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Posted:  9 years ago

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Roehl Company Sponsored Training

Where did you hear Roehl pays vets more?

I start orientation on Monday and this was never mentioned at all.

False alarm. I thought I read this on their website, but it only pertains to the OJT that you can apply to if you have your GI Bill. I did make sure to ask her this today...

Anyway, the 75K mile contract comes with a "longevity bonus" at about $1500 that you should get within 4 months. If you have other questions about this, I highly suggest you get in touch with someone at the office and I have to note, a commitment like this doesn't seem that bad. I know some people are concerned about contracts, but it makes sense. Why invest in someone if they are just going to ditch in a few months? Of all the starter companies, Rohel is definitely my favorite. Plus big red trucks.

They pay practical miles, not straight line. They have multiple divisions to choose from: flatbed, Dry-Van, Reefer, Tankers and according to the recruiter, they don't seem to have a problem with moving you around. Say, if, you want to do flatbed over the summer and reefer over the winter, they seem cool with that.

Benefits: Blue Cross/Blue shield, retirement plans, increases in pay are 3, 6, and 9 months. They have "golden areas", such as New York and other complicated cities to drive though. They promote (increase in pay) based on performance. They have different on/off day packages to choose from, plus, if you're like me, they also allow you just stay OTR as long as you want. They don't seem to care where you take your resets.

Liberal rider policy (anyone over the age of 10), dog and cat policies, most of their trucks are 2015's or newer. She did say they have some older ones and they do have automatics if that's what you prefer.

I forgot to ask her if they have a policy that say that female trainees must pair up with female trainers or if that doesn't matter. I've noticed some of the companies I've been looking into have that in place.

Anyway, I'm pretty impressed with them...

Posted:  9 years ago

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Roehl Company Sponsored Training

Yes, please post and let me know what they say. I really do like what I see on their website. However the website says 120k miles, so 75k is even better

I know that the 75k is for those with CDL's coming into the company. Pretty much all we need is to do orientation and then get assigned our trainers.

Do you have anything specific you want to know? I'll be sure to add it to the list. They're my first choice and, if we both go with them maybe we'll see each other! :D

Posted:  9 years ago

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Roehl Company Sponsored Training

I also came here looking for information on Roehl.

What's happening?!

Also, I know about the 75Kmile contract. Is that really so bad? I talk to them tomorrow; if I learn anything interesting about them or anything that separates them from the other major carriers, I'll be sure to post it. Also, I know they start veterans out at a higher cpm than other new drivers. That's a plus, right?

Posted:  9 years ago

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Experiences, experiences...

A few useful keywords to help you all get started and so that it's easier to find:

I am going to All-State Career school in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania.

It's important to note that, if you're in PA and plan on getting your CDL, that PA's permit criteria has CHANGED as of December 21st, 2015. When I got mine a couple of weeks ago, I was grandfathered into the old system which rendered my permit valid for ONE year after the issue date and I don't think I would have had to retake any portion of the test, just any that I may have failed. Now, the permits are valid for 6 months and you have to retake all portions of the test, not just the ones you failed. I'm still getting all the details. I will post as I learn them.

As for training: I am actually surprised at the progress I, and my other classmates, have made in such a short time. I am in the PREP class, which is 30 days, (172 hours). We received a week and a half of class time going over: PA's CDL manual (General knowledge, Air Brakes and Combination), the SMITH system, Hours of service, Defensive driving overview, trailer awareness, etc. The rest of the course will be outside learning: Shifting, straight-line backing, offset backing, parallel parking and 90 degree alley dock. We will be tested on the road and skills, after which we will receive our Licenses.

If you intend on going to All-state, you will be required to go to every recruiter presentation (I got a hat from MCT!), but this is a good thing, I think. Make sure you have your questions ready and don't be afraid to ask them questions, even if you think it may be dumb. Someone else may have the same questions.

As for me, our first day in the trucks was on Friday. I did pretty good considering I'd never driven one before..learning how to turn and back with the trailer, I think, will be my biggest challenge but it's only day one so, we'll see.

The companies I have my eyes on are: MCT (Comcar), Steven's and Roehl. All 3 of them seem to be on board with my current life goals and have no problem with the idea of me just staying out as long as I want/need as long as I take my resets when I'm supposed to. They also don't seem to care WHERE I take my reset, which is nice considering I could be x-amount of miles away from Pittsburgh. Me not needing/wanting home time seems to have made me somewhat of a golden child..for the moment. I'll be making my decision this week as for which carrier I'll end up with. On that note, I could always use ideas, but whatever happens, I hope to be in training, hopefully, the second week of January.


Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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I gotta know, current drivers that were prior US Navy????

NMCB 133 right here, yo!

Steelworkers for life!


Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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What did you do before becoming a truck driver?

Sitting around, staring at my wall. Also, I worked at REI.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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So, about that truck driver shortage ...

I can't help but think how real this shortage is everytime I recall back to when I'd drive through numerous truck stops and rest areas that were so packed you could hardly drive around looking for a space, if you even bothered to do so. Overfull truck stops and rest areas usually made me think different.

I'm pretty sure full parking areas can't be used as an accurate assessment of how many drivers there are to goods and services needing to be shipped...

On that note, I am hearing a lot about how some areas (North Carolina jumps to mind) that is making is illegal in some parts of the state for truckers to park or idle...? These efforts were apparently lobbied by small business interests the saying goes "Money talks and BS walks."

Now, as far as what I've been told by a few recruiters at a few of the carriers I've been in talks with, they said that there are drivers, but most of them want to stay in regional or local jobs, so that's become an issue. There was an also an issue (as per a few articles I read at a job fair) where lots of people are apparently applying, but they're not qualified for one reason or another.

I don't know much about the owner-operator side of things or as far as smaller carriers. Maybe our more experienced counterparts could shed some light.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Winter Driving


My mom and grandmother (both truckers) told me to beware of black ice. I don't suppose anyone knows of a way to spot it before it becomes trouble or any particular areas where it is prone to show up.

I understand it's called black ice for a reason but...still. Figured I'd ask.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Naked Trucker Man


You're such a prude, it's so cute. :D

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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I am currently working with an OVR that has approved funding to get my CDL.

A forum post has be wondering about this and I plan on asking carriers the questions as well: Has anyone had trouble finding work because of anti-depressants. In order for me to receive this funding, I have to be receiving treatment...which, at the moment is meds. I would rather not take them but, they want me feeling better, along with getting a new job and move up with my life and all that fun stuff.

Getting a letter from my doctor shouldn't be an issue if this would help me secure a job...does anyone know anything about this?

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