Comments By Jason M. avatar
  • Jason M.
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Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Question about Prime Inc payroll deduction.


Hey all! I've been incommunicado for a while because I in the Prime training program. Got a trifecta on Tuesday, had to do a sleep study Wednesday and then a new physical Thursday. It was too late to update my medical with the DMV on Thursday so I have to wait until Monday. My instructor is helping prep someone for their test at the FM request so I can't talk to him right now. I was just wondering if the payroll deductions for the allowances and TWIC card as well as the CPAP starts during TNT or when I upgrade and go solo. Thanks for the help everyone. Stay safe out there.


They start when you start your TNT training. I did my training through Prime. At least that was the way it was back in 2011, it may have changed since then, but I don't think so.


Thanks Ernie, I appreciate the response. Stay safe out there.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Question about Prime Inc payroll deduction.

Hey all! I've been incommunicado for a while because I in the Prime training program. Got a trifecta on Tuesday, had to do a sleep study Wednesday and then a new physical Thursday. It was too late to update my medical with the DMV on Thursday so I have to wait until Monday. My instructor is helping prep someone for their test at the FM request so I can't talk to him right now. I was just wondering if the payroll deductions for the allowances and TWIC card as well as the CPAP starts during TNT or when I upgrade and go solo. Thanks for the help everyone. Stay safe out there.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Prime LW trucks.

If anyone wants to know more about LW trucks or what they are please check out my thread below.

Inside my LW truck

Thanks Daniel, I've seen your thread and appreciate the descriptions and pics. However, I was just trying to figure out if the LW were used in all divisions or just one.

Erie thanks for the comment and answering my question.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Prime LW trucks.

Hey guys. Just curious as to which divisions can have lightweight trucks. Does Tanker?

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Researched Links on DOT approved/unapproved drugs and meds


Not official DOT list, but very helpful!!!:


One item of particular interest (or concern, depending on the individual) is that any prescribed medication for Depression is not allowed. This was found on the link I quoted above. I know it's not official, but I have read numerous threads that say the same thing. Which is strange, considering the amount of people who take Welbutrin/Bupropion for seasonal depression and cigarette cessation.

Jeez truckers go through more hoops than Doctors and Nurses do. WTF!!!!!!

Pay to get a DOT Physical. The DOT Examiner will be able to tell you if your medications are ok or if they need to be switched. I am Bipolar. I am on Cymbalta, Prozac, and Lamictal. I got a DOT Physical and was cleared, no restrictions because of my meds. I am now leaving on Friday to arrive at Prime on Sunday to start training for my CDL on Monday the 18th! It can be done. Actually asking the professionals that would make the decisions is the best route.

Good luck to you! good-luck.gif

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Who you got?????

It's also basketball playoff time. GO WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smile.gif

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Who you got?????

Its playoff time for hockey that's all I care about now lol

GO DUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smile.gif

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Getting ready to go to Prime HQ in MO for their CDL training.

Have you had a sleep study. Some of the companies are requiring a sleep study for overweight employees? Maybe extra chargers. I use the usb ones and plan on bringing 3 cables and 2 of each wall/car charger those things like to short. If you have room extra underwear is a good idea. You can manage to wear you shirts and pants extra days but not some much on socks and from what I seen its not always easy to get to a wash machine.

Hey Barbara, thanks for the reply. I haven't had one done yet. I will get that done at Prime. They cover that cost and if needed they front the cost of a CPAP and then payroll deduct it. I can't afford to do the sleep study on my own dime. I appreciate the advice. Some extra chargers would probably be smart. As would the socks and underwear. Thanks again! thank-you.gif

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Security Guard VS HoS

Hey all. Just curious. I was reading this thread and someone had asked a question about this and no one answered. Something like "Can you just go off duty when at a shipper/receiver when unloading/loading to preserve your HOS?" Can someone answer that for me? I am new to all of this.

Posted:  9 years, 9 months ago

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Getting ready to go to Prime HQ in MO for their CDL training.

Hey everyone. So i know some of you may have seen another post of mine about a concern regarding to medications. Well, I paid to get a DOT Physical on Wednesday and passed. Got a 2 year certification and my medications are approved. I am going to give my notice to my employer today. My recruiter is going to have me starting orientation on May 18th! WOOHOO! dancing-banana.gif So, now I was just wondering about my packing list.

I plan on packing the following:

Clothes/Sleeping: Shirts – 15 ( 6 short sleeve, 1 polo, 8 undershirts), Pants – 8 (4 jeans, 1 jean shorts, 2 b-ball shorts, 1 night pants), Underwear – 10, Socks – 7 pair, Footwear – 3 (1 work boots, 1 tennis shoes, 1 flip flops), Bedding – 4 (1 travel sheets [similar to sleeping bag but made with thinner sheets], 1 blanket, 2 pillows)

Hygiene products: Toothbrush/toothpaste, Soap/Scrubby, Deodorant, Razors, Towels (2), Laundry Bag

Glasses – 2 (regular and sun), Flashlight (Mag light), Work Gloves (2 pair)

Paperwork: Birth certificate, Social Security card, Voided check for direct deposit, DOT Medical Certification, Dr. Medical release letter approving my medications (saying they wont affect my driving ability)/length of treatment, $150 cash for the fees

Electronics: Laptop (charger, mouse, and batteries), Cell phone (charger – car/wall), PS Vita (and charger/grip/case), Headphones

Medications (Dr. medical release and DOT Medical Certificate), Cymbalta, Prozac, Lamictal

Notebooks, Pens, Envelopes (stamps)

Am I missing anything? Is this too much? Just not sure. Any advice for heading to Prime? I am doing the High Road Training. I can't afford to get my permit before I go embarrassed.gif I am 6'3" tall and am a heavy guy. Do the top bunks in the trucks have a weight limit (I'm 450 embarrassed.gif ). Any advice is welcome. I am really looking forward to this new adventure and beginning my trucking career! smile.gif

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