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Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Making the Sleeper Cozy Like your Home




No no. I meant I'm still scared! :P



ooooooooh!! rofl-3.gif

That's great you're scared though. That means you've been listening to all sides and you're considering everything. We just want to make sure you've gathered as much information as you can so you can make the right decision for yourself.


I think I've read every damn forum on the interwebs on Prime leasing :D I'll figure it out. Worst case scenario I'll be company, and it's not a shabby gig at Prime at all. Though..I don't think I want one of those little trucks. Still need to learn the pros and cons of having one of those.

The lightweight trucks trucks are not horrible if you are creative with the space available. I have the passenger seat removed from mine (like many people do). I have a fridge, TV, cat (and all his supplies, as well as the regular stuff you will need to carry. There Ian't ALOT of room to walk around, but there is enough space to change clothes, etc.

I also cook on the truck with a 2qt crock pot, and plan on getting a microwave soon.

Fridge and TV are mounted solid with mounts I fabricated to bolt in existing holes.

I also invested in a used pickup bed tool box, which I mounted on the frame behind the cab. This holds all my tools fluids, and other things I don't need to access quickly (food stockpile, extra paper towels, kitty litter, etc.).

Everything is removable without damage to the truck. Quite possible to make the LWs livable if you are creative.

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Specific Questions for Prime Drivers

Hi Missy,

Daniel B. answered your questions pretty thoroughly, but I'dvlike to add a few things, as I followed a very similar path as the one you are planning.

2. Since you are coming in with your CDL, you CAN do your orientation at the Pittston terminal ( you may need to request this from your recruiter). You will not need to go through the PSD phase of training if you already have your CDL. Pittston will assign you a TNT instructor, based on a few questions/waivers you will take care of in orientation. You will get a chance to meet your trainer before you leave out. Pittston doesn't have trainers hanging around the terminal/hotel like Springfield does. The orientation experience was moreblaid back and "small townish" at Pittston, than what I've heard others descride of Springfield.

3. Your dispatcher will have the greatest impact on where you run. When you meet your dispatcher, you will discuss your/their strengths, weaknesses, goals, expectations, etc. Keep in mind that it should not be a boss/subordinate relationship, it should be a partnership, as you will earn/lose money together.

4. The LWs are definitely smaller inside, mostly lack of storage, but with some creativity, they can be made to be reasonably comfortable for a solo driver. I HIGHLY recommend you have the passenger seat removed, if it isn't already. If you want to PM me I can send a few pictures of what I have done to set mine up. The more self sufficient you make the rig, the cheaper it is to live on the road.

5. When I upgraded to my own truck, I had time to thoroughly inspect it, and have the shop repair a few minor things. I was able to get the truck set up with the few things I had with me, then let my dispatcher know when I was ready. She got me a load, that allowed me to get a good rest, and pickup early the next morning. That first load took me near my home for some much needed home time after TNT. There you can finish getting set up for life on the road. Something I wasn't told about upgrade...the guaranteed pay stops when you go for upgrade. You only get paid $100 that week for the Smith System class. The longer you take getting ready, the longer you are not getting paid.

6. You will be ASSIGNED a truck, BUT if there are several available you can talk to Paul if you have a preference. He does not HAVE to care, but he is pretty cool and will usually work with you (hint: finish your CHRetien as quickly as possible, you MAY get a sneaky peek at the list of available trucks).

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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An in-depth look inside my LW truck (a must see!)


There's simply no room to mount a tv. Don't let that stop you though. I had a 32" tv in my LW truck before. I put it at the end of my bed when I wasnt using it, it worked out just fine. But there's not enough stable wall space for a tv mount.


Has to be a way. Im sure if I keep this post on top long enough someone will post a pic.

Not sure how good your fabrication skills are, but...I made a TV mount out of 1/2" plywood. It is cut to the shape of the sidevent window in the sleeper (with hole cut out to access the vent), which extends upward almost to the plastic trim above. This is backed with weatherstripping to prevent damage to the window trim. It is attached using thes factory holes with longer screws. Then you just attach a TV mount from Wal-Mart or wherever you shop. I have a 24" flat screen mounted, and it fits quite nicely. I also attached a surge protector to theplywoodd, giving me more outlets.

