Profile For Spanky FKA A.Meggs

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    bottom of the hill :) next to the big pond, NC

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Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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5 min cali idle shutdown AND temp sensor

Why would you leave the truck running while your not in it. Isn't that dangerous?

Teammate sleeping, and I doubt he wants to get woken up everytime the truck shuts down, I know I dont. Or lock the door with your other key, then where is it going to goconfused.gif

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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GPS trucking apps

I bought the garment dezl570 and so far it has been awesome, but as stated above you still need to double check your route. NOT a good idea to just put in your trip and press go, still need to check your atlas, use your eyes and most importantly your BRAIN good-luck.gif so far I have enjoyed the dezl570, it's voice activated as well so if u need to add a location like a fuel stop, or any other you can do it hands free, also Bluetooth to your phone for calls, works pretty good but sometimes on rough roads of too much engine n o se and gets hard for people on the other end to hear u, so just stick to my hands free for that. Works great though when you are stopped on break or reset and hanging around the truck, no problems at all then. There are lots to choose from but phone apps I would def avoid, they also may blip out on occasion if the service is spotty. Just my .02 and a review if your interested in a great trucker gps, by my opinion. Be safe

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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5 min cali idle shutdown AND temp sensor

No optimized idle, only the Cali Clean Idle and temp sensor. I've tried every "trick" from YouTube but they don't work. It's not that irritating this time of year cause I don't need to idle but it is a PIA when u stop fir a few minutes and it shuts off on u. Stop to go in guard shack, come out its shutdown and the list goes on, now that gets irritating wtf-2.gif

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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5 min cali idle shutdown AND temp sensor

One more thing, I have been looking everywhere for a compact fridge to put in but the only thing I've found that will fit is the ones made for it at 500-800 bucjs. Was going to put in a dorm fridge but everyone I've found is over 16.5 inches (cabinet width even without trim is 15.5) as too tall (height is 25 inches and that with about 2 inches of it being the bottom cabinet door coming up higher than the shelf) any suggestions. All the short 1.5 cubic feet range are also too wide and can't really put much in them. Seems about 2.6 cubic feet is closest to the size but still little too wide. Already ordered tv/dvd combo that fits perfect with wall mount, just no luck on the fridge. Have mixed emotions about the iceless coolers as I've heard some say they work pretty good, others say with 40 below ambient not really keeping things "cold" just cool. With the ice I've bought I could have already paid for a fridge, twice lol.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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5 min cali idle shutdown AND temp sensor

Hello everyone, been awhile but has been alot of miles driven since school and not much time for conversation. Do have a question, I have a 2013 cascadia, although in the beginning to me it was my least favorite as far as to me it was just plan looking but it is def growing on me. Ride us smooth, not rattles (although I do plan to tighten panel screws from time to time just to keep them firm) PLENTY of room in thus truck and not bad looking now that I've had to look at it everyday. Any how, it is equipped with the dreaded Cali idle system that's shuts down after 5 mins, AND it also has sensor at rear of chassis that shuts it down between 20-70 degrees. Now if it's below 20 or over 70 after 5 mins when the engine lights flash I can push my override button 3 times and it will run forever (as long as the outside temp stays below 20 or over 70 and I don't touch the throttle after pushing the override button) BUT if the temp outside is between those, you quessed it, it shuts off in the next 5 mins regardless unless I push ghe override everytime. I've tried the YouTube trick of unplugging the temp sensor but that doesn't work, did the cruise set trick, still shuts down. Anybody been around this truck enough to know what keeps her hit and bothered confused.gif thanks for any "tricks if the trade" other than that I'm starting to think this cascadia is becoming my truck of choice.

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Starting school tomorrow

Well its been good so far, alot of hurry and wait the first day plus papers to sign. The rest of the week was basically the in class instructor reading and going over the general knowledge, air brakes and combinations sections of the manual. NOTE: GO OVER THE HIFH ROAD COURSE, YOU WILL BE AGEAD OF YOUR CKASS. Had 14 in my class to start and seems no one thought to study before starting school. I basically did online test on my phone through out the whole week because everything he went over I had already studied 10+ times, literally. I did However pay attention when he was explaining every detail because of course it's not EXPLAINED in the manual. When taking classroom quizzes I missed 2 on general knowledge and none on the other two. STUDY THE HIGHVROAD, YOU WILL BE WAY MORE ADVANCE THEN ANYONE IN YOUR CLASS. Thanks to all that put the high road together, it really was a life saver. Far as practice testing I advise to download CDL Study Buddy app, it's great practice and really helps when you go to DMV for testing. Went home over the weekend (father's day and I surprised my little ladies and the wife when I was sitting on the porch when they came home, had a blast with them this weekend) BTW, to the father's out there, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, little late but there you go :) Before leaving friday we went to DMV and I missed 4 on general knowledge, missed none on air brakes and combinations. Niw the proud owner of a brand new CDL-A Permit :) :) Started backing maneuvers today and doesn't seem to be awfully hard as of yet. Anyways, school can be a little boring, the motel here in Fletcher, N.C. is no where near as bad as I was expecting and so far has been an awesome experience. I will post again as the days go on. Be safe for you already on the road, to the ones getting ready for school, STUDY THE HIGH ROAD, IT'S FREE abd I'm sure with all v the hard work Brett and the otg er s put into it they are glad to know it helos. Take care till I post again.

