Fogelsville, PA
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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I'm old :)
Guess I should share a bit more, I am a 46 year old mother with only one kid left at home now. My husband started in trucking around 4 years ago and loves it, and when I went out OTR with him when he first ran solo I fell in love as well and have been counting the days until I can do it too. Our plan for world domination will be on hold until my daughter graduates high school then we plan on going out as a team.
Posted: 10 years ago
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I was accepted by Prime and start (tentatively) 1/26/2015! Decided to delay it so I can be home for my daughter's birthday and get a bit more study in. Yay!
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Congrats! Good luck and stay safe!
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Ha! No worse than me. I am a pretty reserved person until I get to know people, then I just torment the hell out of you :P Anyway, whether we interact or not, it will be nice to meet a recognizable personality. is that better ;)
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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That would be awesome to see some friendly faces
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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My husband is just getting started in Trucking and I want to go OTR with him.
Hi Elizabeth,
As far as the comfort level I'm guessing that will depend on the truck itself so I can't really comment on that aspect. You have to consider that even for someone with a relatively healthy spine sitting in a fixed location for many hours is going to get very uncomfortable. Take advantage of the rest stops to stretch and walk, etc to loosen up.
Otherwise, it really depends on your nature. I went out with my husband OTR when he was first assigned his truck. We were out for 2 months and I went from New Jersey to Ohio, then Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Nevada. We actually decided to stop in Nevada and get married since we were already together for 14 years. Why waste that opportunity? I saw beautiful sunsets, sunrises and all kinds of weather.
On the downside, I got to see him get lost, have to wait for hours past his delivery time to get a door. Get to a place early and have to wait for HOURS to get unloaded. I saw him perfecting his backing skills in the Flying J nuthouses when theres practically nowhere to park. All the ups and downs that go along with being a newbie driver. But I'm glad I was with him for that. Gave him some comfort and a sounding board when he needed to vent.
I also learned a little bit of navigation skills. He handed me a huge ass map and told me I need to go from A to B, find the way to get there. He showed me to make sure I was choosing truck safe roads, etc. I was terrified I was going to kill us, but by the end of the first week I planned all the trips and even stopped ducking my head every time we had to go under an overpass lmao.
It was a great adventure to be sure, there is good and not-so-good, but if you have the personality for it and you and your husband can get along in stressful situations without ripping each others faces off you will have a wonderful time!
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Thank you Gunner. If I don't hear anything by tomorrow I'm going to try the main number and see if I can get this ball rolling a bit faster. And I agree also that given the time of year and the sheer volume of applicants it is taking longer. The "clean" apps most likely take priority, but I'm not giving up. From what I've seen on here in other posts in can take up to 3-4 weeks before getting an invite.
I'll keep being honest and asking questions and hopefully I'll be in my way sometime in February!
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Thanks for the replies. I was shooting for towards the end of January anyway so I could be there for my daughter's 16th Birthday.
Does anyone know the answer to the multiple felonies question? Example: If you were arrested and had multiple felonies on XX date of XX, then never in trouble again. Or I got felonies in 1995,1997,2005,2011 etc. I don't haha just examples.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Thank you Flln Halo and Mikey for the words of encouragement and the advice. I won't give up haha I guess I just need to wait a bit more. As far as the checking my info that is a good idea, but I must respectfully decline your gracious offer as I don't believe anyone should freely hand out personal info online to people. But thank you so much for the offer!
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Hi all, after around 3-4 years of careful consideration I've finally decided now is the time to start seriously undertaking the task of getting CDL A training and becoming a truck driver. This is my issue and I'll give more detail if needed later.
After searching around online and thankfully finding this site, I have decided to make my primary attempt to get company sponsored training through Prime Inc. Before I filled out the application I called the recruitment number because I needed to ask about my criminal history so I wouldn't be wasting my time or theirs. I explained that 20 years ago I had a felony and would that be an issue. He asked what it was and how long ago and told me it shouldn't be a problem, go fill out the application and call him back.
One thing I was unsure how to answer was when he asked do I have multiple felonies. I honestly am unsure, which I told him, there were several charges and I really don't recall which were felony and which were misdemeanor. I put on my application pretty much exactly what I told him, the one charge I knew was a felony and explained in the app I was unsure of the other charges. A week went by and I called, he told me my driving history was fine, needed more info on the work because my company uses "The Work Number" and it's a pain to get info from them. I went one step further and got the info from "The Work Number" myself, sent it as an attachment in a reply to the recruiter's email requesting info. A few more days went by and still haven't heard anything back.
Monday I called and left a message for him telling him I wanted to confirm that he received my reply, what I sent and the contents should meet what he was looking for and to please call me when he can to confirm all is well. As of today, still nothing from him in the way of a response.
Now where do I draw the line here? When I was asked about multiple felonies do they mean in one incident or more than one incident, like multiple arrests and convictions over the years. I am worried that I may have overshared and made myself look worse, or didn't share that info soon enough and got myself thrown in trash bin.
Also I am anxious because while I want to appear interested and proactive, I don't want to be an annoyance either. If anyone has any general information they can share, or hopefully Prime specific information on how to handle this I'd surely appreciate it.
Also in being worried I applied for Roehl, Knight, and even Driver solutions. Arg .. what to do, what to do haha.
Thanks for reading
Posted: 10 years ago
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Prime On Monday, Jan 19th
Hi! I am also scheduled to start on the 26th so far. See you there and good luck!