Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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Celadon if no money out of pocket, but you'll have a contract to fulfill to not okay tuition for their training. The training tuition is 7500. I started at 27 cpm which would go up to 33cpm start my contract. The contract options are 240,000 miles as a team driver, or if pulling reefers is fine for you 120,000 miles. If you leave before fulfilling the mileage (Like I did) you'll owe the prorated balance left.
Committing to a company for a year (or whatever the mileage will be going solo; usually 120,000) is not a problem.
I'm pretty much YOURS Celadon...just...waiting for that call. ... ...
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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I am a Grandmother in my '50's and want tips on relieving back pain as I seek to become a Trucker...
What about yoga?
Lots of stretches and core exercises designed to strengthen your muscles and make you more flexible. Also, Tai Chi, if you can jump out and do some maneuvers for 30 minutes or so. Many light forms of Kung Fu are excellent for your body.
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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If I read correctly in your original post, you said you are a veteran? Military VET? Do you have any of your Montgomery or Post 9/11 left? I have more VET advice but just want to confirm before I spew out info for you.
Unfortunately, no. I don't have any remaining educational benefits. However, there is Voc Rehab services that I could work with. I think my concern with that is I'm really chomping at the bit to get started. Based on what I know of this program, it could take until January to be approved for funding...I really don't have that long to wait.
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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All of this is a lot of great advice and pro-tips. I've been working all day on studying for the permit (at least) which seems to be the general consensus. This is a great start.
Also, I think Celadon might be the way I go. Still doing research, though.
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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On Roehl:
I put in the quick app and they said they were not hiring out of my area. So I'm too far away, I guess... :|
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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What do you eat while on the road? Is it possible to pre-pack meals?
What about, occasionally, stopping at a rest stop and whipping out the ye'old and tiny camp stove.
They make this one called Biolite; it runs on wood and comes with lots of nifty attachments. There's a kit out now that comes with the stove, grill attachment and then they have the biokettle which is another awesome addon.
And then, of course, there are the small backpacking stoves but they require screw on isobutane fuels.
Anyway, I'm considering diving into homesteading techniques. Canning, packing my own dehydrated food, etc. Just something to supplement and carrying fruit. My mom was a trucker and refused to eat fast food when she was OTR. Said it made her feel awful for most of the trip.
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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Roehl does not require a cdl they have there own school in Marshfield Wisconsin that's who I got called through and they now pay you while you attend do there school.
I went to school with Roehl last year too. Why did they say you would need your CDL in hand?
I am going to double check this right now. If I don't need my CDL to train with them, I'm going to go for it. This is my favorite company so far.
I have never heard of a 6 month long CDL training? What on earth would you be doing for 6 months? Scam alert
Yeah, this was actually something discussed on another forum I was reading here last week. I had read that some people didn't think that a 4-week course was long enough to get actual hours in the truck. Then I saw that others on this site said that, No, if it's a real school then 4 weeks is enough. So, I got a little turned around on that.
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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Handling your ladies time on the road...
I'm seriously glad you asked this and I am seriously considering the hormonal IUD, but that makes me nervous, seeing as if we are sitting for quite a while.
And this is why I just want to go solo. But if I MUST team up, maybe I'll go for a dude who has sisters or a woman.
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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Why not just go for the CDL-A? Doesn't that cover all vehicle weights and just work on endorsements as you go?
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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What do you eat while on the road? Is it possible to pre-pack meals?
Yeti makes a really nice small cooler but they are REALLY expensive. At least $200 for the 45 size. You still need ice, or at least those reusable freeze cubes. These coolers will keep stuff cold for longer then a week, though.
But I thought some trucks came equipped with the capability to hold one of those tiny little micro fridges. If you get a dorm fridge...? Then again, I imagine a cooler would be easier to lug around. And you can use these Yetis as chairs, so if you do the camp stove thing periodically, you'll have something to set up on. :)