Profile For Bryon U.

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Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Fed Ex Ground - Contractor or Employee?

Bryon, you say they've offered you a position. There is one question you should ask at this point, and that is, "Will I be receiving a 1099 at the end of the year, or a W-2 form to verify my wages?"

If they say a 1099, then I would be very wary of this offer.

If it's all you can come up with for now, you may just need to take it and re-establish a good safe driving record with them until you can land something better.

If you work for them be sure and save back a handsome fund for taxes - you'll find that you need it.

Old School, Little off topic here. Self-adjusting trailer brake out of adjustment level 1 in Kentucky. Any CSA to driver? Or carrier? Said they got 30 days to fix it and let me go. Thank you.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Fed Ex Ground - Contractor or Employee?

If it is a 1099 position and you take it; be sure to file and pay your quarterly expected income taxes. It makes the year end filing a little bit less of a strain. There IS a reason I am no longer working as a barber. I rather be an employee. Besides as an employee, my employer pays half of my Social Security. I made 3x the money in 1/2 the time a week, but paying my own taxes sucked!!!

Thanks everyone for your input. This place pays with W2. Appreciate you guys.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Fed Ex Ground - Contractor or Employee?

Bryon, you say they've offered you a position. There is one question you should ask at this point, and that is, "Will I be receiving a 1099 at the end of the year, or a W-2 form to verify my wages?"

If they say a 1099, then I would be very wary of this offer.

If it's all you can come up with for now, you may just need to take it and re-establish a good safe driving record with them until you can land something better.

If you work for them be sure and save back a handsome fund for taxes - you'll find that you need it.

I just delved again and just realized that they do advertise medical and dental after 60 days. Is that any indication of being an employee with a W2 and the rest of what we don't want me paying for?

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Fed Ex Ground - Contractor or Employee?

Bryon, you say they've offered you a position. There is one question you should ask at this point, and that is, "Will I be receiving a 1099 at the end of the year, or a W-2 form to verify my wages?"

If they say a 1099, then I would be very wary of this offer.

If it's all you can come up with for now, you may just need to take it and re-establish a good safe driving record with them until you can land something better.

If you work for them be sure and save back a handsome fund for taxes - you'll find that you need it.

This is exactly what I needed to hear from of you. Thank you for getting back to me on this!!

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Fed Ex Ground - Contractor or Employee?

Hey Yawl, I got offered a position pulling team doubles out 5 home 2 with contractor in Salt Lake named D and Z trucking. I've read contractors don't have benefits or pay overtime. Does anyone know anything about this outfit or have any advice or insight in general? Thanks.

Posted:  9 years ago

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Incident With Hydrant

I knocked over a fire hydrant in a tight turn and the police aren't issuing a ticket. Will this go on my DAC and keep me from landing another job? How can I keep it off my DAC? By talking with my DM and volunteering to pay for it? Thanks.

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Western Express

Just a perspective here about Western Express from a recently hired company driver. After flatbed training for 6 weeks I recovered a new truck and have since been on my own for a few weeks. Before applying here I read some good about this company and a lot of bad. I have no complaints at all about these folks. I get all the freight and miles I can legally have. The people are helpful and smart. They say I get paid .36 per mile, but it must be a sliding pay scale because I get a lot more than that and the tarp and stop pay on top of that. I rarely hear from them unless it's about an ETA and usually have a pre-plan load assignment before I get to the first consignee. It could be that I have an effective DM. Anyway thought I'd share this in case some recent grad or anybody else was interested.

Just an update here. They started me at .40 and I was hired out of Florida. With tarp pay and tuition reimbursement it comes to like .44 per mile and a person will be able to run increasingly more miles as they get faster at securing and learning other things.

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Is western express a good company to work for?

Yes, Western Express is a great place to start your trucking career. Any company is a good company if they fit your needs and if you're a safe and reliable driver. We actually have an old man on this forum who works for Western Express. I'm sure he will pop in here as soon as he sees the title. But I did want to mention, we actually have a thread about Western Express that you might be interested in. In it you'll find a ton of information about the company. But in the end, if WE fits your needs then go for it!

Discussion about Western Express

I work at Western and like it a lot

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Western express lease purchase....thoughts???

Just wondering if anybody has heard anything about the W/E lease purchase good or bad. I'm going to orientation Sunday for flatbed ding. Any input would be appreciated.

My old trainer here at Western shared bad info about that particular thing. I like the company though.

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Western Express

Just a perspective here about Western Express from a recently hired company driver. After flatbed training for 6 weeks I recovered a new truck and have since been on my own for a few weeks. Before applying here I read some good about this company and a lot of bad. I have no complaints at all about these folks. I get all the freight and miles I can legally have. The people are helpful and smart. They say I get paid .36 per mile, but it must be a sliding pay scale because I get a lot more than that and the tarp and stop pay on top of that. I rarely hear from them unless it's about an ETA and usually have a pre-plan load assignment before I get to the first consignee. It could be that I have an effective DM. Anyway thought I'd share this in case some recent grad or anybody else was interested.

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