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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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Is TDI in Murfrersboro, TN a good school choice? Also unemployment question
I graduated from TDI and can say they are a good school. Like all the schools it is fast paced so be prepared to study hard and make sure to get time in on the range. They have a night drive up Mt Eagle on US 41 which gets tight but is good experience.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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What do you do when you see a Road Closed sign?
Somebody told me they close the roads in Wyoming just to make money for the truck stops and govt. I have come to believe the same after sitting 3 out of 4 of my last trips through there!
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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Don't accept a load that you can't make within the time they give you. It sounds like the planners are stuck with this load and just want to push it off on somebody else. We have the opportunity to tell them what time we can be there and they might send it back with the adjustment. There is almost no way for a company driver to hit 700 miles a day, it took me every minute of my time and a 15 minute break or two on paper logs to hit 713 and that is doing 67 all day.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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Made the decision to change career path
Star: I am in no way doubting a women's ability to drive or train a person. I have heard many times that there are waiting lists with some company's which only allow females to train with females. If you spend too much time waiting on a trainer after school then you might have to go through it all over again.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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Made the decision to change career path
I don't want to be negative but being a women seems to be more about who can and will train you and what the waiting period is if they only allow same sex trainers. Some will allow you to have a male and if you are requesting a female trainer then you might have to wait.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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I graduated from TDI in Murfreesboro. They had some excellent instructors and even go out for a night ride up and down Mt Eagle. If you are using the resources on here, then you will be way ahead of everybody else.
Posted: 11 years, 11 months ago
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What is " downtime" in a truckers life?
If you know you are running low on hours and are going to sit awhile, it is best to find somewhere that is comfortable to park. Many Casino's have truck parking or truck stops nearby, most anywhere you see a truck stop you find an affordable hotel to relax and get away from things or you can make the mistake of parking at a small truck stop with a garden hose for a shower which also closes at dark. My day today-had to run 400 miles by 7am tomorrow so I now have 15 hours to kill with only 50 miles to the final. I could have gotten closer but I prefer a working toilet and haven't had a burger in a week!
Posted: 11 years, 11 months ago
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PLEASE help drug test question...
It stays in your system for a long time and is a no-no as far as the DOT is concerned. I hope for the best for you guys!!
Posted: 11 years, 11 months ago
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They have many dedicated routes (Wal-mart and others) but am not really sure what is in your area. They fill spots as needed with safe and reliable drivers. One thing that may interest you is the Great Lakes regional-pay is more but the runs are shorter. You would almost be guaranteed to get near home on a weekly basis as it goes north to the border, between the Mtns. east and west and as far south as I-40 basically. Good Luck!
Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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Funny Signs you see on the road
The bus wreck was on I64 in Kentucky. I always laughed at the open joint signs on the bridges in the NE or the no hitch hicker signs!