Profile For Adam W.

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Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Does anyone know any grants to go to private trucking schools as it is a trade

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Automatic truck

Is there a trucking company that all automatic and company sponsored

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Need advice

When you say school, are you talking about a private cdl school, company sponsored cdl school and if a company school, which company?

Wil trans

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Need advice

I really want to do this I a slow learner. I went to school this week got let go today. As I wasn't progressing fast enough. But still want to do it I have permit for card basic shifting up n down didn't get to skip shifting so what companies do longer training or all automatics

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Power inveter yes or no more questions

Thank you that was helpful if I have a power inveter can I run either a laptop or ps3

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Help a rookie do and donts

Is driving in the right lane on interstate for safety, rule or law

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Power inveter yes or no more questions

I just curious I close to school so I getting alot questions this is the only place I know to post so thank u Wil, trans has tv installed in there trucks so does that mean I have a power inveter if so could I run these not at same time tho ps3, laptop, griddle, crock pot, Coolers I see it talk about a lot on here about a plug in one keep stuff cold do you have to add ice n if so how often

For people who do the bike or motorcycle how do you take it with u where do you store it

Can I carry a Swiss army knife or small pocket knife. Can you have like kitchen knives In your truck

Beside guns and drugs something you are not allowed in truck ie alcohol or explosives

Was reading the rookie story and wad curious if you are at a shipped and they get you to drop and bobtail it out can you to Walmart get some food something close maybe go to a park to walk

I kinda scared I in good shape nit the best but I work retail for 11 years no long days except Oct and Dec no hard work just standing for 6 to 9 hrs no dealing with the elements but I a hard worker n always willing to learn

What would you say be a average pay for 1 to 3 months 3 to 6 months and 6 to 12 months not looking to get rich just want yo make more than 500 every 2 weeks

Thank you for all the help

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Help a rookie do and donts

Thank you those all help me

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Help a rookie do and donts

What would you say are do and don't of trucking help us rookies it can be for anything trucking related

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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My journey to will trans and questions

i want to say thank you for this site. I not the best sentence writer so please bare with me. When i was a kid my dad was driving I saw my first trucker he honk the horn and my dad told me he get to travel the us. So when i turned 18 i like i want to be a truck driver but i didn't know where to start tried the college and my voc tech but they didn't offer that course. so i took different jobs ice cream shop, kmart, fred's, gas station and finally toys r us.

I started dating this girl and we was in Ga had to get gas and saw all these ads for the school there and companies and it was like that what i wanted to do now i had a start. Came home started looking into the school how much, where i stay etc but then i was trying to figure out what company sound best but found out most wanted a 10 years work history being young didn't have that so i figure i stay at toys r us 10 years. I was driving one day and saw a truck that said drive big trucks so i looked the up, found out they was in milton close to me which was the truck driving institute but knew i had to wait 10 years. One night at toys r us i had a trucker come in me and him started talking he worked for convenant so i was able to ask a lot of questions and he told me about teaming and i knew i didn't want to do that for years. we talked about tdi and he said they get u the basic but they don't tell you everything. you will learn out there. so he help me find this site indirectly cause i left with the i want to know the truth so i came home and looked for the truth about trucking and here i am read for months before i signed up had lot of questions still do.

so my 10 year came up last october. In january i started looking at what i need to do thanks to this site for that found out i needed my permit. So i studied for months went down and they told me i need a dot physical and had to get glasses. Found me a dot doctor got my 2 year card. Went back to dmv took test failed it but knew why didn't think of the pass button and failed the first test so i just give up in a way but i went home studied more found a app call dmw genie which help so much was the same questions as the actually test. I went back and passed but it was a blessing in disguise as there was a guy who also failed give him this website and dmv genie so maybe i was suppose to help him as i knew the info. So i started looking into companies i remember talking to a trucker years ago about schneider. I gave them a call and got a prehire. I Drove in the middle of the night to find the truck driving institute school.

I went the following monday did the background check and filed paper work. I went back the following week dont remember why but they told me i passed the background check but since my credit was bad i either need to find a cosigner or come up with 5000 and when i could get either. I came back to this website and started over looking at company sponsored and what i needed. i knew i need a passenger, no team, no forced dispatch, and started looking into another company i looked into roehl but they not hire from my area and knight only hire from az so i started reading jim palmers review and they had all that and was a smaller company that was more hands on and longer training and i feel the first year i needed that i don't think i could learn enough in 3 weeks or a month.I put my app in that weekend and they called monday. they told me they only bring in 5 at a time which i really liked. i did a phone interview that week basic why do you want to be a trucker are you ok with being 3 to 4 weeks away from home I passed that so she sent me to the next person to interview the next week. which some of the questions was how do you feel about traffic and weather. why will trans I passed that so the following week the dot lady called basically the questions on the dot do u have a heart problem drug problem can you pass a drug test physical test etc after i passed that.

I got a email that i was good to go for oct 10. so here is my question they are not a school so i won't get the 160 hour certificate but i will get my cdl and over a year of experience. but say after a year i decided to go to another company for whatever reason how hard will it be to get a job without the certificate or should i save up go to a trucking school to get the certificate to have.

if anyone has jim palmer, will trans or os trucking questions ask me i try to answer than or i ask my recruiter

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