Posted: 9 years ago
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HireRight Report and 10 year MVR
If you pull it in your home state it will give you your DMV record for that state but will show that you had a lic in other states if it applies.
I just had my trucking school pull mine for Nebraska but it showed I had at one time a Colorado lic. So if I wanted to pull Colorado DMV I would have to get ahold of them. I didn't worry about it because I know my Colorado lic was clean.
Posted: 9 years ago
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HireRight Report and 10 year MVR
You don't need your DL #. Just name, b-date and SS# should be enough. How do you think police look up your record when you "accidently" left it at home? :) :)
Posted: 9 years ago
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How long ago was the charge? And what were you charged with? Failing a drug test isn't a charge.
Failing a drug test makes you untouchable in the trucking industry for 3 to 5 years depending on what company you are looking at. Does not matter if rehab is done. A failed drug test is a failed drug test.
The trucking industry had a such a HUGE drug problem in the 80's and 90's that most companies will not over look the failed test until the time limit they set is up.
Very good to know, thanks for clearing that up for me.
Posted: 9 years ago
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How long ago was the charge? And what were you charged with? Failing a drug test isn't a charge.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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New guy with a couple questions
I figured I would take a pay cut. I also have a concern if I should go to a truck drivers school or take it through the Community college? Does either one have advantageous over the other besides cost?
Driving school 8K. Have evening and weekend classes, 4 months long.
Community college 1600, day classes only M-F, 2 months long.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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New guy with a couple questions
So I have been kicking around the past 6 months to go to trucking school. I think I am finnaly ready to take the plunge. I have read just about everything on this site, all the stickes and links.
I live in Omaha, Ne and figured this area is a good hub. I am divorced and have a 10 year old daughter that I see every other Friday and Sunday.
I have been in my field for 20 years and feel like I am at the top of my profession and I am bored. I am not much a people person and don't really have any close friends. I prefer to spend my time alone with my dog or maybe getting together with a buddy once every other week. I rent an apt and have no problems walking away from it and living on the road but when I do come back home to see my daughter I have my parents house we can stay at.
Pay wise, I make 20/hour and don't see this going up any time soon.
Any advice on companies that are hub here? Besides warner. lol What kind of pay can I expect? I don't mind putting in my lumps for a year to get something with more home time.
thanks Jason
Posted: 9 years ago
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HireRight Report and 10 year MVR
Your making this WAY to hard, just call them Monday morning and get it. If your record is clean in TN why worry about it?