As for a fridge...I cut a piece of 1/2" plywood to fit in the passenger side. The fridge is attached to the plywood, and the plywood attaches using the seat bolts (countersunk). I did have to install small eyelets into the woo so I could run a tiedown across the fridge for more security. The fridge faces the driver seat, and you have to move the rubber shift boot to open completely. To secure the doorsduring travel, I used some window latches for sliding windows. I used the large dorm fridge with seperate refrigerator/freezer doors. They are $129 at Wal-Mart.

I would post pics, but my fabricating abilities outshine my mobile upload abilities. 😄

If you would like pics PM me your email or text info, and I'll send them.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Prime Inc Preliminary Driving Skills Evaluation

I just went through orientation in Pittston in Apr. and they do the evaluation on a simulator there now also. I don't know about SLC.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Interesting situation, and difficult decision while in training

Thanks all for the replies. All your comments are comforting, that the way I was leaning is the way to go.

I didn't mean to imply that I WANTED to go with a new trainer. I was just weighing my options since the trainer put the offer on the table. I actually prefer to stay with my current trainer, just don't want to give a bad impression early on.

Thanks again. I think I will stay with my trainer, unless Prime forces me to switch.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Interesting situation, and difficult decision while in training

I have a somewhat unique situation and am faced with a difficult decision regarding my training. I'd kind of like some thoughts from outside view points. Bear with me, this may be a long post.

I started Orientation with Prime on Apr 13th and went out with a trainer as a C-Seat driver (40,000 miles training) that Friday. I get along well with my trainer, and he seems very patient if I need help with anything, We seemed to be running well as a team (at least in my rookie opinion).

Last Thursday, after about 8000 miles my trainer went home on hometime. I opted to stay on the truck at a truckstop while he was home. While parked at the truckstop on Saturday, the truck was backed into by another driver. Police reports, appropriate macros on QC, etc. all completed as necessary. Since the Peterbilt dealership wasn't open until Monday, I remained on the truck over the weekend (all the way into Tuesday), waiting for the parts to at least replace the mirror to come in.

We finally got the truck into the dealership for repairs Tuesday afternoon, and I spent last night in a hotel. After checkout time, I went down to the dealership and hung out all day hoping it would b finished today. About an hour before they closed, I was told by the tech that the damage was more severe than they originally estimated, and that they would need a wiring harness overnighted. So I am back in a hotel tonight, hoping that the mirror can be finished tomorrow. After the mirror is fixed, we will be routed into a terminal soon to fix the body damage (probably another 3 days downtime).

My trainer has apologized about the situation a couple of times (not that any of this is his fault), and offered to help me transfer to another trainers truck if I want. The thing I am wrestling with is pros and cons of each option, as well as how it may be perceived by Prime, either way I go.

Option 1-Stay with current trainer:

Pros-I already know, and am comfortable with my current trainer; I am learning things with this situation that I wouldn't learn holding the steering wheel on the interstate; Shows the company that I will stick with a situation through to the conclusion, and can roll with the punches

Cons-I am delaying my training, and not moving forward with my career; Company could perceive this as I am just hanging around for a paycheck

Option 2-Go with another trainer:

Pros-I can get on with my training miles, and go solo sooner; I would get a wider perspective (2 trainers methods of business); Shows the company I am a go getter, and don't want to sit around waiting for things to happen

Cons-Rolling the dice with who I end up with for a trainer; Company may perceive this as I will look to jump ship as soon as things go a little sideways

I really don't mind sticking with the situation, as I am still on my guaranteed pay and I am learning things such as dealing with Road Assist/Dispatch/Safety. I know the ultimate decision will be on me, but was hoping to hear other's opinions/advice. I'm probably overthinking this way to much.

Anyone who read to the bottom of this post, I thank you for your time and look forward to your thoughts.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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It's finally official!!!!

Officially a Prime employee. Waiting to be assigned a trainer.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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It's finally official!!!!

Day 2 down. Finished CBT's, simulator, and Smith System. Tomorrow we have a few more classes, and by the end of the day I should be a Prime employee.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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It's finally official!!!!

First day complete. We have a small group of 9 people in orientation (this is a good thing). Everything is going smoothly. Got the paperwork filled out, physical, drug screen, and about half the CBTs. Tomorrow will be finishing CBTs, Smith System, simulator, and somewhere in there we should be doing our interviews. Really impressed with terminal.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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It's finally official!!!!

Finally arrived in Pittston/Wilkes-Barre. Settled in and ready for tomorrow.

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