Martinsville, VA
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
Social Link:
JaMere W. On The Web
Just a humble gentleman, creating a new life for me and my future family. Friendly, respectful, and just looking for guidance from good people.
Posted: 4 years, 6 months ago
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Personal tv ps4 and mini fridge
See I’m only out 10-14 days at a time I just wanna it to hold majority liquids like drinks milk etc.
I agree for the most part the 12 volt coolers are not great and have a hard time dealing with outside temperature changes. I am in a different situation than most here I guess. I am home every weekend for sure so I use a 12 volt igloo for drinks and such but for food especially frozen I bought an RTEC cooler, same as a YETI, and put a frozen gallon jug of water in there with my frozen and cold foods for the week and it keeps everything great for the week.
Posted: 4 years, 6 months ago
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Personal tv ps4 and mini fridge
It has a apu and 2100 watt inverter
APU or a 2100 watt Inverter?
Posted: 4 years, 6 months ago
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Personal tv ps4 and mini fridge
Hey guys I drive a international with a apu i was told I can get 2100 watts before it shuts everything for over powering. I have a 32 in element tv my ps4 and my Xbox 360 I will have in my book bag and I seen In the truck stops 12 volt fridges. Was wondering what watt power strip y’all think I should get I saw the 175w but didn’t know if that was gonna be good enough
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?
Man I worked in a warehouse making Below value in the warehouse i drove forklift, I drove cherry picker, I drove the walkie ride, and etc. it was truly a dead end job they didn’t want u to move up unless u was in this click and I honestly got fed up
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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lol glad U found it
What’s going on ppl. Just started my new job with a new company. They are based out of Orlando, Florida. They are laid back. I got a cool dispatcher and I’m alone lol. I run the south region so I touch 12 states and I stay out 10 home 2 which is cool with me.
LOL! Never mind :)
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Lol yeah I know. I love the northeast but man when it snows it’s bipolar u don’t know what u gonna get lol
Glad to hear you've found a company that works for you 😀. Staying in the south will sure be nice once the snow starts flying!
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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What’s going on ppl. Just started my new job with a new company. They are based out of Orlando, Florida. They are laid back. I got a cool dispatcher and I’m alone lol. I run the south region so I touch 12 states and I stay out 10 home 2 which is cool with me.
Posted: 5 years, 5 months ago
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I see alot of amazon loads. who carries AMAZON. i seen jb hunt. just wondering is it more of a owner op thing
Posted: 5 years, 5 months ago
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i really appreciate that help honestly. It was a headache friday trying to come down the road. The ny traffic was horrific and then Baltimore wasnt any better. ill definetly be putting this out there for them to look at i appreciate the info
I was in Norton, Massachusetts. At ap exhaust technology. I was headed towards Henderson nc
There are a few variables from there, but I would choose from mainly two.
reallyFirst option is to run straight down 95 through nyc and south. That route is around 670 miles to the rcvr.
Second option is to go from norton up to 90, then 84, then 684 down to the route I described. I would cut over from Winchester, VA via US50 and US17 back over to 95 South. This would be a total of 740ish miles.
Option 2 would add 70ish miles to the trip, but would avoid all of the headache that comes with the northeast 95 corridor.
I have a deep-seeded hatred for 95 anywhere north of Richmond. I've had so many bad traffic-related experiences up there, and I avoid it whenever possible. However, if I can plan my trip to roll through there at night, it's not usually a problem.
My company gives me enough flexibility to route myself as I see fit, within reason of course. There's no question that I'll always go with option 2. It's a nice quiet route, with little to no traffic. Of course you would have to make sure your compas ok with you routing yourself in this way.
Your results may vary...
Posted: 4 years, 6 months ago
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Personal tv ps4 and mini fridge
I don’t really have a budget and I wouldn’t be using a microwave mostly a George Foreman grill and eventually a air fryer if everything goes well