pack if you are going to Prime

Nice info there Terry C. I may have to stop by since no ebola on my busses lol.... dunno if I will get there in time though will see.

I also met a guy here as well Brian. Been fun chatting with him.

In time to get the single room that is...

Y no edit button??

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