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Starting school tomorrow




I'm a week ahead of you at Alliance. I think you'll enjoy it. I would advise bringing some fruit, preferably some rotten tomatoes, to deal with Mr. Carpenter's groan-worthy jokes but all the instructors are very good.



That's good to hear, haven't seen much on the school so wasn't sure wgat to expect. I pull in to the school today after checking in but other than the backing yard and cones I was kinda lost on where to go. Seems there are a few other operations going on there as well. Turned around at the guard gate. Hopefully see you around tomorrow.


Just go right past the guard shack (no guard) and take a right to park in front of the building or in front of the fence on the opposite end from the shack. School doesn't start until 7, even for CRE students as far as I know, so if you get there at 6 I don't think anyone will be there but I could be wrong about that. Probably easiest to go through the glass doors in the middle if they are open and then follow the signs to the offices. Or, if somebody is there and going in they can guide you through the maze that you will use to get to the classroom. Yes, there are a few other businesses operating out of that complex.

Thanks for the info. The papers I have say 6-430 mon-sat and possibly some sundays, but that could be because of the shuttle in the mornings, not sure yet. Also noticed my papers saying 5 week course but recruiter and someone that posted on here about the school a few months ago are saying 3 weeks. Guess we will find out :) I have read about alot of this stuff being unorganized to an extent. Just ready to get started. Still have yet to see anyone here at the hotel.

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Starting school tomorrow

I'm a week ahead of you at Alliance. I think you'll enjoy it. I would advise bringing some fruit, preferably some rotten tomatoes, to deal with Mr. Carpenter's groan-worthy jokes but all the instructors are very good.

That's good to hear, haven't seen much on the school so wasn't sure wgat to expect. I pull in to the school today after checking in but other than the backing yard and cones I was kinda lost on where to go. Seems there are a few other operations going on there as well. Turned around at the guard gate. Hopefully see you around tomorrow.

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Starting school tomorrow

Hello to you all, going to start my journey tom and wanted to try to keep a post of how it's going. For starters I am starting tom at Alliance Tractor Trailer Training Center in Fletcher, N.C. I arrived today at the hotel with is being paid for by the company I am sponsored with, hotels not bad at all and seems to be good so far. Aside from the fact I was told by front desk I was the first to arrive, when I got to the room someone obviously left all their stuff here besides clothes, maybe they had more than they could take on the bus, idk. Besides that the room is clean so not sure if housekeeping thought someone was still here. I decided to drive myself here mainly because I will be on a tight budget and couldn't bring too much food if I rode the bus, and it was only 4 1/2 hour drive for me versus bout 12 by bus. I was the first here so haven't meet my roommate yet. School starts at 6 am so the rest of this night will be studying and trying to rest up. The hardest part of course was leaving my BEST half and my beautiful little kad u es but we knew it had to happen and it would be sometime before I return. Anyway I will try to keep you posted on how things are going on a daily basis and as always will be as informative as possible and give my honest opinion of my own experiences. Anyone here ever been to thus school that would like to drop in please do. Kinda nervous but excited and ready to get this going. Thanks fir all the help TT and I'll post back later. Be safe

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Prime is a no go. (for me at least)

Mariah, don't get bummed out. I too was rejected, MANY times. I do know Swift will take references and statements from anyone you are working under the table for (they took mine as I gave been under the table for over three years) Also CR England which is the only one at the time to give me a chance due to some issue 16 years ago with not so much as a traffic violation since then (wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people) I know there are alot of bad things about CR (if you look up ANY company you will find negative comments and the ones on CR seemed to be majority newbie lease purchase which many suggest not doing when starting out anyways) but if that's all I can get to prove myself now I am trying to go all the way with them, when my time is up on the tuition contract then we shall see what happens. But keep in mind, filling out applications is not like a credit app, it's not going to hurt to fill out every last one you can, someone will take the bait, may take some time (and I have done ALOT of running around to court house and everywhere else to get needed documents and has taken over two months) but I am now heading off to school June 14th. I was about to give up as well but keep applying yourself and you will see the bobber blung under water :) GOOD LUCK Get what you can now and prove yourself, then watch many doors open in front of you later.

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