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Preparing For School
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Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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@Troubador222 Great info. CRST was my choice too. Hoping to be heading to school soon. I've seen lots of negative info about the pay scale, but it didn't bother me. The CSA rating was worrisome, so I'm happy to hear about the new changes within the safety department that have already been implemented. Hopefully, I'll be one of the drivers that helps to improve that rating once I get out there.
Thanks also for the heads-up about the trailer tire issues. It's one of the things I've learned about through Brett's High Road course that looked to be one of the most vulnerable areas of the vehicle.
Singing your praises Brett for this wonderful site you have created for those of us that are just getting started in the industry. Lots of gratitude for the experienced drivers that share the wealth of their hard-earned wisdom.
Posted: 11 years, 8 months ago
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Start to Finish so-to-speak :)
Whew. Passed the exam yesterday The lady at the exam site got a little nervous when I told her I wanted to take multiple tests all at once. Then she was shocked when I came back within about 30 minutes and told her I was done and that I had passed them. She said they had only had one other person to do that within about 5 years. Thank you Brett I studied the High Road course over and over. There were some specific questions about railroad crossings on a dirt road that I hadn't encountered, but I made good guesses. Your course is top notch in my book! Hoping to begin practical training within 2 weeks. Packing time for now. Anybody have a good brand recommendation and where-to-buy info for some of that dry shampoo?
Posted: 11 years, 7 months ago
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High Road Training Program
@Andrew, Because everyone has a different style of learning, the way a person studies will differ, too. With the no-advance-until-mastered safety embedded within the program, if you can make it through at least once without getting halted you should do fine.
Here's what I did:
I started about 6 months ago while I was working another job. Once the job was over and I had my time free I buckled down and spent full 9 hour work days on the program. It took about a week to finish out the program on the first run and I was halted about 4 times. Side-note -- I've never been up close and personal with a CMV. This was/is all new to me. So I used google images... ALOT! I also asked questions on the forum here. The Experienced Drivers here are really nice. One of them even posted an image for me when I couldn't find a good one! A recommendation was provided to head down to my local truckstop, too. I thought that was a wonderful idea, until I discovered my 'local' truckstop was about 30 miles away. So I saved on gas and kept googling whatever extra info I felt would help me understand, including the DOT.gov site AND a firefighter training site pertaining to HAZMAT loads. The second week I reset and ran the program again. This took about 3 days and I was only halted once. Then I began running only the sections I would encounter on the CDL exam. I reset, ran through the questions without reading the material except for when I didn't know the answer. I did this process until I could run through the chosen sections consecutively without getting halted and without having to check for an answer. That process took about 3 days. I still missed some answers, but I didn't get halted. Then I took the exam with all the tests (General knowledge, Air brakes, Combinations, Tankers) in one shot. After the grueling study sessions I ran myself through, the exam itself was a breeze